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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. Hey!!! If it's gonna rain you're still going to get ice cream?? And I'm NOT going to the damn lucky bar EVER again!!! Well maybe next year!!! But once a year is plenty good.
  2. No D:Fuse for a while??? I don't think I can put that many mad faces in a post!!!!!
  3. Holy Hell I finally get to post!!!!!! From home no less........... Spanktinis??? Oh, spankings from malanee AND nourishment???? Yeah I'm up for that!!!! Can we include a sauvee88 sandwich with that???
  4. Ha HA.... oooopss Amendment to the previous post..... SCREW YOU ROO!!!!! No one should be allowed to leave that early!!! Nourishment - yea I guess I was kinda using your thread for my own selfish purpose.... what I couldn't tell you, but sorry..... I didn't mean too...... please forgive me......
  5. Damn it!!!! I'm still in NYC waiting for a coworker to get out of a meeting that should have ended 40 mins ago so I can get a cab and go the hell home!!!! Damn doesn't she know I have hockey playoffs to watch tonight.... some people are SO insensitive!!!!! Hey Nourishment!!!
  6. What malanee said..... Buster Friday night!! Modern is really cool. Like I keep telling people, someone... ANYONE.... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!! come with me to Modern!!! It is really chilled out and relaxed. I beleive Buster starts out with some really jazzy stuff, down tempo and then progressively gets more ..... progressive, depends on who is in the joint though. They have an excellent selection of liquor and champagne also. Someone want to go on Sunday then talk to me again on Friday and I'll tell you if I'm going. Most likely yes, since I've slacked the last couple times.
  7. Me!!! Me!!!!! Me!!!!!! Pehaps I can convince tini to bring a bunch of her friends after happy hour!!! Is there a dress code??
  8. That pic RULES!!!! I think we should print it out and hand it out after the next Buzz night!!!!!
  9. I don't work in Silver Spring.... I LIVE there, so I'm not getting home till like 7 anyways, so how am I going to make it?? And I already said I couldn't.... Hey I could have made it if I didn't have to stay here and do work forever, but shit happens.... deal with it Now both of you - Zag's and Roo quite your bi'atchin and enjoy the warm day and a good dinner. Feel for those of us that CAN'T make it there cause damn it we would like to but not possible.... get IT!! I would def. rather have dinner with y'all than work and do laundry and run some freakin errands!!! Like I said let's shoot for another meetup somewhere in DC around 7:30 - 8 next week. That way those of us that couldn't make it this week can make the next one. Enjoy yourselves!!
  10. Screw you!!! What you can be nice to the girls, but not to us guys?? Huh?? Double standard no good........... No seriously if Vic isn't coming cause he's in Silver Spring, then how am I supposed to make it if I'm going to be here late, go home to Silver Spring, change, get in my car and drive somewhere I've never been??? So yeah, you should have thought about us idiots that LIVE in MD. Perhaps next time you'll realize that the world doesn't revolve around VA...........
  11. What part of I can't make it did you miss in my email?? I've got way too much freakin work to do.... I may be here really late this evening, hell I shouldn't be posting!! It's a great idea and all, but this is not going to work out this week. Next time I'll try my hardest to make it!! Sorry guys, and girlies...
  12. Uhh..... blindness from staring at the monitor too much...... calluses from typing too much and a messed up right arm from moving that damn mouse!!!! Cheers!!
  13. We got there around11:45 - midnight. We thought they were going until atleast 4..... oh well. Sat. We were like one of the first hundred people in, so..... we could afford to miss a little....
  14. Sat night he spun for like an hour and a half.... good warmup but the base was too loud, Digweed got on corrected it and the evening flew from there. Last night??? dunno I got there and diggers was on the decks....
  15. I'm up!! How about a little respect fot the people that hit SnD up two nights in a row?? Are you kidding me...... I would have never made it in to work today. Thus the day off!!! Yep, was nice to see a bunch of cpers!!! Even Egg made it out!!! The sounds system was SO nice...... I was expecting my ears to be ringing all morning but they are perfectly fine!!! Guess that's what happens when you spend money on a good sound system!!! Since most of you were at buzz last night I'm not going to bore you with a perscpective on that, but World........ yes there were a bunch of pretty people standing around staring at the dj booth. The dance floor was really small, around the size of the front room dance floor at buzz - pretty close anyways, maybe a little bigger but not much. They had some crazy tvs all over the place, I mean everywhere you went you could watch them on a tv....... Guess that's what you get from playing in the WWF zone... But their set up NYC was much more tribal. They played abunch of the same tracks, but last night was little more trance - IMO. They got to play like one song for the encore and then the owner of the place kicked everyone out. Never having seen them before I really enjoyed both nights, no it wasn't mind blowing - but it was the best spinning and mixing, etc, I've heard so....... Two thumbs up both nights for me
  16. Now just a minute!!! I may be a princess but I'm not a FAIRY princess!!! I'll take all the ribbing you can give me but fairy..... no thanks... Yeah I guess I do kinda fall into the number one spot, among the doods anyways.......
  17. Nourishment started her first thread!!!!!!!!!
  18. Ok, gotta stick up for my brother/princess..... So he busted on your sig... dang man you like went from a small time thing to pulling out a conversation with the signigficant other?? That is like so jumping the gun on drama and shit that it's just wrong. I mean he better have done something REALLY bad to deserve that comment... and I don't think busting on your sig was THAT bad. IMO I guess with age you learn the subtlties of arguing.... Yeah, I'm bored
  19. I'm here, sort of. I've got work to do and I'm trying to figure out tonight and this weekend...... huuu people can't get their shit together. SO nourishement does this mean you're coming on Sunday!!!!!
  20. Ummm, IF we get back in enough time and I have enough time to shower - cleanup and eat something I'm there!!! If not.... I guess I'll see you all at the club, but I think raver can drive fast enough to get us back. WE're planning on a departure time of 3 on Sunday from NYC. Hey Raver!!!! We ARE hitting up a Wawa this time!!!!! I need my Wawa.........
  21. Hell yeah that freakin burrito cart blew me up like a damn baloon!!!! Malanee, crank and tini will be joining me soon in the land of FAT!! Don't you worry though - we'll put up a pic of vic!!! Cable modem and payback is a bitch brother!! jk. Honestly where the hell do you find these things!!!
  22. Oh man - that F-50 is SOOOO fine!!!! But I would have to still go with the Tessarossa convertible. I beleive there are 4 in existence. Other good cars are the Porsche 911 Turbo, I don't like the Diablo - they're neat looking but would rather have a Ferrari. Also how about an original Cobra?? Sweet cars!!!
  23. Hey Mills, we're trying to set something up with him and a bunch of people on Friday for drinks and such. But I'll see him on Sat. fo sure since I'm going to SnD. SO Either I, or Krish, or Brian, or Pete, or whoever could get it from him. Why aren't you coming??
  24. You're going to go Sunday and your ass off..... and you're gonna like it. Did that work?? whole Jedi thing........
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