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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. Y'all make the decision for a preparty or what not. My plans for the weekend: Fri: Somewhere in Adams Morgan - slow night...... although 1223 sounds pretty good - who's playing early?? Sat: NYC World - for SnD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sun: Buzz for SnD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mon: figure out where SnD are going next and follow Tues: repeat Monday...... I think y'all get the idea
  2. I have the song on my hardrive in DC oh and you can get the whole intro in real player..... got bored one day and went searching for 80's tv shows..... was another thread y'all started...... Man, I'm going to have to dig REAL deep - nourishment is coming up with some REAL goodies...... Notice the lack of participation from the 19 year olds!!!!!!! Fraggle rock.... the HBO series!!
  3. Oh how about night tv?? Like Battlestar Galactica?? The Greatest American Hero?? Dukes of Hazzard?? Airwolf?? A-Team?? Should we just start a thread remembering the 80's??? Of course that would leave a couple of cpers *cough* scratch..... that we too young to remember all this fun stuff....... OK back to work.......
  4. OK quickly I'll add more later. Some you missed - but may have covered since I can't seem to see all of Elly's postings Mork and Mindy!!! Na noo Na noo Silverhawks Space Ace Dungeons and Dragons - hey the cartoon was Awesome!!! A whole bunch of the ones you can checkout on Cartoon network Pink Panther - yes it was a cartoon!! Mighty Mouse Shazam - not the Shaq bullshit thing!! Spiderman and his Amazing Friends Just so you all know - the complete 1st season of the Transformers is coming out on DVD soon - check it out on Amazon...... I know I'm a dork - Hey brings back memories!!!!
  5. Yup....... hey!! You've met me like 3 times!!! How can you come to that conclusion?? Now malanee........... she should know better!!!! I like cartoons - so kill me!!! And actually if you're in the mood for a good quick read you should check out "The Tao of Pooh" - puts a good perspective on life.
  6. Are you kidding?? Everyone... well most people are going and we're trying to get people from NYC to come down... should be a good time!!! THIS is also ONE of those nights!!!!! Just wish Danny could play from 12 till 6!!!! His marathon sets RULE!!! This better be wrong. I took off Monday to stay up all night!!! I'll be really upset if they only spin for 4 hours. They are taking Friday off after all!!!! And if I can do Sat AND Sun, then so can they!!!
  7. TTFN!!! Heeheheheheheheeeehheeehehhheheheheeeee Oh man I've totally lost it........... all day fighting with hardware and software..........
  8. Yeah sure when ever - but I guess you'll have to come over or something.... Nah, perhaps I'll do it tonight... which one would you like, I've got a bunch of them. Remember they're for "trial" only
  9. Was listening to Tchacovsky 1812 Overture Now listening to Classic Yo-Yo Will listen to who knows what, but after lunch it will def. be something to groove to!!!
  10. Bugger OFF!!!!!! Vic your job is to find good places to eat in Silver Spring, cause I live there and I don't eat out there and have no idea where to go. Mc D's will not work!!!!! I hate fast food!!! For those of you that can make the lunch how about Thursday?? Burrito cart if it's nice out if not?? Wanna try Malaysian Kopitiam?? Malanee, raver and I eat there all the time..... much better service than Penang - for instance the meal isn't 1.5 - 2 hours long and the hardly ever run out of stuff. And the Roti is good!!!
  11. crank knows the whole long story of this cart, but it's on 15th and something. The burrito is fantastic!!! But the line is a little long and since it's a cart you have to eat in the park or something. But I'm up for it!!! When do you wanna go crank??
  12. Now that is def. soft on the eyes!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!! You better or I'm not going to lunch again with you..... I don't care where it is!!!!! Stinky!!!!! Actually guys.... for those of you that know malanee and her typical work clothes, she's all dressed up today!!!!! Looking mighty fine!!! So I guess that makes up for the not showering part......... almost....
  13. WHAT!!!!! You mean I'm paying $40 to see them on a substandard sound system!!!!!!! Screw that... I'm going to Lodon!! jk. No really though I didn't go to Buzz this weekend y'all did, did they fix that speaker or not?? Cause it really sounds bad!!! I'd like them to fix it by Sunday, or at the very least for Danny H.
  14. Penang, but the service sucks so we can't go there any more malanee wont go!! Cafe Asia. Oodles Noddles isn't worth it I don't think. Malaysian Kopitiam, next to Camelot is really good. I eat out every day so I go all over the place. There used to be a viet place next to Office Depot, but it's closed this week for renovation. There are some good indian places around here too, some good sushi places. That little italian place next to Cafe Asia and Oodles of Noodles is really good too. Yes the Greek place it excellent - soup are good too and so are the slalds. And yes the guy does remind you of the soup nazi - always yelling at people. And the line to that place is only going to get longer as it gets warmer out until like half way through June, when people go on vacation. Oh, Miewah for Chinese.... really good!! Burrito Cart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. DAMN STRAIGHT!!!!! VIC get the RULE BOOK out!!!!!!
  16. Any day but Wed. Wed. I'm in NYC. So y'all decide and I'll show up, I trust malanee to make a good decision. Ummmmm on second thought....... that may not be a good idea
  17. I work in the Bank of America building 18th and K L side of the building above the Border's. Hope you like all sorts of food for lunch, cause malanee hates sandwiches. We eat a lot of Asian food for lunch. Maybe some other time this week we could all meet up. Raver also works around here.
  18. It's a combination of a bunch of things. The server I'm on sucks!!! It's like from the fucking 80's!! There is about 200MB left on the server..... not much room, the connections here suck!!! We have to connect through Philly from here!!!! Our office is a piece of shit!!! I've been trying for months now to get anyone to listen to me, so I'm waiting for the server to crash and then they'll have to get us a new one and perhaps upgrade us, since we have some more higherups people in here now!!! But yes everynow and then the board will freeze, I've noticed - overload of people posting and stuff and you'll have to hit refresh, but if I do that I double post and then you and Shady will get on my ass about padding posts, which doesn't really make sense cause I have no idea how many I have right now, nor do I care!!! Oh, one more thing, I like Elly's new Sig!!!!
  19. Maybe, but I've never seen them and you KNOW they're going to be excited to play in NYC again. Some things you just have to do. DO you think Buzz is going to let them use the phazon?? I was wondering this...... cause unless they fixed that speaker that CC blew out I'm def. VERY happy I'm seeing them on Sat.
  20. I hate this fucking board!!!!! I had a really long and nice message to freakin post and it froze!!!!! I am not happy with this thing shutting down and not working!!! Anywhoo.... Millie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When do you get in?? Should we have dinner some night?? WHo you staying with in NYC?? It'll be SO much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! And YES vic we are stalkers.... sort of..... actually I really just want to hear them, this'll be my first time!!!!
  21. And THIS sort of SHIT is exactly WHY we have hackers!!! I'm gonna hire someone to screw up their system!!!! Why can't people respect other peoples privacy and shit..... if I wanted my computer to be abused by some corporation I would freakin work from home!!!!!! My resources are MY resources..... new mission in life...... hack away companies that do stupid shit like that!!!!! Thanks for the info though!!!
  22. I agree crank Malanee better get her ass in the shower before lunch!!!!!
  23. OK someone may have asked this before, but I'm too lazy to go back and find the thread. What are some good site to download music, stuff like KissFM sets, live sets from various places, etc. Reason I'm asking is I just got a 60GB harddrive and CD burner and have cable modem and want some decent music. I buy CD's like every week, but I love live sets too!!!! I know you all use audiogalaxy, is it good? What about Winmx?? I really don't want to surn my home computer into a part of a server like napster and stuff... don't want someone else pulling on my download speed, I hate sharing bandwidth with people!!! SO let me know!!
  24. EWWWWWW now I'm def. not going to lunch with you!!!! jk
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