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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. Oh. Well I haven't been up there on a weekend for a while - not since DJ Yannis spun on a Friday like 3 months ago. But it sounds like with the corporate sponsors and everything and the cigar storage place and everything that you can get some suit and stuff. But I think for the good dj's you'll get a better crowd - younger crowd and people that WANT to listen to the music and not just be seen. But I guess you'll have to put up with the elder people in any place.... hell I've seen some REALLY old people on the main floor at Buzz before and the first couple of times it's freaked me out and then you get used to it and don't pay any attention to it.
  2. Oh. Well I haven't been up there on a weekend for a while - not since DJ Yannis spun on a Friday like 3 months ago. But it sounds like with the corporate sponsors and everything and the cigar storage place and everything that you can get some suit and stuff. But I think for the good dj's you'll get a better crowd - younger crowd and people that WANT to listen to the music and not just be seen. But I guess you'll have to put up with the elder people in any place.... hell I've seen some REALLY old people on the main floor at Buzz before and the first couple of times it's freaked me out and then you get used to it and don't pay any attention to it.
  3. See I knew you couldn't resist......... but now I have something to watch..... atleast I know it was Beckham..... and a penalty!!! - indirect right?? I heard Owens had a good game too. Yeah I know - premiere league junkie!!! Hey!!!! I like the English squad - just think they don't have enough to win this year. But then again - no one has really looked good..... so it's pretty wide open right now.
  4. Nope I'm from DC - but in Silver Spring which is relatively close to B'more - especially if you leave rubber 95 getting there. Made it to Pimlico in 20 mins before - the long way....... By "relaxed" crowd you're referring to dressed down in clubbing gear or just more jeans and such?? Personally every now and then I like to get nice and dressed up to go out..... then again I don't have to wear platforms or heels or anything like that, so........ And I kind of like the attitude that can acompany dressier places..... y'know??? I like going to warehouses but sometimes a change in pace is really what I need. And so long as it's like comfortable dress then that cool, like if someone wants to wear jeans or whatever and make it "look" good then that's cool, but please no like ripped this, and I think Trust isn't the place for a million people to wear the jumpsuit clothes and stuff like that - that's more Warehouse.... Ya get what I mean - I think that is what is alluring about Trust for me......
  5. Well I was supposed to go, but couldn't get up there. You see, I have valet parking in my apartment and well the person who owns the car in front of mine happened to only leave his/her ignition key and not the door key, so when the attendant locked the door that was it. Needless to say I couldn't get out and everyone had left already. To make it worse it was some POS 1980's rusted out Ford!!!!!! I just wanted to turn it over and over and kick the crap out of it!!!! And if it isn't moved by this evening, I'm calling the cops on his/her dumb ass!!! However I understand that D:Fuse played an excellent set - from what I'm heard from people that made it there. Wish I could have gone. Trust is an excellent club.
  6. Picking lettuce??? That's it.... I'm gonna launch a rocket from my 10th story apartment at your dumb ass house and..... and....... that wasn't funny.......... I was going to do a lot of work today that didn't require the computer.... and stay off the news pages, etc. I had it all planned out...... was going to work too....... But I still don't know who scored it just when cause someone here at work told me...... guy comes in once in a blue moon and tells me when it was scored - luckly not by who - but I'm sure you two will manage to tell me.
  7. Me too!!!! Vic why don't you post some pics - you know you have a bunch of them!!! Roo - couldn't you like stick around and then like burn rubber down there??? Or are you getting..............
  8. I taped the England game and I was going to be very good about trying not to find out who won and watch it tonight before revaluation and then I get this instant message on my phone from yahoo news group - fuckers sent me the damn score!!!!!!
  9. OH *smacks head against wall*........*repeatedly*...... I thought ya'll were picking her up at DCA and THEN driving up..... you wouldn't have made it till much later then...... ok cool I have a better idea of what time you're gettin there
  10. OK - so I know malanee, tini and crank are going - naut and the bald jap kid are coming - so what time are you two going to be there?? Since I'm coming seperate from the large group of shorties I was wondering what time y'all are gonna be there so I could meet up - not like we need a meetup place ,since it's not all THAT large a place.......
  11. Yes, yes, yes Vic - that's why I'm saying get there early.... remember I was in line from 11:30 till 2:30 and missed all of Henry, and it was SO crowded in there that CC was worthless to me cause I was having such a bad time. That's why this time I would like to make sure I have a good one - it IS Danny Howells afterall!!!! Oh yeah and that other guy..... Danny something??? Ok, nourish....... you bring the smokes and I'll bring a flask and some brown bags and and some good scotch - although it will look like we're drinking the crappy stuff!!! Perhaps some tequila???
  12. *grabs tiara and runs for Jroo's car* cause we all know it doesn't go slower than 120......... and heads for the hills - cause damn it I'll be able to see you and your monster bigwheel coming for miles!!! It's prolly got barbie stickers all over it..... and hot pink too!!!! With flashy rimms.........
  13. Can you see over the steering wheel??? I can just see two little eyes staring through the steering wheel in between the top of the wheel and the dashboard!!!!
  14. Um that was my point - everyone heard about it - so I'll get there early - and I was freakin kiddin...... boy - sheesh - some people can't get sarcasm............. Hey nourishment...... I'll bring the tent!!!!
  15. NO...... Who invited YOU anyways!!!!
  16. Alright!!!! Think he can keep to it?? One problem though.... people are going to hear about this and especially about the old Twilo Phazon system and I'm sure the line to get in is going to be LONG!!!! However I'm now SUPER excited to be going.... would be nice if they would sell tix before hand... but then I guess they couldn't kick people out - that were "undesirable". I just hope that the people that WANT to hear the music can get in and hear it.... so who wants to line up an hour in advance with me????
  17. I never said he was elite. Zidane IS a much better player, but you've got to like the guy..... something about him.... well actually you either love him or hate him - and if you don't like Man. U. then I guess you hate him...... your loss. He was masterfull with his feet though - some of his later matches with Man U are SO damn exciting to watch.... very creative/lucky - but that made it fun to watch. Like watching Beckham on a penalty kick or a corner kick - how much is that ball going to curl and where is he going to put it??? Truely a wonderous thing to watch!!! Sometimes the elite players are not always the most enjoyable to watch - sometimes they are - but someone that can raise their level of play and put on a good show and really come out of no where with something crazy...... that's what makes you keep watching. IMO
  18. I see a pattern here.... aren't they all defenders??? The worst was that damn defender - Alexi Lalas (sp?)...... chicken shit, horrible player!!!! I used to live overseas and got to watch numerous friendlies between the US and whoever...... I've never seen someone look so pathetic in my life!!!!!! Half the time it was as if he wasn't even on the pitch!!! The other half.... well his body was in the way - sometimes....... so that at least was a small contribution to the cause...... I think it is highly possible for them to get another point. US v Korea is a very important game and then Korea v Port another.... but hoping they make it!!!!! As a side, another favorite moment of this cup is the commercials... especially the Nike one with Eric Cantona!!!! Le Roi RULES!!!!! (Eric the KING)
  19. Oh GOD!!!! spelling...........................
  20. Hey I was talking about the Portugese and the chants apparently the US croud was chanting...... make no mistake... I want the US to win and win big - any way they can. They finally got rid of some of those useless/gutless players they had from the past..... so now they're good - and fun to watch!!! Sorry if you misinterpreted my statement. GO USA!!!!
  21. Nope only at 3.... which is annoying cause I would really like to see it now!!!! And a fluke Scratch????? More likely they didn't really beleive that group of underdogs could put up much of a fight. Figured it would be a cake walk and got spanked in the process..... wonder if it's like the England game..... one team looked good then the other one right??? But I'm assuming Port. had plenty of chances to get back in it and just messed it up..... OVER RATED!!!!!!!!!
  22. Are you kidding me???? Pass up a weekend with "the group package"???? That was a horrible pick up line!!!! Danny Howells here I come!!!!!
  23. Hey I thought I was driving???
  24. When's it come out??? CRS.......
  25. Going to try this again, seeing as how cp loves to play with me when I'm not in DC....... I'm going!!! It's Brian and Rick - and it's FREE!!!!!! Sounds good to me!! Prog house!!!
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