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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. what....... tbf - you weren't kiddin????
  2. I'd vote yours - you have the speakers and the cool colors on your decks.... AND the dancing string of lights...... BUT.... B may have more room..... AND he's lazy.... AND.... oh never mind...
  3. There it is - our government hard at work....... I'm bored..... I yelled at a Sprint person over a call I made.... then got upset, giddy figured it all out, and now I'm continuing to post for the first time in forever here at work..... So to answer the original question YEP.... people are just as bored as you.
  4. Holy hell - mistery solved - thanks giddy!!! Wow - let this be a lesson to those that want to install there own ATI graphics cards.... don't call the damn company!!! Damn I did make that call.... guess I have to pay it - So the $100 I got off the video card turn out to be like $30 Day got a little better.... but STILL!! Ontario....
  5. Sunny sky, cool temp, NYC looks good, it's Friday, no boss, meetings up with some friends I haven't seen in a while........ THEN I opened my bills..... Does anyone know who this number belongs to 905 882 2626..... Cause I sure as hell don't!! It's somewhere in the middle of Canada, Ontario to be exact - Thornhill..... I don't think I could locate Ontario on a MAP if I had to.... Canada is that thing above the US where they speak some english and french..... play hockey and have good beer.... But as far as talking to some idiot on Labor day for 40 minutes..... HELL NO!! $62 worth of a phone call I didn't make - I don't even think I was in the apartment that day - I think I was in b'more!!! Of course the wonderfull phone company - not to be named - SPRINT will not dispute any international call over a minute - so what the hell it the point of calling to dispute?? Freakin jerks - I'm going to cancel Sprint switch to someone else - like AT&T - there atleast you KNOW you're going to get screwed..... But on a better note.... go see Reval play tonight!!! oh yeah.... hey people....
  6. tini is at home because of those morons??? That's BS - I'm sitting here looking at her freakin building and there isn't SHIT going on, never was.... everything is happening around K Street which is on the OTHER side of the building.... Oh, well......
  7. What ever will Malanee do???????
  8. Can't you just see tini saying "Well then I'll see you in hell!" and spurring Candeo on??
  9. Um.... like put my name down and stuff......
  10. If Buster gets on at 11 I think I'll show - otherwise - I'm too wiped out from everything this week to last from his normal 11:30 time slot... So if and when Buster checks this thread - seeing as how the he IS in class and stuff - maybe he'll respond.
  11. Damn.... I got through one of those tins in like 2 months STILL!!!! LOVE Strawberry Quik!!!! Gobots???
  12. Atari - Colecovision Those red rubber balls with the plastic rimms that were like pogo sticks..... maybe some of you remember The REALLY large inflatable balloons that were impossible to break and you could bounce on plastic guns that sparked when you pulled the trigger ...... I can keep going.....
  13. Set times??? Major determining factor, since I can't spend all night there while I get ready to pack and such....
  14. sauvee88

    DJ Millie?

    Buster... Daesin... AND DJ Mills??? Oh happy DAY!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce:
  15. 20 million Dollars - US....... that's what he was supposed to have his sponsors pay and that is what the other guy who went up paid.
  16. Only if you promise to show me all those young girls you seem to attract!!! Oh and you and malanee are NOT allowed to come and stay when I move.
  17. No - I'll buy a kick ass set of speakers and everything - but having to buy records and such - that's like worse than crack!!! I buy enough CD's as it is..... I'll listen to y'all - but I'm not spinning!!
  18. Happy Birthday!!!! :bounce: You can do this to be closely followed by And to finish the night off... oh - wait... not going there.... Anyways happy birthday!!!
  19. Kuro - SO, so, SO sorry I missed your set..... But on the brightside I think I may have found an apartment in the city..... got in a little late Saturday - missed almost all of Vic's pre thingie and crashed out early - I wore myself a little thin the last two weeks.... have to set aside time for the next time you spin - glad to hear you did excellent!! Keep it going!!!
  20. Would if I could... but I'm like not in DC right now... sorry Buster... may have to wait till next Thursday... Oh - wait I'll be at Gua Rapo though on Sat.!!!! Sorry Kuro - getting in late Sat.... won't be able to see you unless you're really late in the evening.
  21. If at first you don't succeed try, try again right?? flavored tobacco?? What kinda flavors??? And that laser kicks ASS!!!
  22. Didn't we do this one once before?? Come to think of it.... oh - never mind.... I aint putting my score up..... unless shady put his back up..... he and I had the highest last time I beleive. ......not that that is anything to brag about..... now that I think about it - that's pretty sad!!!! damn 5yr plans!!!
  23. :bounce: :bounce: Congrats!!!!!!
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