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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. Vic - at $50 a tik I got in a whole 2 beers and redbull vodka - then water, also wanted to REMEMBER the music this weekend. Well I was a little bit peeved at spending so much to see like one man and knowing that the place was going to be SO damn packed. Got there early and listened to Luis Diaz..... who took the idea of warming up and ran with it..... was really mellow.... I couldn't tell if he was good or not - but he did have the train wreck of the evening - PvD got on a little early - like a whole 15 minutes.... but you could tell he was on cause the place exploded and the music instantly picked up and people were bouncing like crazy. I started working my way towards the middle of the dance floor and after like 30 minutes I called tini and just held on to the phone in the sea of people. It was rather funnny watching people look at me strange cause I was dancing with a phone..... this makes drinking water and smoking at the same time a challange. But is was SO much fun.... eventually I had to get off the floor.... drenched in sweat cause if there were fans there - they weren't soing a damn thing there were so many people. PvD made a fan out of me last night... I'd go and see him again...... of course next time it would be nice to have anyone to go with.... ran into someone I know around 4 or so.... incredible night - Go and see him at Glow...... Oh and for you trance haters..... he played neither prog, nor trance, nor house, nor break beats, nor anything else you could try and classify his music into..... he played as one person said last night "PvD" and that's what it was..... Last night he reminded me of Mr. Howells, which I'll get shit for later, but he really jumped around - there was a wide range and mix in his music - if Glow is $30 and under I suggest everyone go. Oh and tini - I guess I did sort of have someone with me for a good half hour last night.... albeit you were in TX!!!
  2. PvD punk........ oh wait - wrong board Of course the jury isn't out yet on whether or not this man is worth $50 or not - I better be blown away - or never again!
  3. Shut it!!!! Old Raver... decrepit, cane using going to get wrestle mania'd next time his ass shows up..... person!! cOOkie...... I'd visit certain places and do like a lunch or dinner around some others. Like the Tower and Arc you could do dinner around - and the Latin Quarter dinner. Lunch at Versaille one day. Really if you plan it out right everything should go smoothly... Versaille is great for the simple size of the place!!! However if you walk basically through the garden in the back you eventually run into the Queens like play place.... sort of a little town with in the Versaille grounds - rather interesting - but could be skipped. Public Transportation in Paris rules - it's one of the best on the planet - if not on strike, if it's on strike then you're totally screwed and your vacation is otherwise ruined.... lovely socialism..... Whatever you do though you'll love it there.... nice place, so long as you keep the interaction with the locals to a minimum - these ARE the french people you hear about, damnable Parisiennes.
  4. Oh THANK GOD!!!!!! Does this mean a change in his posting habits............ Does this mean no more double posts......... Does this mean no more Vic at anytime of the morning posts........ Highly doubtfull. Tune in each and every day - same bat time, same bat channel as Vic goes for 100,000 posts!!
  5. I... uh sort of remember that..... hey what are you going to do when you drink that much??? cookie..... Go see Rodin, d'Orsay, Napolean's tomb - rather neat thing and quick, Tower, Arc, Versaille(totally worth the ride out there on the RER. Louvre is huge.... you better figure out where in the place you would like to visit or which items, it's expensive and if you RAN through the place it would take like 3 days - people literally spend 2 weeks walking through the place. I think I covered about 1/4 one day that I ran.... really I ran, people thought I was nuts but I wanted to see as much as I could that day...... Mon Marte, Notre Dame (this is impressive) Restaurants - anything but american food!!! I know a couple places that are super expensive.... nothing really cheap. If you're missing america for an evening and drinks and such try and find the violin dangue - I'm told they have a website. Rather neat place and a little piece of america in Paris. It's in the Latin Quarter - which I would suggest visiting. Otherwise just check out bistro's they always have good sandwiches and such.... certain hotels have really good food too. And drink lots and LOTS of GOOD coffee!!!!!
  6. What is this a hooneymoon or something??? Yeah I used to live there.... what would you like to know?
  7. I'm trying not to bust a gut here in corporate america!!!
  8. Bye..... have a safe trip and call when you hit the Miss. River!!!!
  9. Happy birthday Walker!!!!!!!
  10. Vic...... Please feel free to pad your posts in THIS thread another 60 times.... therefore allowing you to hit 10,000 posts and end this pathetic need to get there in one damn day!!!!! the hint was not needed in two places...... OVERKILL
  11. Yeah what hotcheme said...... why do they always have to have the good ones when everyone is gone!!! I mean it would be cool if my parents lived here but....... they don't so I'm not going to get to see him either!! Jerks!!! Ah, well - guess that means I'll have to get over to England and see him at Bedrock sooner then... Perhaps a little bronzed from being in the sunshine state too......
  12. Simple....... they're getting in for free..... nice how it works out and stuff. They know one of the opening DJ's and they're on the list, so....... But I may have found some more people to come.... anyways I'm getting my tix on Thrusday - roxy boxoffice.... damn thing closes at 6-6:30 though!!! and I have no idea how much this is going to cost - AND they only take cash!!!!
  13. Merkie - you're coming up?? Anyone else coming with you? I've got like two people that are going to see the opening act and then leaving - they're not into PvD. Maybe we should have like a meetup or something? Rave - I don't post there cause you people write WAY too much and it will blow my hotmail account out!!! And I don't have IM - yet........ Hell - I'm trying to get this thing typed out in a minimized screen before the boss comes walking around and busts me for not doing work!!!!
  14. Nice to meet you too hotcheme Vic - I called at like 3 to find out where you were.... actually I figured your sweaty lost ass would have walked itself back over to me and picked up your $20!!!! Oh.... I hurt the next day - went out drinking Sat. night too..... only got a little sleep - but woke up still grooving to the music.... was a pretty fun place and evening - but I have got to go with what Ricardo said on the ephob site.... Totally correct. Anyways - PvD this weekend - anyone coming???
  15. Those are fightin' words!!!
  16. I've been banished to a small little city in the middle of no where...... There's nothing fun to do here..... hardly any internet access.... we NEVER get the good DJ's....... it's really hard.......
  17. Was Whalen supposed to spin this weekend if Buzz was still going on??? I thought so...... wonder if he had bought his ticket and it was unrefundable........... just a random thought......
  18. Never heard that before..... that's priceless!!!! *wipes tears from eyes*
  19. That works..... stinking post padder!!!
  20. Cookiegirl..... Regulate this fool......... something about p..p...p...pos....... padd...... Well after having stood in line for a good 20 minutes Vic and I noticed as we were about to head in that there was a sign explaining that Seaman had "overslept and missed his flight" - yeah evidently there are no OTHER flights from Florida except for the ONE he was on..... so we decided to head on down to listen to Sander..... was nice anyways!! Figured you couldn't get out.... but it still would have been great to see you walk in with the elmo backpack!!!
  21. No drama from me - but I was at Arc on Friday with Vic - where the hell were you??
  22. does this help.... "tbf - you weren't kiddin" Forgot the quotes - but figured you would have gotten it.... perhaps the tinimonster??? shinkicker....(shady can attest)... soon to be pissed at me??? We're taking names here people.... but only those that are as bored as the three of us seem to be.
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