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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. Yeah I already looked at those sites...... see it IS hard to find specific things...... thus why perhaps people would be interested, but then again, how expensive would it be to bring in that product or whatever and is it worth it?? So other than our suggestions being something that we would LIKE specifically reminesce(sp??) about..... it's not much help to the poor guy who started this thread. SOrry buddy. Oh and runner - screw futurama I want seasons of the OLD school cartoons from our youth - Saturday/Sunday morning cartoons!!!! We've talked about this before.........
  2. OK Vic you hot shot - find Doll Ramen noddles - Spicy beef flavor. Good luck!!! And kinder eggs DO rule!!!
  3. Mills that song you where thinking of early in the post - about how drugs ahve done good thing for people, if you don't think so then take all your records and painting, etc and throw them out cause the artist that created that stuff that has enhanced your life were REAL fuckin high!!!!! Nick Warren GU Amsterdam - I beleive it's disc 2 but I could be wrong..... Raver??? wanna help out??
  4. I wish I could get some of the items I miss from other places. Such as Doll noddles from Hong Kong - have yet to find them in this damn country!!! Coffee from France - foi gras...... Oh I could go on...... and on and on...... FANTA!!! Yeah!!! Stuff that you miss from other countries - but people have those things up all over the internet, so it's not real original. Also I wish Sony wouldn't put freakin products up on their webpage if they're not ready to seel the freakin things yet.... so word of advice - if you do start up...... makesure you have inventory before taking orders..... perhaps I'll come up with something better later, but computers and I are not getting along today so well.....
  5. kitty - Modern is in Goergetown M St. 3287 M St. NW - you can check it out on the washingtonpost website - entertainment section bars/places(something like that) search and keyword "modern" I didn't read the review - but the place is a lowkey lounge type area. Rather dark - the bar is built into the floor - a little dressy, for some, for others it's rather casual.... Overall I really like the place - especially cause they have a pretty good selection of Scotch!!! Any more questions? And Mills - I kinda like 1223 - no one else seems to. It's a different crowd and you can't dress all raver like and you actually have to wear something other than sneakers!!! Oh, no.... Ok back to work for a little while. Oh - if you ever plan on going to Modern kitty - give me a pm and we'll meet up.
  6. Most definitely........... I know what you're talking about. That's the reason for having Christmas I think - so I can watch all those old ass claymation movies on like Fax Family or some shit like that....
  7. Phew!!!!!!!!! Guess I should stop and lurk for a while, huh????
  8. Oh and another thing - actually I think we're doing pretty good - some new girlie puts up a smurfette avatar and no one has yet to crack a joke about it?? I'm proud of y'all!!!!! Then again perhaps Shady and giddy and Kuro haven't seen this posting yet..... or perhaps I'm the only one that was THAT sick...... unusual.......... Must be all the posting I've done lately.........
  9. Ok please excuse me, would have gotten to this earlier but had a fire drill - yeah!!!! Next time think they could do it when it's like HOTTER outside???? OK - Smurfette was the only damn woman in the entire freakin village until they had the little kids......... Oh, please........ use that rather large part of your brain that pushes out the rude and crude remarks we tend to make every day. Don't tell me y'all found your way OUT of the gutter???
  10. Did anyone else see the avatar come up(my computer is slow here at work so it took a while) and think " Oh shit is she asking for it??" Now the question is who will beat the other "dick" to the punch??
  11. Congrats!!!!! Of course - you know you can't get bigger - perhaps smaller so how about tinibutterfly??? instead of tiny??? Or just tini??? She's a tini - never shaken - just stir her....... Oh yeah is the monster bigwheel out of the shop yet???
  12. So you shouldn't be doing work in the first place.......... and two........
  13. Misstress Barbara - Trust - is there any where else you'd rather be??????
  14. Hello again. Welcome to the board. Please ignore the women on the board they're a bunch of egotistical, selfserving............ I'll stop but I swear one more word about the guys on this board and damn it's on!!!! So far Nourishment has comments, Malanee has comments, Mills has comments, Tini has comments - hey wait a minute - why do we hang out with you women???? Anyways - welcome....... and good luck getting work done
  15. Lucky, lucky Millie!!!!!
  16. Ok so you're going to get a million answers and well perhaps a few BAD answers as well..... as there are more than a couple people on this board that hate exit(just to warn you). Buzz is where we usually go - cause they have the some of the best DJ's come through - much like exit in that respect. Insomnia/Glow is a sometimes thing - most of us have been put off from it, but haven't been in a while and perhaps it's gotten better. Our main problem was the guestlist line/lack there of/it never opens before they close it - thus making paying the money to get in a smarter option if you can convince one of the security guards that's what you would prefer to do cause they are too busy trying to handle the irate/pissed off people in the guestlist line. Personally if the back is open and having a party - head there!!! They open up to the rest of the club at midnight and there is a small line there..... Edge had some good parties - haven't heard too much about the place recently - the problem there is the sound..... ouch!!!! Then there are a million other places you could check out and people post places all the time here - new parties whatever. Some of us also go to Modern on Thrusdays and Sundays - guess it depends on how tired and broke we all are. Hope it helped - and good luck with some of the responses y'all are going to get!!!
  17. Ah, SO I'm going to see Seb Misstress Mills........ Some people like him and some don't, then again it's the NYC crowd I'm listening to - you know our buds up there. They said Timo sucked and well I thought Timo played one hell of a set - so I'm going to check Seb out and I'm sure he will blow us away...... now if he can mix in psycho x girlfriend like Timo did - then it will be a complete night - oh and flash would be cool, but I'm sure that will not be played again in Buzz for a while...... Ah yes welcome to the board Merkie
  18. Now THAT is some funny SHIT!!!!!!
  19. WHOA!!!!! Did I miss a post here or something??? She seems pretty pissed off at someone or all of us............ Sorry if a few turn you off, guess you either have to deal with it or just not post here. Take everything in context.... some people like one thing, some like another........ not everyone is going to agree with everything everyone has to say.... EVER!!! And quite frankly some times people have other shit going on. SOrry but most of us have a friend starting something tonight some where else in the District and well if you would like to see support then you can show up there......... It's my understanding that a bunch of us are going, a bunch of lurkers too.
  20. That's what goes on at your place????? I'm coming over!!!!!!!
  21. Yeah well if you've every been on 79 North headed towards Buffalo you'll see a huge sign that reads "Welcome to Buffalo... and All american town." or something similar to that....... let me tell you how embarassed the people from Buffalo are of that sign!!! Yeah - any other town isn't an all american town......
  22. Sorry about the double post - freakin computer just cracked out and I had to turn it off..... you'de think with getting a new server it would be better but NO!!!!
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