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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. She was too busy undressing Scott Henry in her mind.... over and over and over and..........
  2. Um we got to see like a whole wopping 25 mins of Brian spin solo. We didn't get to NYC till 10:30... then it took a little while to find parking and a while longer to get down town. It was pretty cool. The only reason to go there though was to see Brian spin. The sound was crappy, I mean the speakers and the mixing board kept shorting out!! Almost talked people into seeing Danny T too, but it was better that we didn't. Mas tequila was flowing that evening and not the cheap shit - Patron!!! Ah raver can tell you more, but I think I hit the high points. Brian's spinning what we heard of it and when he switched one on one off was good!! MMMMmmmmmmm had some good food too!!!!!!
  3. Raver and I are going to see SnD Saturday and Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Too much vodka, not enough cranberry juice, ice, shaker and a lot of angst!!!!! Oh yeah, better get some pads out too, you'll not only want to fight everyone but also fall all over the place and then blame all the bruises on other people!!!!
  5. Oh, no..... don't take it the wrong way. We think about our past relationships a lot, but we also try and forget about things that are painfull, eh?? Shutting off/ shutting out those feelings helps us move on, that and smoking like a million cig a day..... and drinking..... and mindless sex........ Here's something for you. Women don't destroy themselves like guys do. Y'all just kinda hole up and talk and stuff - very sensible. Guys - we kinda like to destroy ourselves.... notice the drinking, drugs, smoking, doing stupid shit......... But it really makes for an interesting morning when your friends recount what an asshole you were the night before!!!! It's good to be a guy sometimes...
  6. Seems like people like to make changes every spring, must be the season and what it stands for. Rebirth. Everything starts anew in spring, so why not people right?? Well don't worry Ellywelly, there are more than a couple people on this board that are in the same situation you're in. They say that it takes aproximately half the time you were with a person to get over that person...... I find it true. But the best thing to do is to go out, be with friends, try not to spend too much time by yourself, where you can think too much. Thinking is good everyonce in a while, but too much and you'll turn into a mess. Besides there is that time before you actually get to sleep at night that you'll do most of your thinking so why let it stop you during the day. Go out, have fun, laugh. Of course you could always follow the runners advice....... like..... puncture the tires, leave marks on the car.... call up and hangup during the week. Better yet get really drunk, call and babble on for hours about nonsense and don't remember it..... Say the shit you never thought you would..... burn all the things that remind you of him...... sound good runner?? Ah, I'm pretty good at making an ass out of myself 3 times after a break up and then just getting over it - though you think about stuff all the time. Just your friendly princess advice..........
  7. My firewall just said "Adult content".... guess I have to wait till I get home.
  8. Ok, I'll do it, but my answers are subject to change do to various mood swings First the basics: Where are you from? Do I have to answer this?? Um, I'm a world traveler. Ok, where I've lived - PA, FL, Hong Kong, Paris, DC(MD) What do you do? I manage/create websites, various other computer related tasks that my coworkers see as "Magic" Are you a Geriatric Raver? Not yet, but getting there. Faster if they don't invent a stylish, comfortable pair of shoes I can wear!! Favorite DJ or genre of music: I like music, period. Somethings grab my attention and some don't. Also depends on what kind of mood I'm in. Now some bonus questions: 1. IF YOU COULD BUILD A HOUSE ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD IT BE? I don't think anyone answered just one place, so I want a bunch of them. One on the big island of Hawaii - right on the ocean!! One in the Blue Mountains of Australia - SO beautiful, must go back!! One in Avoiraz(sp??) France, in the Alps, one side is France the other is Swiss!! A flat in Hong Kong and London. An apartment in NYC, oh and a nice little country house in Maine - on the coast, of course!! Yeah - I think I need to be head of Microsoft or something!!! 2. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING? to wear: Sandals - I love sandals.... and sweaters, roll neck sweaters!!! 3. FAVORITE PHYSICAL FEATURE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX? Eyes - something about the eyes...... Green too!!! 4. WHAT'S THE LAST CD YOU BOUGHT? Tough one, I work right about a Borders so I'm always buying CD's!!! Maybe it was Sander Essential and Maas Loud. But today is Tuesday and CD's come out today, perhaps I'll get another one!!! 5. WHERE'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO BE? Not too sure if I have a favorite place to be. I like my apartment, but being in FL with my parents is nice too. Of course there WAS a better place but that changed about Jan 1st. Oh, how about chilling - anywhere- with friends!! 6. WHERE'S YOUR LEAST FAVORITE PLACE TO BE? in line if there is a really good DJ playing!!!!!! So far the CC night tops the crappy list for the year!! 7. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO BE MASSAGED? Head and back - like the shoulder area. Don't know I usually don't like massages - only significant others get to massage me, and only after much prodding. 8. WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT, STRONG IN MIND OR STRONG IN BODY? when mind and body are equally strong, coexisting and harmoneous.... then a person is completely at peace with ones self. So both!! 9. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE IN THE MORNING? Morning, when ever I can dragg my ass out of my comfortable bed, perhaps if my bed wasn't THAT comfortable I wouldn't have trouble getting up. But I hate sleeping past noon. 10. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE KITCHEN APPLIANCE? Damn tough question... I like to cook so..... Bar appliance - would have to be either a cork screw or a shaker... kitchen... stainless steel Henckle Chef's knife!! - I'f you have a good knife, everything else comes to gether - quicker!!! 11. WHAT MAKES YOU REALLY ANGRY? Lack of respect for other people, and people with Ego's that are too big!! 12. IF YOU COULD PLAY ANY INSTRUMENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Any string based instrument, since I've played the piano and sax and could pick them up easily again. 13. FAVORITE COLOR? Tough one..... how about blue - like porsche color blue!!! 14. WHICH DO YOU PREFER, SPORTS CAR OR SUV? sports car!!! Too many to list, but all time favorite - convertable Testarossa - only like 3-4 ever made!! 15. DO YOU BELIEVE IN AFTERLIFE? Perhaps 16. FAVORITE CHILDREN'S BOOK? The book of Pooh, I think that's it, or Where the Wild Things Are 17. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? I like all seasons equally. Don't make me pick. OK, perhaps Autumn 18. WHAT'S YOUR LEAST FAVORITE HOUSEHOLD CHORE? IRONING!!!!!!!!! 19. IF YOU COULD HAVE ONE SUPER POWER, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Fly, sometimes I think I should have been a bird 20. DO YOU HAVE A TATTOO, WHAT IS IT? Nope 21. CAN YOU JUGGLE? nope 22. THE ONE PERSON FROM YOUR PAST YOU WISH YOU COULD GO BACK AND TALK TO? My grandpop. 23. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE DAY? Friday, cause it always starts off shitty and by the time the workday is over I'm ready to tear it up!!! 24. WHAT'S IN THE TRUNK OF YOUR CAR? 10" Kicker, some cleaning supplies, don't know - haven't opened it in a while!! 25. WHICH DO YOU PREFER, SUSHI OR HAMBURGER? sushi.... love seafood!! But a good burger is tough to pass up. Holy Cow - that took a while. SHould have done this at home and not at work!! Damn people always bothering me............
  9. I say one thing.... hell I even changed it so it sounded nicer, if you can beleive that!! I'm a just kiddin Vic..... we all know you like em.. Ok, gonna stop again. Not going through with it, Kuro or Shady can nail you - I've had enough of picking on you for today, or perhaps a while. Now Malanee..........
  10. Uh, no...... only Sandra is female, just checked the line up and everyone else is a dude...... but then again Vic...... from what I hear....... oh wait, better not go there.....
  11. OOOOOppppppsssssss, caught myself..... before Vic too, that's pretty good. Henry is playing this week and Sandra is playing the following week, DAMN IT!!! Still going to miss Henry!!! Ah, oh well.
  12. Are you kidding me?? I'd get shot if I threw it away!! Hey if SnD aren't spinning in NYC on Friday, perhaps I will be around to see Henry!!!!!! Not sure if Sat. in NYC - drive back on Sun and see them again is going to work too well, atleast for my sanity!!!!! We should both wear them out one evening!!! Ummmm, yeah............................
  13. HEY!!!!!!! Where are you getting your tix from!!!!!! Does this place have a web site?? What's it like??? And DAMN!!!! SnD in NYC!!!! You're gonna get it Vic!!!!
  14. Ummmmm NO!!!!!!!! If you must know..... this week it's the alphabet lounge in NYC for Brian's first gig!! Then Next weekend it's where ever in the HELL SnD decide to play on Friday night in NYC. I'm gonna leave the shirt comment alone...... you know who you're talking to!!!!!!
  15. For you anyways. Remember we're gonna be in NYC for the next two weekends!! However I'm already feeling Howells......... SnD will be a welcome diversion. Have fun over the next two weeks y'all perhaps I'll see y'all out somewhere!
  16. Sorry dood, couldn't get ANYONE to come out with me last night. Perhaps if my brother wasn't in town I would have come by myself. Actually def. would have come by myself. Except for the SnD evening I'll try and be there every Sunday from now on. I really missed my weekly loungie music, such a perfect way to end a weekend. So was the place crowded or what?? Did I miss anything?? Inquiring minds want to know.
  17. I don't know how I missed this..... must have been eating the crappiest freakin burrito ever. I HATE Burrito Brothers!!!! It's all Raver's stinking fault too............ I know crank, should have met you and malanee at the burrito cart on 15th, but............ Anyways...... I'm winning!!!! Really!!!!! OK....... Ah, welcome to the board anyways!!
  18. HELL Yeah I'm coming!!! So Buster when do you get to play "housey" music?? Better prepare some people for the Jazzy stuff in the beginning of the night......... some owners have no taste!!!!!
  19. THAT'S MY LINE BITCH!!!!!!
  20. Hey!!!!! I went to college not too far from there!!! If you think Pitts weather sucks go an hour and a half north to Mudville, ooops I mean Meadville. Raver knows what I'm talking about!!
  21. I'm going to be the voice of doom here. This is a GREAT idea.... now if only it would work..... but it doesn't matter to me, I'm trying to get there by 9pm. I am not going to miss the whole damn thing again!!! See you all there.
  22. Really?? I just kept filling up my water bottle at the tap, like normal. Oh, yeah...... water sharing........ oops!!! Ah, I was just pickin on you anyways. Hooray for Wed!!!!!!!
  23. So long as Raver got me a ticket, I'm in..... gonna be a shitty Thurs though. But I think they're worth it!!!!! Crank - where's Malanee?? Did you give her boy cooties again
  24. Trust gets two thumbs up!!!!! The sound system is really great!!! The inside was neat too. I like the look of the place, could be a bit larger though, the dance floor was really small. Yannis kicked some shit out last night and it sounded SO good on the phazon!!! Wish every club had that sound system..... Just went and chilled out there last night. Perfect way to end the weekend. We stayed on the balcony all night looking down on the dance floor and listening to the music, some bouncing but we were pretty tired. I'd like to see a club with that look open up here. I wouldn't mind dressing up, having a (sorry kiddies) 21+ club, so long as the bouncers were cool like the guys there - don't turn it into Miami for christ sakes.... were you have to LOOK a certain way to get it.... let the people that will enjoy the music in!!! My $.02.
  25. Oh, yes you would have bumped into us. When we moved rooms, we basically doubled the amount of people on the dance floor. It was a shame, too. The trance room was really banging and was fun to hit every once in a while to up your juices. The techno room was good too. The problem was there wasn't many people in there, prolly like 50 or so and the sound system wasn't good. The speakers there suck, but sometimes you gotta just deal to listen to some home grown talent you know. So it was def. a great night, I just wish for us and the DJs that more people would have showed up. It can't be all that exciting to spin for a room of like 50 people or so, but then again......... Sat was all about the music and fun, and it worked out that way.
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