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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. club rio no cover all night woodbridge 2 dollar drinks free body shots
  2. abyss sounds good but im going somewhere there is no cover for ladies and 5 bucks for guys and a sick DJ
  3. met a girl by the name of rita light skinned puerto rican i called mira they way she moves i cant ignore shes a porno flick on the dance floor twists and turns drips of sweat a lil bass starts ritas wet hmm dont know who the sexiest is but best is definatly gracer and ysolt
  4. this is quite interesting considering i was born in 70 and when i was 18 (1988) i went to NYE @ 54 i can almost remember lil louie vega spinning on the tables as a matter of fact they even had cynthia TKA and judy torres perform there. Yet in 1986 Freestyle wasnt even that big yet hmmmmmmmm think someone else should get back to me.
  5. i filed today for pain and suffering saying i went through 16 weeks of hell and then had to deal with the crap of some blind idiot in a zebra shirt. i was a million a game lol
  6. thats cool . last year i got stuck in north miami so now i decided to stay right near the clevlander this way i can crawl from there to y room and get chnged nd walk to a club thats close. Plus the room is only like 130 bucks or so a night
  7. Actually studio closed in 89 and i was going there weekly from 86 to about 88 and occasionaly in 89. do the math im 33. So yeah i was there from when i was like 15/16 to 19
  8. my name is Juan julio Edguardo Nomar Ricardo Roberto Armando Miguel Manuelo Shanchez Alvarez Gonzalez Rosa Gomez Garcia Rodriguez Jr. the third.
  9. yeah i agree seeing someone i use to hang with in exit sitting in champps until her friends finally got her out of there because she was too bumped up was just a lil ridicilous
  10. :laugh: I wasnt in a hole on NYE sorry didnt do any K personally to me i look at it this way. Excess of anything (daily) isnt good. People are allowed to drink and how many people die from alcohol related incidents every year. People smoke and die and dont even get a buzz from it. Certian drugs E , weed.. are probably as harmless as smoking or drinking but they are ilegal. The media makes a huge deal if one kid ends up dead or in the hospital from doing E. ITs soo bad that this happened the place should be closed and everyone in it shoud go to hell. Yet it is a tragedy when someone dies from alcohol. Im not saying it isnt. Its just funny the spin on it. I bee in the scene probably longer than most. I remember going t studio 54 and at that time it was a bad scene. People fighting getting stabbed and shot. Now people do E and the worst is people actualy get along.
  11. all looney tunes ( bugs porky road runner etc.) woody woodpecker " if woody had gone straight to the police.............." tom n jerry speed racer space ghost super friends " wonder twin powers activate form of a bump " LOL
  12. somehow i think sitting home doing drugs is a lil pathetic. Although i think id rather sit in a hole in a big house party than in the factory or something. Hole = not too attractive
  13. 17-24 @ edison hotel but might not go. have the room stil considering it
  14. yeah ill keep it right next to my njguido card :laugh:
  15. see i guess thats why it doesnt bother me i have no where to go i been stuck home since thanksgiving LOL
  16. ill rent my garage for like 400 a month lol. check out rental agents there is one in livingston you dont have to pay a months rent for a fee. its like 150 bucks they give you a bunch of listings that match your criteria and you do the follow up
  17. i dont have any prom pictues anymore. if i did im sure im so old they would be black and white lol
  18. ok prom thread. sticky if i was atr the prom and needed to kow what form to use to write off my intrest when we are at the juice fountain what form wuld you tell me. Would you tell me before or after they named you prom king ??LOL
  19. thanks sticky. i knew alot of that. a friend of mie is an accountant he wont go near me with taxes. when i had my business i use to grill him for everything for wrtie offs.
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