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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. there's just something sexy about guys that play with toys, um, i mean, collect transformers lol...
  2. Apple Jacks and Berry Berry Kix...yummy, yummy
  3. 3rd...it's just a damn good-looking forum, lol
  4. yep, lol, esp if you have TMJ, lol...so i have to like the guy a lot to go that route definitely not a first-date thing.
  5. second that...even if you find someone with a greater connection or whatever you still owe it to your current to TELL them and not cheat...being cheated on is the WORST feeling ever and sadly, they usually realize they screwed up something good for something that looked better than it was i make it a point not to cheat--that is why i am always single, lol --trust is so hard to give/earn and so easy to break.
  6. i wear escape mostly, cause for whatever reason, i get compliments on it all the time from random guys...when they find out it is escape, they can't believe it...guess it is just different on me so that's pretty much my signature--why mess with a good thing? lol... i love a guy with a good cologne though, so would love to hear what you guys all wear and get some 411
  7. suthrnbelle

    Radio Sex...

    but it was damn funny
  8. suthrnbelle


    thanks, lol...you're not so bad yourself see ya in 2 weeks! Trance, what a cute pic!
  9. suthrnbelle


    now that would be an interesting pic
  10. suthrnbelle


    by the way, here's the thread with pics of folks from the "bump" forum in case you wonder about any of 'em, and mine is on there around page 9 or so... http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=82133&perpage=20&pagenumber=1
  11. suthrnbelle


    thanks for posting the pic links now i get to see who you crazies are
  12. lol--that is a very cute explanation now, i am almost jealous!
  13. yeah! we can be jolly greens together, lol
  14. nah--i am 5'7 or maybe almost 5'8...talk about the jolly-green for this forum we'll see though...
  15. a ton of posts are about all the wonderful LITTLE girls in this forum...since no one will post pics of themselves, how bout heights? that one is not too hard...
  16. suthrnbelle


    i doubt that, lol... oh and gamb, there are lots of pics in the "bump"forum in the "post your pics time" thread, although i am not sure what page mine is on...that should keep you busy for a while, and that is one good-looking forum, lol
  17. i just tried the s' mores ones the other day--the choc chips ones are good in a pinch if yourun out of cookies, lol...but i think i like the strawberry frosted ones best.
  18. one more, z, is for ZZZZZ's that i am catching g'night all.
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