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Everything posted by suthrnbelle

  1. ok, I am watching "Out if Africa" and there was this scene when Robert Redford washes her hair for her and man!!! I would absolutely DIE--he quoted poetry and washed and massaged her hair...what a guy what a great way to get her into bed *wicked grin* there is something about hair--when a guy brushes my hair, i just melt....anyone else relate?
  2. (cause it IS an actual fruit, ya know)
  3. i agree with the pomegranate-- a little bit of work, but if you are willing to invest the time, effort and care, you get a GREAT reward and a yummy tasting fruit or... a PASSION fruit! lol...
  4. suthrnbelle

    Sex Enhancers

    nope, but "lust" sounds interesting, lol...
  5. i couldn't agree with you more...there is no one like a true best friend.
  6. i agree...and they make a lot of men MEAN bad news...i think natural all around is best, but that doesn't mean i would necessarily turn down a boob job, lol...
  7. sammy and austin already WERE married once--prob 2 seasons ago...and then carrie got with some doctor... as for victor and kate, you got me there--i will start watching again since i don't have a "real" job and let ya know, lol
  8. if you look good, you look good, whether you paid for it, injected it, or were born with it...lol i agree with your hypocrisy angle, but think that stems from those people being unhappy with themselves and jealous of what they don't have...
  9. ok, THAT was funny! those of you that have those good ones, yep, you should consider yourselves lucky as hell, cause some of the alternatives are downright bad, lol...but i have a feeling there are still some good ones out there
  10. if in NYC, would love it to be when i am visiting in a few weeks!!
  11. spragga, you are too funny see ya in a few weeks maybe! lol... and Tasty and Danni, good calls--too bad it is not as easy to find that commitment as those randoms, lol
  12. exactly, danni...my BestFriend knows more about me than anyone ever will and has been there for me through too much for it to be less than disaster if something ever happened...
  13. the clean bill of health thing was my point--don't get me wrong, if i could have 10k for something i was gonna do anyways, then i am all for that, lol, BUT in today's world, i am thinking there would be a reason--maybe that person has some reason they can't get it without paying sad, but hey, gotta check it out first...
  14. thanks NYC, good answer...and yes, glo, you are DEFINITELY right on that one(that randoms can be disappointing)...esp when you are on the rebound from being with someone you really loved...
  15. try to find out the motivation for the money...if i was going to sleep with them anyways, then there must be some underlying reason for the 10k...i mean, i'm good, but damn, lol...j/k.
  16. oooooooh damn, NYC--what a memory, lol...that's why i was the original UNDERCOVER, lol spragga--watch it, the BF word is a big one for girls like me and NYC--not to be thrown around lightly, lol...plus, i have to meet & approve of this guy first, lol...
  17. nah, i just meant, you could learn a few "tricks of the trade"from such a master loo
  18. ditto on ALL of those(including the dating reference!)...i hate when you don't have TIME to shop they have everything, and when you go back, there is NOTHING... when it rains, it pours, and when it is dry, it's DRY, lol
  19. thanks, K and Spragga-- both good answers... spragga--on the prowl, huh? you are too funny be careful going out partying with my girl--she is the ORIGINAL "retired" playah, lol **xoxo, NYC!**
  20. o-jay, did we date in college? lol, just kidding sparklez...you are absolutely right...BUT that is not always the mentality--when you are too young to worry about finding that person and worried about finding yourSELF, a lot of people just "taste the merchandise" and shop around to see what they're looking for in life, you know? NOW, i am at the point in my life where i totally agree with ya, but before, i was just seeing what was on the shelf
  21. c'mon guys...tsk-tsk...WHY committed or random? WHAT makes one better than the other? regina - not cliched at all, just curious...
  22. LOLROTF...well said!
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