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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by ghhhhhost

  1. jesse freed american hostages in Serbia..jesse's a hero
  2. i thought this thread was about Das-Efx... ::sigh::
  3. she's the Shawn Kemp of Hollywood
  4. prestige bugged me out a little bit..made Tesla seem way too weird ..not that the guy needed help in that department anyway
  5. cody's has the best underground hip hop party in NY...its usually a crrrrrazyyyyyy mix of people..from drunk irish fucks..to a sprinkling of ur usual guidos..lots of hot girls who are easy to hook up with...bunch of spanish people ...good % of black people...little bit of euro trash....i think its what ur looking for
  6. MMMMMM id love to offer my support
  7. man's gotta point ..galamah and gumahhh..
  8. i still think you're way hotter
  9. thats what im saying..they can crop all the shitty scenes out ..and have this glorious cock tease of an episode ...
  10. holy shit i didnt watch this..my roommate must be crushed being canadian and all ahahahahahaha...wowwww serra really laid into him
  11. i hope he OD's...like Trainspotting type of OD tho..with wall clinger baby's and all
  12. ill take shadow stephens for the block ... she blooooows sloane away...did u c her in that outfit when she's discussing Medellin in her office
  13. its 25 mins..i dont get it...so we get about 12 episodes a season..@ 25 mins...300 minutes of entourage...5 hrs? thats the crazy jip..no wonder their show is so good...with 25 mins of actual footage per episode it minimizes room for error..
  14. what does it matter if the bullet went into the washing machine? not like mafia hitmen usually extract the bullets from their victims after killing them...po woulda found the bullet anyway in his chest..or the one in his head.. show was alright..i loved tonys version of "under the boardwalk"
  15. oh man that new agent is so fucking ridiculously hot..please keep her around
  16. womens..except id love to have gooch on chelsea right now Run-TMC Warriors vs Kemp/Glove Sonics
  17. Mr Met...he blew lines w the 86 Yanks...DEF Gatti or Ward
  18. dude that snow leopard chace in High Def is absurd...fav part is definitely the long pan outs...and the jumping great white...crazy
  19. no nemanja vidic= no Man U red devils defense is bullshit w/out him
  20. works great for me..grand puba..big daddy kane..redman..wu...big l...
  21. nah i missed it..did u catch the series on tribes? goths..huns..etc? ive been watching the Planet Earth series now..sigourney weaver as the narrator irks me but you cant top this show right now
  22. the trout there is amazing...but i usually stick with the steak au poivre...havent been in a long time...the bread is absolutely the best ..
  23. ahhaahahah yes! ...whos gona throw me out YOU AND SCREECH!?
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