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Everything posted by totallytrance

  1. no u're gay w/ that dude xmodemx...
  2. im not a big fan of breaks but that was some crazy good shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. that was some carzy shit my friend ripped it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. ur sig is jsut scary....fucked up:(
  5. http://quizdiva.com/realitytvquiz.html
  6. Charlotte...i figured..that is me......
  7. dont know if someone alreayd suggested this but... he could always cum in your mouth and u can just spit it out when he's all done...
  8. Ich spreche Deutsch... ...lass uns bumsen!...
  9. nisam znala da si jedan peder....!
  10. amen.... I always get dumped ....the guys my age are just too immture i think im gonna start looking for older guys....
  11. congrats!!!! i have a few more to go then i can change it to whatever i want..!!!
  12. Age - 18 Nationality - Eastern European Name - Nadja (as in Nadia) Height - 5'5 Weight - 120lbs. What do you do for a living - Student Is this your career or just to pass time - Part of the career..getting to it... Favorite Song - Um..haha good one WAY TO MANY Least Favorite Song - There's quiet a few of those too.... Favorite Artist - PAUL VAN DYK !!!!! Least Favorite Artist - ...... Favorite Remix - u serious there's so many that i can't pic a fav. Favorite Producer - PVD Favorite DJ - PVD Favorite Movie - hm. @ the moment "Life of David Gale" Favorite Actor - Brad Pitt Favorite Actress - Demi Moore Least Favorite Movie - ? Do you like to travel - Of course If so what was your favorite place to visit - so far Germany, Maimi, NYC (I'll move) Where would you like to go that you havn't already gone - Ibiza (Spain), More of Europe, Carribean Hobbies - Track&Field, NHL, Skating, Dancing-Clubbing When you get into a fight with your significant other who is most likely to appoligize or give in. You or him/her - Me...BIG MISTAKE! How long was your longest relationship - 10 Months (they always leave me ) How short was your shortest - Hm...not sure if we're completly broken up but if so 7 Months What do you look for in a man or woman - Honesty, Kind, Sweet, Smart, Mature! Good looking.... Are you an initiator or do you let others initiate things - let others... Are you cold hearted in a relationship. Or more caring - TOO CARING!!!! Would you rather go out and party or would you rather sit in with a loved one and watch movies - hm depends on the mood... Favorite food - dont have fav....I don't have fav in general... Favorite IceCream flavor - Cookies n Cream Do you drink Coffee - Nope Do you Smoke Cigarettes - NO! Do you prefer water or Soda - H2O Are you into Health and Fitness or do you let nature take its course- Fitness Are you an offensive or defensive driver - Good Driver... Can you drive a car with a Manual Transmission - No, I'm gonna learn though (I am European...) Are you kinky in bed or are you more old fasion - A girl doesn't tell :tounge: Do you like sex with the light on or with the light off - Dim Light What do you believe is better Foreplay or sex itself - M gotta have both.... Would you rather read a book or watch the movie - Watch movie, I hate reading books...! What is your favorite alchoholic drink - Bacardi
  13. not quiet ....he's a teacher and that thign w/ the student happens (the scene was ....he's totally doing her doggy style in front of the mirror and she goes harder and he bites her and she scratches him etc she wanted it ) "for some reason" she charges him w/ rape but charges get dropped...anway he's a anti death row leader of a group. During the movie his female friend dies of murder and he's convicted for it and gets death row!!! (ironic) SERIOUSLY It's an awesome movie like so myserious and twisted all these surprises come up totally unexpected..GO SEE...!
  14. I just downloaded all the tracks...OMG Im having an orgasm everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: PVD
  15. THanks! any chance anyone know where u can download the set....?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?1
  16. god could it get any more complicated...nice try thanks though
  17. yeah me too it's so stupid nothing works on it ...someone help PLEASE i wanna download movies mostly!!!!!
  18. ok so what about those people who's job is it to have great sex....?
  19. ok i selected passive mode but my dc always just takes forever and it never gives me any results when i search something all it says "searching....." but doesn't give me any results ?!?!?!?!
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