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Everything posted by totallytrance

  1. also im sure he's got even more money w/ the show articles interview n all that....put me on that show I'll lie for half a mill!!!!!
  2. whatever the hell he is.. Ugh he makes me so angry i do everything for him and he's such a jerk so rude, he's his freshmen yr at college but pretending like he's getting a phd from harvard , studying and telling me he doesnt have even time to talk to me bitch ass!!! FUCKER! he thinks by sending me flowers for valentiens day that's all he has to do , his lil bitchass is not getting any ass when he comes home, UGHGHGHGHGHGH :mad: :mad:
  3. I can't judge someone when there's tons of makeup and airbrush...
  4. haha well mine's not stalking me but he's still and asshole!
  5. who evan and the buttler?
  6. that was very immature of her to do , but to me it seems like she just wants your attention maybe she wants you back
  7. I respect her not going out and getting some implant that is awesome go Kate! The movie was real cute and halarious she did such a good job of acting like a totaly psycho! but "who needs men when you have diamonds":)
  8. 30 almost sexually healther but i still got some issues....
  9. me too im so fuckn bored right now...!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I was in class went to the bathroom and they had no seat thingies so i put toliet paper on the seat before i sat down to take a piss then i went into the class room and everyone started laughing at me so im like what the heck? i had that strip of tiolet paper that i put on the seat haning out of my pants
  11. today my political science professor printed out a bunch of those safety things b/c he's convienced we're going to get attacked somehow...and he suggested teh class to do all those safety procedures scary...
  12. i got mine sucked once, kind nice I would never do it!
  13. My friend's dad just shot himself today....
  14. I don't tell any of my friends about it , it's my secret special lil place where I just can relax and take my mind off of everyday bullshit...<3 CP
  15. man u always make me smile..."boli te dupe" haha...yes I do and I will, I just need to transfer to a University
  16. like 70s 80s I was just in boston last week and man freakn cold, it's like summer here...
  17. haha in my school the guy was caught by students who then told the teacher after class and the kid got kicked out of school !!! the next day they played "beat it" by michael jackson on the announcements... thank god i didnt know him
  18. i got dumped again..(by the same person), I got fired from my job yesterday, and I'm petition for every class that i need but they're all full...!!!! this sucks....
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