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Everything posted by leftymo

  1. Fontaine this thursday...damn! hmm, maybe I can still make it, don't have to be in the clinic until 12:30 anyways... Fontaine is pretty tight I saw him close for Oaky once (best venue that I've ever been to, Mayan Theatre). On a Monday night, jam packed... What about this weekend? 3 day weekend man... there's gotta be somethin worth hitting up!!!
  2. Take it easy on the Jets... and the Giants. The problem w/ new yorkers, is when their team gets good, they think they're the best thing in the world and that no other team exists... So their fans are just plain ignorant. The Giants & Jets weren't all that good, but yet b/c we're in NY, we have to read all the stories about how "all world" their teams and players are. Jeremy Shockey, got so much hype for that niner game, and the niner's TE had the exact same numbers Shockey had. Terrell Owens is the one that played the best, but no mention of him prior to the game. The Jets had a good run, no way were they gonna beat Oakland, they just weren't that good. The best teams in football, basketball, and baseball all reside in California right now... but they won't get any of the hype the NY teams do (not even in California).
  3. iliana: "Manhattan Island a dump? I now know why your insurance went up. You probably can BARELY afford to live in some shit area...just so you can live in Manhattan. LOLL Stay in your ghetto neighborhoods. Sutton place does not welcome your type." First, I've been fortunate to travel the world and I'm only 27. I've been to every continent except Antarctica (and I doubt I'll be hittin that place up). So I do have a reference to compare Manhattan with the rest of the world. And sorry to say, but it is a dump. There is more trash on the streets than in any place I've ever been to. As for why my insurance went up, I was referring to car insurance... coming from California to New York, with the same coverage soared 1400.00. You are right, I probably can't afford it, but I don't want anyone messing around with my BMW. But it didn't take long for some vandals to fuck up my car right outside my house, and I live in a quiet jewish neighborhood. So I have seen what nice places are and what shitty places are. And there's nothing in Manhattan even halfway decent. But I guess that's expected b/c NY is such an old city... There are places within the U.S. where you can leave your doors unlocked, go get groceries and nothing will happen... I know its difficult to comprehend... but you'd have to experience it to know it. NY is a dump, I'm sorry, but its the truth. But that's part of the city's persona.
  4. johnnyutah: I've only been here a few months, but I go out almost every weekend trying to "catch up" and check out different places. I haven't been to Centro-fly there, but some that know me say that I will like it. I know DJ Dan was there when I first got here, so perhaps that maybe a venue I will like. I've never heard of Shelter... My problem is knowing the names of all the places.. I've asked several times on this board, and the fact that the club names change like there's no tomorrow its tough keeping track with Vinyl/Arc or Exit no Exit 2, etc... I look forward to Centrofly though. As for the crying for a bigger venue. I'm not saying NY needs a bigger venue. Like you said, Arc isn't filling up for Marco V. I can guarentee you if he's in LA, it would. Hence there the dance life is in full swing. Here is isn't. More proof that the dance scene is dead or dying. Another thing, the big clubs here in an attempt to draw in more of a crowd have gone to 18&over. In other cities where the dance scene is kickin, they don't need to do that, the big clubs fill up w/ 21& over. Having a venue 18&over can be a strong deterrant for a mature crowd. And while smaller venues are more intimate and may provide the same quality of music, it doesn't fit my taste, when I'm a little intoxicated, I like to wander around, disappear, go from one place to another...different faces, different rooms, different music, different ambience... enhances the overall experience. I don't think its necessary to whine & complain about the NY scene but I'd strongly recommend those to check out Miami, LA, even Vegas does an all dance weekend for Labor Day Weekend. All clubs play exclusively trance/house/electronic, its called Pimp&Ho and features celebrities (tommy lee was there last year) and its pretty decent. I don't think they have international DJ's there, but they might.
  5. Don't be rough on Jets fans, its not the team, its the area... Ask Nets fans Ask Yankee fans Ask Giants fans all whopped by cali...
  6. Sorry, I'm an objective out of towner now currently residing here. And I'll tell you it stinks by first hand knowledge! I'm comparing it to other cities. And yes its what I make of it, but I've brought others from elsewhere out here exclusively for the dance scene and they've been disappointed. I'm sure there are some that have seen the changes in NY's nightlife, but I haven't witnessed them. NY is almost exclusively about lounges/bars/networking and hip hop. That's all. I went to arc when Marco V was spinning and at 3 am I was surprised how dead it was in there. I was very impressed by the venue itself, and the sound system (b/c the others in NY, that I've seen were god awful). It was intense, too bad nobody was there. More evidence that the scene is dead. Roxy losing its dance night, clubs like Limelight, Twilo, and others shuttin down, and the fact that most if not all lounges exclusively cater to hip hop is all the evidence I need to show that the dance scene in NY is dying or dead. The DJ's do make it out here, but I'd expect that, they do make it out to other cities as well. I guess I'm used to better where I come from, there is a dance scene here, but not up to par w/ my own expectations. A large venue, good crowd, not all drugged up, no kids, great sound system, decent lighting. Is that too much to ask? apparently in NY it is. The biggest & greatest city apparently is lacking in a huge department.
  7. explain to me genius why my insurance went from 300 every six months to 1700 every six months coming to the safe NY? ha ha ha, Sutton Place, million dollar neighborhood in Manhattan... the entire island is a dump and a half. I'd say they're not getting their money's worth. See the problem w/ NY is that b/c its so tiny, the villians & hooligans don't have to travel far to get to your ritzy area... is your million dollar neighborhood subway accessible? Can you name another million dollar neighborhood in the rest of the United States that is? ha ha ha ha ha ha You really make me laugh, i take it you've never left manhattan.
  8. Look, it doesn't matter where you are in NY, they're ALL bad parts! There are no good parts of NY... And crime and violence don't have a skin color, it can happen to anyone by anyone. even cockroaches, spiders, and worms.
  9. "Dallas has been going for years now" Actually I doubt many have scene the adds, but Texas is doing an ad campaign to try and generate revenue through tourism. So they've made commercials. And of course everyone thinks of texas as the cowboys, oil, etc... So their add features a couple taking a stroll on an ol horse carriage doin the nice sweet little texan things... and then they say, let's go dance... you expect them to go line dancing, and just then they pull up to a club, blastin hard house. It's sweet... their gimmic is texas isn't what you think it is... But if the state does a promo featuring their dance scene, you know its bumpin there. Isn't Bad Boy Bill from Texas? He is ranked amongst the elite DJ's in the world (even though not exactly my taste)
  10. dialectics: You made some excellent points. The thing is that those large venues w/ big crowds ARE going on within the United States. To say that its just a U.S. thing is not accurate. Miami & LA definitely have it going. LA on New Years has Giant Village, three straight years featuring PVD. Last year was awesome, over 10,000 people, it was huge taking up the LA Sports Arena (old home of the Clippers) and two other outdoor venues, featuring many DJ's including Sasha, Lee Burridge... This year Giant Village was a little more intimate w/ 7000+ people, and PVD, Howells, Tall Paul (who was awesome), Farina, Crystal Method. LA however lacks a dance station like KTU, Miami has just assembled one 97 somethin, where they record Tiesto's sets at Club Space. The other problem for NY is that when a top DJ does come, the cost is up the roof. Oaky, PVD, Tiesto... its usually 25-30 bucks max in all the places I've seen them. Here 50 bucks or more... in a small venue? its just not worth it. As a dance fanatic I would love for the dance scene to be blazin here, but its just not mainstream. Out here its about lounges, social clicks, and networking. not dancing your ass off, without a worry in the world until the sun comes up. I'll have to wait until Feb 20 when PVD comes to Avalon in Boston, and i'll drive up. I'd love to go to WMC this year, but won't be able to... I'd even be willing to say Washington D.C.'s dance scene is kinda happening, I mean they do have Ferry Corsten as a resident at Glow.
  11. California Sweeps NJ/NY.... 4-0 over the Nets Yankees out Giants out Now the Jets are out... Sorry, but NY is Cali's bitch... You just can't compare the two... NY has nothing to offer... except crappy weather & unattractive women... in those departments NY owns us. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  12. Jets in the superbowl? ha ha ha ha, that was a good one. In case you haven't noticed the NY/NJ teams haven't faired too well against California. Lakers Angels 49ers and finally Raiders all took out your boys in the playoffs this year... Nets, Yanks, Giants, Jets...
  13. As for the smoking ban. They will adjust, clubs in California have outdoor patio's so the smokers just go outside... But i forgot, with the freezin freakin weather here, I guess, that's out... well, you are holding somethin on fire, so I guess you can still get your fix. let others breathe oxygen and not have our clothes stink of the shit you're smokin.
  14. Sorry but the dance scene in NY is dead. I end up going to other cities for my fix. But I have to give props to Arc... It's hardcore, no amatuer's allowed. But with no alcohol, and 18&over its a bunch of kids on drugs, but the system is tight. "It's still the best in the country tho..." ha ha ha, to say that you have to experience the dance scene in other parts of the country. From experience, and research I think the big flourishing cities in the dance scene w/i the U.S. are Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Dallas. For the one that said "don't say miami" uh, last time i checked the winter music conference isn't held in NY! for those that are interested in lookin at the cali dance scene check out spiritworld dot com. take a look at some of the pics, the setup and its all trance/house... and sorry no kids allowed.
  15. Judge Jules? I hope you guys know he's the most bagged on DJ out there. His mixing isn't all that great. Personally, I do like his track selection... What is it about the brits? they can't mix but they sure know how to pick em (see Paul Oakenfold)... granted there are some that can! I don't particularly download Jules' sets b/c he's always babbling through most of them... If he would just shut up a little more often, then maybe I could appreciate the set a little more.
  16. fwilso: good points... I guess it gets very frustrating when you go to some of these clubs or lounges and the bouncer says "we're not letting in your kind here"... (only in NY) I mean, I get a general sense that NY is living in the 60's. While it features a great diversity of cultures, the cultures seem to be isolated or segregated. And that's definitely NOT where I come from... where skin color doesn't mean shit... we're all people, white, black, purple... same thing. We all need to eat food, take a piss, breathe and reproduce... I just met up w/ some people from Australia tonight at a lounge in NY... and guess what, they had similar things to say... Most from here will always have a bias to here, but people who aren't will see NY for what it truly is.
  17. "fwilso: Come on.......DJ Irene????LOLOLOL" Again, further illustrating my example... LA had John Digweed, Armin Van Burren, and Ferry Corsten also... They're not spinning hip hop, and to show that these were alternative events to the big one (Giant village)... There are no signs of Club Rubber, NAKED LA, Spundae, or any of the many many electronic/dance scenes closin up shop in Los Angeles... or Miami for that matter (where I lived for about 8 months)
  18. fwilso: Come on.......DJ Irene????LOLOLOL NYC is the only city in which if you make it here, you can handle living just about anywhere else in the world, and it looks like NY beat you. First, I didn't go to see no DJ Irene nor Egil at that event. Just illustrating an example of a massive party in Los Angeles not featuring hip hop. The hip hop parties were much smaller drawing more of an intimate crowd. New York couldn't muster any such event b/c NOBODY would show up to it... the dance scene is dead here, and the new yorkers know it, hence clubs like Roxy shuttin down fridays, or the fact that only a handful of clubs even offer the music genre. Instead I chose PVD, Howells, Method, Farina, Tall Paul... and yes all at the same place. As for NY beating me, yes, I would agree. I've been fortunate to travel all over the world and see many places. I've lived in 3rd world countries, and as a matter of fact, that place is better than this shithole. My apartment in a 3rd world country is BETTER than the one I live at here in NY! And there the power would go out from time to time! Here the streets are filled w/ trash, the buildings are older than my dead great grandmother, the people are rude, i could go on and on for hours at a time... If there is a hell in this world, I found it... NYC. NY does have the ability to eat you up and spit you out, and it looks like its done that to me, only b/c I'm used to so much better. Why bother flying coach when you're used to first class. Higher standards, that's all. But at least I can say been there and done that. Just gotta suffer for another 1+ years...
  19. spragga: " Born and raised in NY dipshit so step the fuck off" I took your quote dumbass... Born and raised in NY eh? What a pity.
  20. Spragga: "I can't wait to get the hell out of this city! " Oh tell me about this... I'm dyin here. I've heard NY has the ability to chew you up and spit you out, but this is ridiculous. I'm struggling to find one decent thing to say about this place and I can't. Shitty weather, ugly girls, and every club/lounge plays hip hop exclusively. The dance scene is dead, and or dying. These in itself are three great reasons to leave here. Again nothing wrong with hiphop, just not my taste when I go out. I mean how else would you explain me knowing ALL of the hip hop songs and not even listening to the genre? Dance fans... go to LA/SF/Miami/Dallas... and maybe Glow in D.C. Where Ferry is a resident. LA had two massive new years parties which attracted well over 5000 people a piece... and it wasn't hip hop! DJ Irene, Swedish Egil, & the giant village which everyone knows about... what a blast!
  21. Man o man... Oh by the way, I just found out PVD's New York date now has a TBC listed for the venue, it was roxy... So it maybe changed! And there's nothing wrong w/ hip hop, you can listen to it on the radio, watch it on MTV, and well, get it all the time. Every lounge has it, almost all clubs have it... They play songs everyone has heard of and can sing to it, and its basically the same songs over and over... All of my colleagues here in NY are 100% hip hop.... I myself am dying b/c I like to dance, and the hip hop scene is about grinding some girl... not the reason I go out. The dance scene is just a little faster paced, far more fun... Nothing better than electronic to get your groove on... If any of you get a chance to make it out to LA or Miami for their dance scene, I'd recommend it. I've heard Dallas is gettin into it big time also. Hip hop is nice for the radio's & TV... Trance/House...now that's when the party gets started.
  22. "The only reason the crowd looks good is because it is dark in there... just wait until they turn the lights on!!! And that goes for ANY club." let me add... "in New York"... NY aka "land of the ugly"
  23. Hip Hop party @ Roxy now? Wow, now 95% of New York has that... glad to see they've got hip hop covered, I thought there was a shortage. So, officially, there are what? 5 places covering the dance scene? exit, webster, SF, Arc, Centrofly?
  24. I'm sure most won't really care about this event b/c it wasn't in NY but I wanna give you a little insight in regards to the best dance New Year's in the U.S. this year. Now, thanks to NY weather, my flight to Los Angeles was delayed, but got in around 9 pm. Now b/c LA has strict alcohol policy, bar closes at 1:15...so the idea is to get there early and blitzed... Get to the Westin Bonaventure (hotel where True Lies, In the Line of Fire). The street is blocked off, and you can already hear the pounding music of Luke Fair from blocks away! I'm like oh shit, this is gonna be a monster party. Over 7000 people there easy. And the women, well, LA women are the best, hands down. Since we got in a little late and trying to get fucked up early, we kinda missed most of Danny Howell's set, which run in the new year. Instead we hit up Crystal Method in the other area. They were pretty decent. By 1 am, Tall Paul was workin it on the main floor. He closed w/ one of Picotto's tracks just in time for PVD to hit the decks. And I flew all the way there just to hear him drop "Nothing but you" and he opened & closed w/ that shit. Un-fuckin-believable. His set was ok at best but what a way to start & end it. The crowd wasn't as into his set either for some reason. In fact, dare I say, Mark Farina upstaged his set, and we headed over there! I had to fly out the next morning, and missed Armin Van Buuren & Ferry Corsten who are there today. The weather was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky. Then I arrive back to NY...38 & raining. Magical trip... I think Giant for New Years might just have to be an annual event, especially since PVD makes it so.
  25. Well went to Arc last nite for Marco V. He was pretty good, and the place is pretty tight. I think I'll be at arc more often. Too bad there aren't many girls, and a few too many kids for my taste, but the sound system is perfect.
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