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Everything posted by jy

  1. I'm really straight up with my intentions. If a guy is really nice but that tiny spark isn't there then i'll make it clear that I only want to be friends. If the spark is there then who knows what will happen. I've made the mistake before. I dated a nice guy who wasn't bad looking but I just wasn't attracted to him. He wasn't as outgoing as I am and didn't really have a sense of humour and I was constantly telling myself that I would eventually become attracted to him because he was a nice guy. Unfortunately, it didn't work. The whole relationship just didn't feel right and since then i make it perfectly clear from the get go.
  2. I think the major problem is that people confuse attraction with good looks. Someone doesn't have to be goodlooking to be attractive. Sometimes it's in the way they comport themselves, their sense of humour or their confidence that just make them gorgeous without even having the pretty face. In the case of this guy he's probably gone after shallow girls in the past who couldn't get passed his weight problem, which is fine. Then when he met you and you bluntly told him it wouldn't work he basically let out all his frustration on you.
  3. if i knew a guy had a girlfriend and I was attracted to him I wouldn't put myself in a situation where I would be tempted or he would (being alone). I've been the girlfriend, and i've been the girl who's been cheated on so no if i knew the guy had a girl then I wouldn't touch him. and yes i would respect the guy a million times more.
  4. jy


    i know that she needed to get away. Her boyfriend is a fucking pig and he drives her insane. I refuse to call him because he's just an ass and I know that he'll tell me to go fuck myself if I ask him where she is. Besides, i'm sure he doesn't know because he's called a few friends wondering where the fuck she went
  5. i think it's damn hot if a guy has his nipples pierced but he's got to have a nice chest otherwise it defeats the purpose. No man boobies I have one pierced with a tiny barblell. it hurt like a bitch
  6. if i wasn't attracted to the guy then no i wouldn't date him. But attraction is relative, just like you weren't attracted to him someone else will be. Besides if we dated people just because they were nice then "friends" wouldn't exist.
  7. jy

    Jennifer Love Hewitt!!

    she's yummy
  8. jy


    my cousin has not been home since Monday. She had a terrible fight with her boy and hasn't been returning phone calls or been home in three days. I am very worried and do not really know what to do. I do not want to call her boy because he is a complete jerk and the whole family is freaking out.
  9. jy

    fake boobs hurt

    does leningrad stil exist????????????? i thought it was abolished
  10. i love creed oh and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself Marci
  11. live and learn i guess
  12. this got moved to drama... lol
  13. nice shirt Marko
  14. jy

    Girls Need Some Help

    go to a gyno, they'll give you a cream or something
  15. yeah i was gonna ask the same question
  16. so what are you doing reading it?
  17. personally, i would never stick around and wait for someone to finally change or finally realize the importance in being with someone else. some people are just asses by nature and if they want to change then thats fine but I'm not going to stick it out and find out for myself. I've done that too many times and it's always ended the same way : me being crushed. if someone is right for you then they'll be right for you from the start..
  18. i don't have anyone to go with all my buddies are away that weekend!
  19. jy

    fake boobs hurt

    50 bucks she says moscow
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