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Everything posted by embodiedhate

  1. I got lots of it right now.
  2. You're on a roll today.
  3. Phuturephunk, for all the trash talked to him. I would go into a sappy speech on how I had some kind of Hallmark Ephiphany moment while sitting at the computer and smoking Hash. Yeah yeah, I could do that, but I'm not. Phuturephunk, I salute you. I really do. I'm fucking sorry. -Hate
  4. Dude, at least you could have created a fake name to post that under. I mean, please now, that's gotta stop.
  5. Eat Cocky Cock Cocky You horse poop licker!! (scatological farm references never get old. Just think about it for a second).
  6. And she looks MEAN doing it as well.
  7. Alot of people don't. Like I said: Don't take it personally, I hate without discrimination, except in the case of Phuturephunk, who is a worthless FATASS!
  8. That kid is fucking doomed. Just think of the shit he's gonna take in High School, if he makes it that far.
  9. Seeing that picture got me thinking. What would your (any of you guys and gals) do if you had one?
  10. Oh, and Gebriel, don't take it personally.
  11. Hopefully fucking various members of your extended family in the ass.
  12. Now, do you really think I read your posts? I got a nice cold glass of STFU for ya, drink up.
  13. I'm sure you all want cookies for coming up with such an amazingly engrossing thread.
  14. I'd dress up as a mammoth mutated elephant penis and run around telling people I was a Skinny Puppy reject.
  15. Jon Gotti's body should be dragged through the waterfront area in Brooklyn while tied to the tailpipe. After that they should put him in a bag, cement it and dump the body in New York harbor. I think that would be a fitting end to his life of thuggery.
  16. So is being fat, cause it naturally leads to the condition mentioned. Just ask futurephunk, his fat ass never gets laid.
  17. Oh clever clever my little rotund beauty. Make fun of my mom all you want, it still won't get that massive slice of fatback you call a body closer to getting laid.
  18. If I gave you 50 keys of coke and told you to take it down to City Hall, would you tell the officer denting your skull inside out that you're "just the messenger"? Grow a cortex and actually USE that Phonix book your parents bought.
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