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Everything posted by embodiedhate

  1. Allrighty. Lemmie lay it down for you. IF you want to throw a rolling party, wouldn't it be a better Idea if you built up a reparte with us first, then scoped out which members actually do that stuff regularly, then try to organize something on the down low. IF planned well enough, you can get peeps to come out, you just have to be tactfull about it. and a lack of tact is why everyone's giving you a hard time.
  2. yeah? .. Yeah? .. IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN COME UP WITH???!!?? I'm dissapointed in you.
  3. Listen, just because she won't lick coke off of your embarrasinly inadequate cock doesn't mean you need to get on her case about it. I'm sure there's lots of vagrants down by the docks that would be happy to oblidge.
  4. No offense, but YOU'RE A FUCKING DINGLEBERRY!!
  5. Draper eats the cock. He's a disgrace to DJ's everywhere (yes, even happy hardcore DJ's) I suggest we build up a lynch mob and vivesect him in the middle of times square to make a statement.
  6. It's called foresight. You know, that wonderful ability to foretell possible problems and therefore change course as to avoid them in the first place? You know? You understand? Oh that's right, you don't. You're to busy drinking piss from a GCT urinal while some crackhead named Izzy shits on your back.
  7. He doesn't respond to you because he, like the majority of the sane world, has an aversion to sucking animal cock.
  8. You want truth, you piggily pig fucker? I'll give you truth. Truth: Mark is a horse cock blowing pig boy that wants nothing else in this world than to be violated by a brahma bull while being horse whipped by old Farmer Joe. Truth: Mark actually gets excited about the idea of having a size 19 asshole after the above bull is done doing his business. This will allow him to achieve his dream of being able to walk around with a rolling pin in his ass with minimal discomfort. Got that , Pig boy?
  9. Quite frankly.. Because I've already done the petitioning to the city comission and the metered speech. Why?..Because I've already tried to go through the right channels to get something done, and you know what? NOTHING came of it...So now I'm just gonna hate on the people who destroy what I love, because reasoning has obviously failed.
  10. You have a point joeg. But..I'm not an idealist, and I'm down with hate, so that's the way it's gonna be. See, I didn't turn that one into a thread clusterfuck, happy?
  11. Dude, that was cold. Not even I would cross that line.
  12. You're missing the forest for the trees there asshead. My problem with YOU is the fact that people like YOU are what destroy clubs like Vinyl. You don't want to be around Gays? FINE! Stay thee FUCK away from Hubert street. It's funny that you use the "wah wah, I always get my ass grabbed by the gay guys", I can't tell you HOW many times I've heard the homo-est of homophobes use that one..Well you know what? Why don't you try wearing sneakers and jeans once in a while...I guarantee it'll improve your "Lawn Mower" technique...and the big bad gays will have a harder time checking out the contour of your meatball ass!!
  13. I was gonna let this one slip, but I just HAD to reply...Adressing your points Shithead5B: First off, and I know this has been said before, but I'm stating it again for the record: Vinyl is NOT an underground Venue. Yes, I agree it keeps more to the spirit of underground clubbing, but it is quite publicized and the location is not hidden. ...And while we're on the subject of underground, where in the FUCK do you get off labelling anything "underground" when your example of the quinessential clubbing experience is the current incarnation of Sound Factory? I mean PLEASE, you wouldn't know what underground was if I drop kicked you into a Con Ed manhole in the middle of Midtown, so shut your fucking trap. I see you also have a problem with Gays coming out and getting down. Well, lemmie tell you this buddy boy, GAYS are probably the greatest group in the subculture (take your time to sound it out..) to party with. They BRING the party, there IS no higher. There HAS NEVER been a credible ongoing party in this city that wasn't either A) founded by or frequented by them. ..And another fun fact: The original Sound Factory was predominantly gay..so those guys have more credibility than ALL of your meathead friends that get primped each weekend in attire that could double for a landing signal at La Guardia . I do think I've said enough. Take that Stiv meatboy, and POUND IT UP YOUR FUCKING ASS. -Hate
  14. To sum it up: Lefty5B is a horse cock smoking homophobe whore who believes that he is a child of satan, brought here by the unholiest of powers to sodomize all the cutsey little barnyard animals before slaughter and spread that screechy bam bam bam shit that JP plays, all across the land. Lefty5B is also in denial about about the aforementioned facts, along with the fact that he actually LIKES having sex with his immediate family. I (embodiedhate) can attest to this, because they hired me to take footage at their family "reunion" (more like Multiple Penetration) a couple of weeks back.
  15. Blah Blah Blah, stop denying it to yourself and move to Jersey, you'll be among your kind.
  16. Glad you found it amusing fatass, now get back to eating those Ho Ho's.
  17. He wasn't winking at you, you cum eating bukkake whore!
  18. I see the sidekicks are in full effect today.
  19. There goes the neighborhood. Get back in the basement you cock sucking gimp!
  20. Alwaaays...You sure got a pretty mouth.
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