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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by embodiedhate

  1. Good to see you're content with hanging off someone else's nuts. Wanna come over and mow my lawn?
  2. I've found that more often than not, the person who comes to epiphany and then immediately talks about it really didn't come to epiphany at all, but rather is trying to cling to some fleeting sense of hope with an otherwize hopeless situation. You still wanna die there kiddo, you're just distracted with something else at the moment. Sorry, try again.
  3. This conversation is exceptionally fucking lame...yo!
  4. Why don't you find a new fucking line to use?
  5. Ok dingleberry, you got three shouts..What's taking you so long to produce the corpse?
  6. You must seek this shit out. Hey..I got a couple friends of mine that'd like to shoot a video with you. I'll cut you 10 percent of the gross, only catch is: It's gonna be hard on the pipes.
  7. No, strike that, Saturn...
  8. And I'd also like to add. Seems to me that the majority of the males on CP seem to be extroadinarily well hung. That's impressive considering what Gambitrah said is true. I think you chikcs out there should take a second look at the average computer user.
  9. Settle down there tiger. If anyone's gonna take cupcake to the moon and back it's gonna be me!
  10. If I put a HK Socom up your left nostril and told you, your girl and your friends to get the fuck out of your car, mark my words you would, and your buddies wouldn't do shit to stop it. Remember, theres a choice here, property or the contents of you skull intact.
  11. Try some cottage cheeze too, works wonders when you gotta plotz.
  12. My kinda woman What's your sign?
  13. Ok, and I'm gonna add this. If you're gonna keep the nice guy around, at least throw him a fucking bone from time to time so he doesn't get torn to pieces over your irresponsible, yet fun, behavior. 'Cause you know full fucking well that you're gonna get him on the fucking phone at 10 at night when the asshole fucks up.
  14. I'm sorry if it came off as harsh, but I've heard it too many times before. Now get out there and burn yourself.
  15. If I could have that notarized and have you sign an agreement stating that you'd adhere to what you claim, I would. Sorry, but I just don't buy it, although I do wish you luck in being that good hearted. Here's why I think you'll be typical, just in case you care: If you didn't want to choose A, You wouldn't have even hesitated to choose contestant B, nor would you have told us that you're torn between the two. It's all very simple: Contestant A: Drama and Chaos Contestant B: Nice and Safe You're asking us to help you make a decision between poison and innocuous, even though it should be readily apparant that POISON IS BAD FOR YOU!! I mean, please now..but you know what? And I finally see the deeper subconscious meaning behind your first post..I believe you're looking, subconsciously at least, for someone to validate the bad choice for you, because if you take the law of averages into effect, eventually someone's gonna come out of the woodwork on this circus of a board and tell you to go for it. You're educated cupcake, or at least you come off as being so. Neither I, nor anyone else should have to tell you NOT TO TOUCH THE HOT STOVE!!
  16. Why even ask the question? You know you're gonna be typical female and choose Contestant A. Or maybe even Fuck contestant A while stringing along contestant B for emotional support. One or the other, you'll still choose the typical female route, so just go with it and stop asking questions.
  17. Remember to mark it down in your notebook and I'll give you a star sticker for effort later.
  18. Yeah, because you can't find the hook. Sleep on it a couple of days and I bet you'll find one.
  19. You soooo almost got there terdsmack, but it lacked the 'hook' so to speak. Try again.
  20. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you nuts? All of his fucking material eats the goat cock..I'd get a bigger laugh watching a bunch of incontenant retirees playing bridge.
  21. You know, I was gonna come up with something witty/obnoxious for this one, but I'm just soo not inspired with the traffic on this board today. So I guess my answer would be, I'd cut it off, have it freezedried and sell it as modern art for 10 million in cash.
  22. You're a little late on the trigger there cupcake, it officially ended two posts before yours.
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