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Everything posted by embodiedhate

  1. Can't feed yourselves, Can't create a balanced government or law infrastructure, but sure can fuck a whole lot and produce little future suicidal maniacs...What a fucking family
  2. We should turn that entire fucking place into a parking lot. No holy land, no problem.
  3. Now that'd be fireworks Me = II
  4. seriously, you should take a second crack at HL, everyone I know who games, comes back to that game time and time again.
  5. That only happened because it was a special night and you had people coming in from all over the northeast and other places to see the show. The fact of the matter is, that night the demand was so high that you actually "paid" them to violate code and let more people in the club then they should have.
  6. Never played battle of the Sexes, so I can't say. Q2 did a damn good job of turning me off to the entire series. And Q3 didn't do much to restore it.
  7. So hows terd burglaring going for you over there in Germany? Good? Any magic ones found?
  8. I'm so very sorry, you know there's an ointment to treat that right?
  9. It wasn't the same, cause unlike the rest of the shooters out there you actually have normal physics instead of the "ice skating while on crack" feel that all the rest of them do. Sorry, THUMBS DOWN!!! (keep it going now)
  10. I'd take you to school . . . . . .
  11. Quake and all of it's worthless decendants are for amateurs. Once you decide to get out of the sandbox and grow a pair, I'd be happy to rip you a new one in Half Life.
  12. 1) If she wanted to 2) No (It's not prudent to run the chance of not getting laid that night)
  13. Everyone loves trance, even if they say they hate it, they love it. I'm just so sick of hearing the "I got hit in the head by some idiot with strings". The frequency these fucking idiots cry about it, I'd expect to see some crack (as in elite) rave team with a 4000 foot spool of invisible wire and 10 gross of deep diving sticks at every night time establishment in the tri state area.
  14. Just FYI..That second pic (right) is a medical condition that happens to a fraction of the population. See, it's like this (gotta love the learning channel), before a fetus takes on one sex or another both male and females have the same genital precursors. If it develops into a male, the center 'button' (I can't remember the clinical name) develops into a penis. If the gender is female, that button stays the same and becomes the clitoris. The pic on the right is what happens when the process goes "part of the way" in the other direction, so to speak. I saw a really good documentary on 48 hours a while back about this kind of thing. People with this condition often suffer from alot of gender identity issues because they develop hormonally and physically with neither gender being dominant.
  15. That's such a beat fucking excuse. Everyone uses it....Hey now, I heard K-marts having a sale on originality, I suggest you check it out.
  16. You aint fuckin lying!
  17. Listen, listen..I'm sure you derive great pleasure from fucking your dad in the ass every morning, but please..there's certain things you don't need to share!
  18. His fucking loss, now go wild!
  19. Robocop 2 managed to bore me out of a perfectly good K-hole . . . THUMBS DOWN!!
  20. Is he some kind of long lost cousin of firefly from GI Joe? Eh, Donkeycock?
  21. . . . Cool it goat fucker, I don't remember the pope asking you to vouch for me . . and anyways, gangrene bum cock is your department. . . . . . . . . Back to the topic at hand: Bustacock how the fuck has your sheep-fucking-horse-cocky-cock-sucking-hamster-feltching-doody-eating-pig-boy ass been? . . Good? . . No? . . . Well great either way, now get back to sucking that horse cock bitch!! . . . . . .
  22. Dude, not even I would go there, that's just not right . . .
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