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Everything posted by embodiedhate

  1. Like it matters? Listen, I know you're very content to sit there and get a rise out of these kids by posting your idiotic comments about how Webster Hall is supreme and whatnot, but I think you'd be alot happier with yourself if you'd just admit to us that you loved it when your dad would give you those 'special' visits at 3 in the morning when mommy was asleep..
  2. That's the fucking spirit you 5 dolla cock sucking goat fucking mule whore that couldn't get WIC if she had Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and Puff Daddy personally march down to city hall and suck bloomberg off for free!! (or something like that).. grrrrrrrrrrr Morning.
  3. I had a great evening, and now I will sleep. Goodnight
  4. Seriously though, she's such a standard issue bitch, at least she could have something that discerns her bitchiness, like some kind of mannerism/stupid slang that she's known for. But then again, we can't expect something from everyone. I'm still of the opinion that a good manhandling would loosen her up.
  5. Stop fuckin lying to yourself
  6. You know, if you're gonna be such an insolent bitch you might as well do it with style. Ya know?
  7. 2 hours late, try again.
  8. Have a good afternoon, get home safe and spend some quality time with those who matter in your life. Aight? -Hate
  9. Oh you insolent little ginzo, I'm gonna drive out to that asshole that passes for a state and force feed you horse cocky cock co... You know what I'm outta steam today, you win.
  10. Did I ask for validation from the sandbox? What's that?? Huh?? Oh, THAT'S RIGHT, I didn't, so why don't you get back to workin' your bosses tool that you love oh so much.
  11. Shouldn't be a problem, I'll push back my dinner meeting with Bloomberg to next week. He's looking for strategic initiatives to increase hate in the city, it can wait.
  12. How bout Tavern on the Green at 8? I'll have my driver come pick you up.
  13. You all are being way to nice to this fucking kid. Very Amusing
  14. That's too much meat for anyone to take. You're brave.
  15. I talked to dave, he said that you were temporarily banned because of your haircut.
  16. I just love getting a rise out of you cupcake.
  17. You crack me up..You are hereby put in the "typical female" category with Sassa. You say you've found love with the new one, yet the old one can still make you melt. If I was your guy I'd keep you leashed to the front door of the house cause god knows you'd fuck the ex when I wasn't around. And you say us men should give respect..Sell me another one sweetiepie.
  18. OK cocky cock smoker. I know you're having a grand old time stealing my thunder, but I think your time would be better served licking the shit off the bottom of old bessy's stall after she's done pissing on your face you bovine debauching mick!
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