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Everything posted by elitesnautica

  1. This will be good. I also want to see this tuna article also. This study keeps being cited by people as "conclusive" evidence that mercury poisoning is a problem. I read this article once but did not pay much attention to it b/c i didnt see anything conclusive. But, since I have seen others cite it I have not been able to find it. It would be nice if someone would post it so I could read the entire article again. I think the problem is that people assume that just b/c it causes problems at the doses condidered in the study that everybody that even smells a can of tuna will have the same issues. If someone could please quit citing this study and actually post it, then we could at least have an intelligent debate about the issue. In the mean time, I don't think I will have an irrational fear of tuna. Nautica
  2. I'm ready to hear this one too. Nautica
  3. elitesnautica


    So, I guess nobody is going to answer his question.
  4. I don't even know where to begin. But, I will start by saying quit searching for a magic pill. There is not one. Only hard work and dedication. Nautica
  5. Not sure, I do not know any of your stats. But, this is where cycling of training routines and diets comes into play. Plus hormones, but we won't go into that. Nautica
  6. The body wants to maintain homeostasis and stay close to its natural body weight. Lets look at it from the opposite view and then it may become more clear. Lets say you were overweight and wanted to loose. (we will assume your frame is meant to carry around 150 lbs) If you start at 200 you will loose very rapidly at first, then the rate will slow as you approach the 150 lb mark. If you then try to go below the 150 the rate will be even slower. As you move farther below this to maybe 130 lbs. the rate will slow and most like stop (unless of course you completely starve yourself). The same holds true for gaining. At the 130 mark you could eat and get back to 150 extremely fast. Then as you moved above this it would slow and eventually stop. You have to put forth a special effort in not only total food consumption but you need to be able to "trick" the body into moving past these points on no growth. Nautica
  7. element has some good ideas. Try his routine. Make sure when you are doing this that you concentrate on your chest not on the weight being lifted. You can make your chest work by concentrating specifically on those muscles. Good luck Nautica
  8. DO NOT do this. The only difference you will see is the total break down of any size which you have already gained. Nautica
  9. Your speaking of a homebrew AAS compound. He is speaking of creatine. btw as far as sucking b/c you have been on it one week. What in the hell were you expecting from creatine anyway??? Nautica
  10. I can't answer your question. That is why I asked for a clinical study. I can say that I have not seen one that shows conclusively that it is a detriment to ones health. Nautica
  11. This is a statement that must come from years of research. Let us see your research or clinical studies to back this up. The research should include healthy individuals consuming 300-500 grams of protein per day along with a control group that limits protein consumption to under 75 grams per day. Thanks Nautica btw - if you find good studies, I am sure that most of us here will then agree. I have asked others who make statements to back it up with research and they do. I appreciated then and I will appreciate it now. This way we can all learn something.
  12. Prove me wrong. It allows me to learn. Nautica
  13. Who is claiming this will work for you???? You said "He". Who the hell is "he" and what makes him an expert. It sounds to me like you have alot of work to do before you start taking clen. Clen can raise you metabolism around 3%. If you are still eating the same as you were when you put on the extra 45 lbs, then clen will do absolutely nothing for you except maybe slow down the rate at which you put on the next 45 lbs. Sorry, to be so brutally honest. But, you asked for help. Why don't we start by discussing your eating habits as well as your training schedule. And also, what kind of time frame are you needing to loose this amount of fat. Nautica
  14. Holy crap!!! Hook me up. Nautica
  15. $50 per bottle, but you only paid $30??? Looks like you could have ordered it for the same price. Don't be impressed by the fancy lingo, look for clinical studies that would show this to be better than a $10 bottle. I doubt you will be able to. Nautica
  16. I love when supplement companies use names like "anavol". Do they really think that people are ignorant enough to draw a correlation between this and anavar or anadrol???? Yep, and the damn shame about it is that some people are. Keep this in mind when you buy creatine, it is all the same. And none of the brands can be considered a magic pill. There was a thread on creatine last week. This is the kind of thing I was talking about. I was saying that some people see this similar to an anabolic, and by naming this compound "anavol" it adds proof to my point. Nautica
  17. No, but I don't think he would have caught on, even it there was. I just do not see how it is possible to mistake "e" for any type of presription drug.
  18. How could one mix up xanax, which is a high grade pharmacutical, for a hand stamped e pill. Your first clue should have been that little dolphin on one side. Nautica
  19. Like the rest of the supplments out there, they had to drop the ephed, so it is lacking. But, no worse than the rest. nautica
  20. Whether it is the best magazine or not is debateable. But, the facts and objectivity you pointed out is not. I can guantee that if they offer a fact it is only in order to improve sales of the magazine and is most likely just a coincedence. Nautica
  21. Also, keep in mind. This study which you have mentioned are using experienced wieght lifters as the study and control group. These individuals will be doing everything else right and are not relying on creatine to be a magical potient without the proper intake of protein, ect..... But, I would still be interested in reading it, if you can provide a link. Nautica
  22. can you post a link to the study??? (or copy and paste) thanks nautica
  23. This is a misunderstanding about jogging (or target heart rate goals). The reason they say, "fat burning" zone, is b/c that is when you start burning "fat" most efficiently. But, by doing sprints you will not only burn more fat, but you will also burn an enormous amount of calories. People who truly want to burn fat are not looking for efficiency, they are willing to do what ever it takes to burn the most amount of fat. If the later is your choice, then the answer to the original question is windsprints (or alternation between both, like elemtx mentioned) An obvious example of this is the comparison between sprinters and distance runners. Do a body fat % check on both. Nautica
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