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Everything posted by elitesnautica

  1. Yep, that is the idea behind "windsprints" You sprint and then jog back, ect.... This is the fastest way to burn fat without wasting muscle. It is by far the best method, if you are in good physical condition. If not, you will be increasing your chances of injury, chinsplints, ect... So be careful. Nautica
  2. I disagree. More like 85-90% ads. Even when it appears to be an article, it is usually written for 1 of 2 purposes. Either to benefit a sponsor or to increase mag sales. It seems like the only place you can get any info that is credible anymore is through journals and even then you need to be skeptical. Nautica
  3. That is not neccessarily true. Females (and males but a bit different) have what is called female fat pattern distribution. Fat in certain areas have alpha vs. beta receptors which are more resistant to lipolysis. This type of fat (in females) is generally located in the hips, the breast (along with breast tissue), the back of the neck and the back of the arms. Notice I said generally, every individual females is different. For example, some females have more in the hips; therefore, if this type of females goes through several cycles of loosing and gaining weight - they will loose fat a a slower rate in this area, but when they put weight back on, they will gain fat universally. Over a period of time this female would most likely have an unproportionately large hip area. The top down or bottom up may be noticed in some individuals but it is by no means a generality. It only depends on genetics and location of this "stubborn" fat, which I mentioned above. And as far as boobs shrinking drastically, once again this is due togenetics and i have seen many many cases, where they do. Nautica
  4. #1 eat right and the need for a multi-vit will be minimal. #2 when looking for a mult-vit, don't look for one that looks to good to be true. In other words, a multi-vit that claims to have lots and lots of different vitamins included in one pill. The more different vits that are included, the less of each you will recieved. So basically, you will be wasting time and money. Nautica
  5. Seems like typical cause for depression. You have got to take the step and try to take care of this yourself. In the long run, you will appreciate this. Start by getting back to your routine. DO NOT expect motivation to get you here. Set your alarm or what ever. Just make sure you do what your are suppose to do as far as your training is concerned. This may even help with the rest of your life. It will do you no good to sit and feel sorry about your being out of a job. One thing at a time. Start with what made you happy at one time: running. Then you can start taking care of the rest of your life. Good luck nautica
  6. what do you feel the benefits of this to be??? nautica
  7. Don't feel alone. Everybody has been in this situation. here is my suggestion and it should work, unless you are having severe suppression and in need of meds. You must go back to the routine you were doing when things were going good. Don't look for the motivation to do it. Just do it, even if you do not feel like it. Do this for day 1, day 2, day 3, ect....... the hopes is that after a week or 2 you will be back on tract and then hopefully the motivations will come. One question? Have you had something bad happen to you? Have you recently tried to quit drugs or alcohol are you doing alcohol or drugs? Is there anything that could be causing your frustrations?? nautica
  8. I actually couldn't have said it better myself. This is perfect information and I will regress and take a sec to relate it to my feelings about creatine and then maybe you can see my point. I have seen many many people who discount everything you have just said and then go out and spend $30 on creatine hoping for results. I hope with that you can now see my point. If someone has all of the factors in line which you have just mention. At that time, they can consider creatine. Back to "thelover" No you do not need anything to sleep. Sleeping pills will not give you the appropriate sleep. You are better off getting natural sleep even if it is not enough. Although, if you do want to consider GHB, that is the only supplement proven to induce natural sleep and increase GH levels at the same time. But, that is small doses and not enough to have fun with. BUT, I am not recommending this drug at all for you. It is a very extreme measure, which most likely is NOT needed in your case. One supplement you might want to try is melatonin. Seratonin is natural produced in the body in response to light and is what keeps us going during the day. At night, when it gets dark the saratonin is converted to melatonin, which helps you sleep. A natural way to help this is to get up early, get out in the sun to get the seratonin production going. Then when you get home keep the lights dim so that the melatonin can kick in natural. good luck nautica
  9. THis is the benefit which creatine can provide. But, it is not what most expect out of creatine. I am not saying that you feel this way, I am speaking in general. Many people think it can be a stand alone supplement. Just like mentioned on this post, when it was compared to protein. All I am saying is that all factors must be in order, then if you want to add creatine to possibly get that extra burst, then that is fine. Just make sure that the extra pump is coming from the creatine and not the sugar that is added. If it is the sugar, I can save you some money. As far as the studies, I would still love to see them. I have seen many, none of which completely convinced me that creatine made that much of a lasting difference. Nautica
  10. If you go to any gym, they will show you a simple circuit training routine. It is simply working all body parts in one routine. As far as loosing breast. Sorry, no natural way. But, implants seemed to work well. Nautica
  11. How can I put this nicely???? You are a fucking idiot. "ok her te deal" What kind of fucking language are you speaking. You need to go back to 3rd grade. While you are learning english, maybe your teacher will tell you not to look for drugs on the internet. Nautica
  12. elitesnautica

    Nice pic.

    didnt do much for me
  13. Couple of comments. First, let us talk about diet. You mentioned: "since i have acid reflux which means no citrus, no spice, no fried foods, etc". I am not exactly sure, which diet plans you have been reading about, but I am not aware of spices or fried foods being included in any of them. You probably would not be a canditate for a high protein, low carb diet. But, there are plenty of diets that can be followed. Eat a wide variety of foods, make good food choices, and cut the calories. It is as simple as that. As far as spices, most spices includes loads of salt. See if you can handle fresh herbs while cooking. If not, then you should get plenty of flavor from fresh veggies and fruits. Next, lets move on to your training. NO NO NO NO NO NO. Okay, thats cleared up. The body was not ment to have weights strapped on it while walking or jogging. You walk on the treadmill, you lift weights on a weight bench. If you have never lifted wieghts before, I would suggest a few weeks of ciruit training, until you get used to lifting and then you can move up from their. Start by doing 20 minutes or so of circuit training and then move strait to the treadmill and put in about 20 minutes or so. You can increase intensity and time as you go. Good luck Nautica
  14. One other thing. You mentioned LBM. Theorectically speaking, how do you suppose that it can help in this area??? And, do you have any clinical studies to back this up??? Nautica
  15. I am not doubtful of creatines effects. It is what it is. The body utilizes several mechinisms for energy. When oxygen is plentyful, the body converts glucose to 36 atp in the Kreb's cycle. When oxygen is not available (sprinting and shorterm), the conversion will only provide 2 atp, along with a lactic acid as a byproduct. The other mechanism, which is almost instaneous is through the use of creatine. The first two mechisms are relatively slow, but creatine is an immediate source of energy. Therefore, if the body is lacking creatine, then lifts may be seriously hindered. The problem with loading creatine is that the body can only hold so much and even it it does hold more, just b/c you have more energy does not mean you have more strength. With that being said. There can be benefits of creatine, that is energy. Like I mentioned before. If you muscles are saturated with creatine, then they will be able to reach their full potential. This more intense weight training will lead to increase strength, size, speed, ect..... PROVIDED that all other factors are in place. Such as diet, training, rest, ect...... The problem is (and this post is an example) is the mis understanding of what creatine does. People think of it as protein or carbohydrate or someother type of anabolic substance. It clearly is not. As long as people understand its purpose and use it for that purpose, then it can have its benefits. Nautica
  16. I would like to see Ronnie's Blood workup. I just do not see how he can keep this up. Bigger and leaner year after year. He may be one of those guys who are genetic freaks in that he will have no negative consequences from his drug use - but he has to be pushing the limits. Hell, even roaches submit to radiation exposure after a while. Nautica
  17. Like OU said. Protein and creatine are 2 different things. Protein is a must for muscle growth and repair. Creatine provides an immediate source of energy for the muscles. I have my doubts as to wether it has any proven benefits or not. The only possible benifit would be that it can possibly help you work out harder, which would inturn be good for muscle growth. As far as muscle recovery - It has no properties that could help in this area. Nautica
  18. FDA Warns Public Against Dietary Supplement for Weight Loss By Sean Martin WebMD Medical News Nov. 11, 1999 (Washington) -- The FDA issued a public warning Thursday against the use of the antiobesity dietary supplement Triax Metabolic Accelerator. The product, which has the active ingredient tiratricol, contains "a potent thyroid hormone, which may cause serious health consequences including heart attack and strokes," according to a paper released by the agency. The product is sold as a 'fat burner' because it raises the body's metabolism. It's marketed by Syntrax Innovations, a Missouri firm that says it has sold 100,000 bottles in just eight months on the market. According to the firm, the product occurs naturally in beef liver extract, although it must be concentrated for supplement purposes. But the FDA said it recently became aware of two people who apparently contracted overactive thyroids, a condition known as hyperthyroidism, as a result of taking the product. David Orlofft, MD, a medical officer at the FDA's drug center, tells WebMD, "What is being marketed is something that has the potential, even at the recommended doses, to cause significant hyperthyroidism." In the short term, he says, it can lead to angina, heart attack, and death. Orlofft says, "What the data are with regard to this particular product and weight loss, I have no idea. There are specific indications for the use of thyroid hormone in standard medical practice, [but] weight loss is not one of them." The state of Missouri has embargoed the firm's on-hand supply of the supplement, and Syntrax's encapsulating contractor said it will stop distribution. The company is countering, however, with legal threats against the FDA and declarations that it will stay on the market. Derek Cornelius, founder of Syntrax, tells WebMD, "We're definitely going to go to court over this. Possibly there'll be a lawsuit for negligence and acting irresponsibly." The firm says that although at least six other manufacturers sell U.S. products with tiratricol, they are not being "harassed" by the FDA. Moreover, it is a "blatant lie" to say that the product can cause heart attack and stroke. Cornelius says, "Triax has an impeccable safety record. I have research paper after research paper showing that it's safe for fetuses [and] small kids. It's a very effective weight-loss product, and the FDA has gotten pressure from pharmaceutical companies to move against me. "I have doctors all over the country giving it to their patients, it works so well," Cornelius tells WebMD. "Our advertising budget's almost nil. We have people losing 100 to 200 pounds on it, with no negative side effects." Unlike pharmaceutical companies, dietary supplement firms do not have to seek approval from the FDA before marketing their products because of a 1994 law. Stephen Barrett, MD, a quackery watchdog, tells WebMD that the dietary supplement law is worthless. "It's a health-food industry law. It was done to protect people promoting worthless supplements," he says. "For practical purposes, it makes it impossible for the FDA to protect the public against unsubstantiated claims." *Keep in mind this is from the FDA. So you can take that for what its worth.
  19. That is b/c diet pills have so many different ingredients and most are not regulated. Find out the ingredients and ask your pharmacist.
  20. Please, call your doc or pharmacist for the answer to this question. Nautica
  21. I surgery could not account for my lack of size, so I added another.
  22. Hell, I'm glad you pointed it out. I must have had 2 or 3 prostate surgeries.
  23. http://www.geocities.com/gina_rlp/muscles.html
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