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Everything posted by fostech

  1. Great night. Really enjoyed this venue the last 2 weekends. Really looking forward towards Christian Smith. Like Erik said, there something about the place that brings you back to the mix. I don't know what it is ...but its an easy club to just let go and dance your'e arse off! Wasn't incredible bussy but it was never close from being empty. The vibe was deff. there. My only tip on the place is that the opening dj(great dj in-deed) should start off the night playing some funkier tracks.... at 12:30 it seems the music is already peak time when it should resemble the start of the night..... Great night all around.
  2. It's Opium, I should have known? Known what? That they book dj's and dont' alow single people to go in....what the fuck is that? What is it a swingers party that only girls or couples can get in? So what? If you don't have a girlfriend/ date you can't go and dance to a fucking dj? Ridiculous ...that's all I have to say. The flyers should have said..." only for couples & single women". I couldn't get there earlier.....what can I say.
  3. Wen't there last night expecting to listen to Layo & Bushwaka, showed up with 2 peeps and signed up in the Cj list but arrived late. We told the bouncer we didn't care to pay full cover as long as we could get in and he gave us the "your'e only guys and your'e screwd typa' deal". I told him in a nice tone of voice "listen buddy I've been waiting for some time to listen to these djs and if I had a girl she would be with me right now... I just want to listen to the djs, have some drinks and a good time" and nope.... no way of entering. I explained him I was a dj and have played at crobar, space, nerve, Living Room etc... And the bouncer didn't even let me finish the sentence.... simply ignored. Have been living here for some time now... have contributed to every club that has opened for the last 8yrsor so, before there was an industry or big fuzz about Mia.......and have never felt so low in my life. 3 respectable peeps who where well dressed, had money in our pockets, have partied in cities all around the world, who are part of the music-club industry not only in Miami but also in South America and other parts....and no way of getting respect. Well.....fuck all off ya's...Dade and Nick ..I know you have nothing to do with this...but a music event is supposed to be about music...no about ridiculous door policies. Peace, Oscar Fonseca.
  4. If lobster raviolis are your thing... go to rosinela's right next to Perricones. Not as fancy but the raviolis are the best. Don't go to lincoln rd's rosinelas. it sucks btw.
  5. + Oscar F @ Nerve on SundayAfteterhrs. along Cue! YOu can add that one Ramon. So in other words there's good continuous party from Fri. till Monday. AKA...La ruta del bacalao as they call it in Spain!
  6. Pollo en Brasa men. South American Syle. With natural fruit juice of all types, plus empanadas of all types, arepas, cachapas, and desserts. How can you go wron my friend. Thats what I would put my money on.
  7. Desyn played a good set. Expected somethin else though...which is the case lately. He played lots of 90's,organ layered, kms sounding tracks.... my favorite part of the night. I think a dj should be able to play whatever he pleases to and he did. The original Beyonce was a tiny bit too much for my taste...but overall it had a good effect and ended pulling off a good descent set. 1 question, when's Lee comming back? Could craig come too!?! Thankx..
  8. Good luck guys... What a good week to go out in South America!!! Incredible Lineups!! Peace. Oscar.
  9. thanks guys... see ya soon. O.
  10. Mazi layed it down from the moment he went on. Set started a bit on the funkier side and slowly started getting a bit chunkier and harder. He held the crowd under his spell the whole night and left everyone with an open mouth. I'm glad everyone enjoyed the event and considered it a serious, solid night... from the music, to organization, to overall outcome. Highlight of the night is impossible for me to post since there where so many....but the track on crosstown and a funky electroie breaks records he canned around 3:30 completely did it for me. Really happy to open for him, I was a bit nervous since he's a big time dj/producer+the anticipation, etc.....once I left the tt I released so much energy, stress, anticipation that I was completely drained. Anywayz... really happy for the night in general......thanks to all who made it possible...you know who you are. Nice meeting Lyrik, Phillipio, +the out of town couple from north carlolina who danced all night. Nice seeing all the usuals also, thanks for comming out. Peace, Oscar.
  11. sounds like a plan... would be nice to go to my first cp bbq. heard the last one was a blast! peace. Oscar.
  12. Demi played a great set. Different from the last time. His set simply goes everywhere.... from funky to tech house, from tribal to proggier stuff, allways with a trippy vibe. Played some killer tracks during the build up of his set....he allways builds the set taking his time(who ever stays, stays...who ever leaves, leaves). Highlight of the night for me was the "Hazed track"....old track with a modern feel, simply timeless....blew me away! Overall great appearance. My respect... Oscar.
  13. A friend checked out Mazi @ Fabric this yr. and told me he packed the house+ really pleased the crowd. If he can take the Fabric crowd w/ no hesitation.... imagine what he can do @ Luna.(wornder what the hell he played @ Fabric?). He can play from the most technical point of view- to a more relaxed party atmosphere, hope he can give us a bit of both. My friend described his set as real techy and at some points pretty hard stuff too. His set are much harder and better than his impecable productions...so you go figure. He plays funky as hell as Ekitel described him, its weird funky tech house with atmospheric breakdowns that make each record different from each other and from the typical house recs...cool stuff. He mixes flawlessly, produces the same way... we are in for a ride. Happy as hell to open for him...have tons of his recs. See you there!
  14. set is bangin'... good stuff. can't wait for saturday.
  15. Wait till you see the events Pm Sessions has in stock for the near future.
  16. Oscar Fonseca @ LUna... Opening set for Vich & Berger Sept. 2003. Enjoy.
  17. They get better with every gig they play. Their sound has really evolved this last year or so... They always deliver when they close the nights, intresting to see what they drop during peak hr. Its showtime.
  18. Great night. Very happy about the crowd... receptive and ready to dance! Got there at 12:00 and monsieur Erik Kittel canning some tracks that had all our ears very entertained. We had been planning do a gig together for the longest time and finally got to play together. Great set with lots of unknown tunes... too bad people didn't get there earlier..... quality stuff. Really happy about the night because I played whatever I wanted to play and people stayed. Even managed to slip 1or2 really twisted tracks towards the end just to see what would happen and the crowd danced right through it. Cianci and Avila took off and played some impressive tracks to finish off the crowd. Happy for P.M. Sessions and their accomplishments, can't wait for upcoming events. Thanks to all who came by. See you soon. Oscar.
  19. Once again ...thanks Isa. Really excited for tommorrw. Off course I'll play a Dj. Linus for you guys, in fact, I bought the new one about a month ago and still haven't found the right moment to play it. Hopefully this Saturday I will. Its really dark+minimal... in a rocking type of way. Say hi to everyone for me... and thanks again. O.
  20. Thanks for the kind words Demi.. Hope you can join the P.M. family soon for a future event. Things are getting good down here...people are diggin the smaller cozy venues and that's what our party is about. See you soon. Peace, Oscar.
  21. thats so wrong..... just because a dj is from the east coast doesn't mean they will play east coast stuff only. I remember about 2 years ago there wasn't one house, tribal, progressive dj. in europe or all over the world who wasn't opening up their set with a couple of west coast records. Who wasn't playing Big Tool ep. by Chris Luma couple of yrs. ago?...or still does. Thats just one record. Dj's don't by music thinking..."ok this is east coast, it must be good...or I'm going to support this producer cause he's from the east". Dj's buy records because they fit into their style, doesn't matter if its east, west, or middle coast like Pod stated.jeje. Tons of european djs play west coast records....like east and west coast american djs play all the european label... If it fits your'e style + rocks the dancefloor...theres no prejudice that can prevent you from liking it. Unless youre saleen who is prejudice towards anything outside of U.S. or N.Y.C, Joysey house. I love West Coast recs. and I've never even been to the west coast, I'm not even American!
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