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Everything posted by obby

  1. Soultan & Tone Depth - Please (Mo-Do Records) Sweet progressive !!!!!!
  2. Should I list all the Countires that told us he had them.....AGAIN ? Lets make this easier: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?t=248948&page=5&pp=15 Me personally? I don't know !!!!! The WMD issue might sound good when you spin it, but truth be told, THE WORLD, THE U.N., Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Australia, Russia, etc.. ALL WARNED OF THIS WMD threat Iraq posed So, how this WMD intel failure becomes a Bush failure is amusing. Only rabid Bush haters find comfort in that wicked spin which most clear thinking adults know is just poppycock.
  3. Nice, use a dead guy as a political tactic. I am gad you at least realized the wrong in this.
  4. If only others would have taken the time like you did and read as you did they would have realized that Kerry being titled the most liberal senitor in the senate was for a good reason. They should have read more about him rather than relying on Michael Moore to educate them.
  5. Me too !!!! No need for comedy central when we have Libs. They will believe any conspiracy thrown at them (if it involves a Rep). Whoever belives this IQ chart will also believe that Kerry as President would have gotten Christopher Reeves to walk again.
  6. Reminds me of a dingleberry grasping on to any piece of shit that it can cling on to.
  7. Kerry Who ???????????? I laugh at this as well. This was predictable and just verifies that no matter what. There are a few who will go down kicking whining and screaming. After all, no one likes to lose so it is somewhat understandable to see these reactions. Some might think it is smarter to learn from your losses instead of deny the defeat but ohh well. You can lead a mule to water but can't force it to drink. Some tried to imply Bush was not even worthy of winning the election in 2000. Gore won the popular vote by 500,000 and most of his supporters screamed that from the mountain tops and planted the seed of illegitimacy. 2 yrs. later, America spoke again and gave Republicans the majority in both houses of congress. Regardless of what was staring them right in the face, democrats insisted on regurgitating the myth of President Bush's illegitimacy. Let's review shall we? Bush wins a close one in 2000, Demz believe it's just a fluke. There's no way America would disagree w/ them, Right? Then comes 2002 mid-term elections and POW, Republicans clean house. Take congress and governorships. Still, these same OMNISCIENT democrats choose to point blame and invent conspiracy rather than soul search. Finally, 2004 presidential election, President Bush wins the popular vote by almost 4,000,000 (yes, 4 million and counting,,,,still counting absentee votes). President Bush wins the electoral vote. Republicans gain even more seats from both houses of congress and increase even more governorships. America again spoke LOUDLY. Apparently the last 2 times fell upon deaf ears. Ironically, there are still those who've yet to be successful which keep trying to push their failed propaganda. Why would anyone in their right mind take the advice of 3 time LA-LA-LA,,,,LOOOOOSERS is mind bogling.
  8. obby

    Attention Cp!!!!!!

    Life is great !!!!!!!! Have You Huged Your Tree Today ?????
  9. This is the second release on Max Graham's Canadian label Shine Music. Matt Phillips (Who also released on Looq) delivers two strong dance floor burners filling the gap between trance and progressive. New Driver is a strong builder with clean sounding production, warm strings and a huge high energy breakdown. This will appeal to jocks playing various genres. I am not sure, but in "United Nations" it sounds like it's Kofi Anan himself cheering to the DJ. Backed up by dramatic choir samples. The track is quite deep, more progressive oriented than the flip and flirts with tribal and is therefore quite infectious. These tracks are both very sophisticated. Excellent produced but New Driver does the trick for me. Essential stuff in modern djing. Sample "United Nations"Here
  10. I'll be the first one to help them pack their panties. I'm out, Have a fun weekend people and be safe.
  11. Awesome !!!!!! That's great news !!!!!!! Let their dying race flee far as possible. I have been to Canada (spun at the Guvurnment) and I must say.....nice place. Let me know if any of you need help packing. Damn I'm happy. I hope this is true.
  12. WOW.....looks bad ass like the all of them !!!!!!! Must have QuickTime to sample this trailer (press play once it loads). http://www.soturecords.com/ep3.mov Enjoy, OBBY
  13. LOL Have you ever thought of asking yourself how many IQ test it would have taken to come up with those results ???? Have you been tested recently cause I know I damn well haven't. You're tripping over the rock again. Use your head not your hate !!!!!!! The last time I was tested was about 15 years ago when my family thought I was crazy because I listened to electronically composed and repetitive music that had no words and in turned had me checked in the head.
  14. That woman in your sig is gorgeous
  15. Watch out for that rock!!!! Dude, you keep trippn' over the same rock. The last 3 elections have been very telling. You might want to question the propaganda you've been ingesting, DON'T YA' THINK? I mean, after 3 consecutive elections,,,,,,,you're still blowing smoke? I'll leave you alone and won't rub salt in your wounds, but 4 real dawg? what's da' dilly yo? YOU'RE WRONG! YOU'VE BEEN WRONG AND MOST OF AMERICA JUST REMINDED YOU OF IT. Let it go.........Re-evaluate. Soul Search.............................or,,,,,,,,,,,, Hey, watch out for that rock again.
  16. Vote Or Die Man !!!!! Don't forget about the draft. Seen Farenhieght 9-11 yet ???? Hint Hint
  17. LOL When you switch your signature pictute from DICKS to CHICKS !!!! Would you like it with a hot pink cover ???? Yep....Sure did !!!!! Lots of people came out.
  18. It was a reply to the "rich get richer by taking advantage of the poor" by Mursa.
  19. What a funny front page cover !!!!!! After our long and "spirited" debates, I must admit, I'd pay money to be a fly on the wall of "some" of your houses when you found out Bush won w/ a record amount of votes in American history. With the wood shed shellacking that came w/ the gain in the House, Senate and Governorships. I done told ya' meng! Blinded by hate. You couldn't see what I've been slapping you across the face with. The truth! Look, truth be told, you can't say I didn't warn ya'. Silent Majority has spoken. If you love this country, you'd appreciate that, dust yourself off and live to fight another day. The picture in your sig is cute and all, but HOLY MAKAROL, GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY,,, SUFFER!!! SUFFER!!! SUFFER!!! The agony of defeat. Look, this hurts me more that it hurts you. I would not stoop this low, extremely gratifying level if not for the constant lies, propaganda and personal insults you chose to embrace about the president of OUR United States of America. You know how I feel. I think I know what some of you believe. Let's deal w/ reality shall we? Bush won, fair and square. Majority and congress. Guess that means the lie you bought into about the 2000 election has gone down the tubes. That means everything you've invested emotion in based on that lie has been nothing more than a cruel ride you've been taken on. Let's look @ the bright side, at least your guys (DEMZ) are one step closer to accepting reality. Your message stinks. It sucks ass. I doubt you folks will start soul searching any time soon, but at least President George W. Bush has shoved you in the right direction. America does need 2 strong parties to be at it's best. Right now you boys are in the hurt locker. I tried to tell ya', but that's in the past. I guess ya'll were too hung up on the whole "sheep" thing? Anyway, I say you shake loose of that tick known as Michael Moore and the Hollywood elite and start LISTENING. I hope they stop telling their people what and how to think. I think 3 huge election losses in a row should challenge you folks to start looking in the mirror and start questioning yourselves and the direction the uber-left has dragged your party into. We need you guys. 4 REAL! C'mon now!
  20. He was close though. All he needed was 99.9% more and he would have been home free. I want what he's on!!!!!
  21. Jesus land ????? LOL Do they have a rollercoaster or tea cups ????
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