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Everything posted by obby

  1. obby

    Attn: Mursa

    Your starting to worry me with your sig. Wouldn't this one be better????
  2. The millions of Iraqis that we have liberated would make a picture a million times larger.
  3. Just heard the father in the pic interviewed on the Glen Beck Radio Show. He showed up to the airport w/ his daughter and his son (small blonde kid to his left). He claims everyone was very, very nice until he broke out 2 pro-Bush signs. His son held one and his daughter the other. Then the guy in the green cap tried snatching the sign from her hand, ripping it and throwing it to the ground. Soon after the crowd surrounded them and began calling him irresponsible and terrible father for bringing his children to the airport to show support for Bush. The crowd continued name calling and intimidating him until he left. The little girl cried and asked her dad "why did they start out being so nice, then turn so mean?" He said there were also cars in the parking lot smashed w/ hammers and keyed (those were the cars w/ Bush-Cheney stickers)....NICE! http://www.washtimes.com/national/20040917-010155-8041r.htm
  4. Let me know if you want the link where to purchase them.
  5. My heart goes out to all the children, parents, doctors and volunteers at both the International Children's Heart Foundation in Belarus and the Chernobyl Children's Project International. One of my main objectives here in our music community (SOTU Records) is to help open the eyes and minds to most who are not aware of the funding that these foundation and others deserves. My family has always made yearly donations to certain cancer societies based here in the US benefiting those in the US. It is now my turn to help expand our donations abroad in hope that it will help those who do not have the same benefits and lives that we here in the US take for granted. This is my first donation to these foundations but I assure you it will not be my last. For those of you who would like to donate to both the International Children's Heart Foundation in Belarus and the Chernobyl Children's Project International. http://babyheart.org/index.php For a music community that tends to pay $10.00 a drink and $400.00 for a bottle of liquor. I think some of us can sacrifice a little bit and help these kids prolong their lives and even save them. FYI: Only 20% of the infants born in Belarus are born healthy!!!!!! http://babyheart.org/index.php
  6. http://members.cox.net/classicweb/Heroes/heroes.htm
  7. I too approve of stem cell research funding and am a Republican but such an issue will not blind me by the fact that we are at war. I believe it is imperative to fund not only homeland security but our troops and intelligence agencies during these times. After all, it's not like Bush is stopping stem cell research. He is just limiting the numbers of stem cells used. The research is still active but limited. If your priority in these times in stem cell research then by all means...we all have our priority and issues.
  8. La Fieraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  9. and yet many complain that things are bad here at home. Your donation is highly respected in my eyes. Respectfully, OBBY
  10. You can still donate!!!!!!!
  11. Angry??? Me ???? From a comment posted on a message board ???? LOL Come on Flip!!!!! I'm happier than a clam in a shit puddle right now. - I live in America - The Prez I voted for four years ago is going to be re-elected this year - I just landed a bunch of new white labels - I should have my new 2005 Chrysler 300 Hemi within the next month - I have loving family and friends - My bro is going on his second kid (it's a boy) . - I'm healthy, tall and handsome. Again, me angry????? LOL
  12. I hate America ?????? LOL That's the first time I have ever had someone tell me that in my 29 years of living. I'm speechless !!!!!! PS: Your signature states allot about your mentality.
  13. Actually it was an e-mail sent to me. So I take it you owe me $20.00 ?????? Instead of paying me the $$$$ I would rather you donate it to one of the many foundations that I donate to. Please send your $20.00 to: http://babyheart.org/index.php Thanks for the links. I will now forward them to the person who sent me this original e-mail. PS: IF YOU CAN'T VOTE - YOU DON'T COUNT - YOU = NIL LOL That's what they told Dan Rathers from 60 Minutes II broadcast, featuring allegations against Bush. LOL
  14. I recently read a thread regarding Bush accidentally using the word "feces" instead of "fetus" during one of his speeches which lead me to post this e-mail that was sent to me. "The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country." John F. Kerry "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure." - John F. Kerry "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared'." - John F. Kerry "I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future." - John F. Kerry "The future will be better tomorrow." - John F. Kerry "We're going to have the best educated American people in the world." - John F. Kerry "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made." - John F. Kerry "We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe." - John F. Kerry "Public speaking is very easy." - John F. Kerry "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls." John F. Kerry "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur." - John F. Kerry "For NASA, space is still a high priority." - John F. Kerry "Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children." John F. Kerry "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." - John F. Kerry "Its time for the human race to enter the solar system." - John F. Kerry
  15. I just heard on the radio that the latest playboy features Denise Richards (Married to Charlie "Carlos" Shene) on the cover w/ several pics wearing nothing but sand on the beaches of the bahamas.. QUE DIOS LA BENDIGA! https://w1.buysub.com/pubs/PY/PLY/PLY_Version_B_orderpage1g.jsp?cds_page_id=19336&id=1095264824243&lsid=42591113442022698&vid=1&cds_mag_code=PLY
  16. obby

    Vinyls You Want Bad

    Graham & Blades - Funky Summa.......finally on wax !!!!!!! Click Here
  17. What planet are you on? Dependance on gov't is far from being an "ownership society". Maybe you'd like to redefine OWNERSHIP? HUH? For you to think more countries (france/germany) will support us if Kerry is elected is extremely naïve and bordline ignorant. It's not the president they disagree w/, it's the policies. And not just Bush's policies, AMERICA'S policies. Kerry has already said, if he had it all to do again, he would have still gone into Iraq. Besides, America had over 230 countries supporting us during GULF WAR 1 w/ Bush 41 and Kerry voted AGAINST that war??????? With all due respect, u'r whacked! Do you even know what Kerry stands for? If so, please explain, because Kerry has yet to do so. WAKE UP MAN! U'r not supporting Kerry, you just hate Bush..........And there's the rub.....Have you not been paying attn? Kerry is sliding in the polls on EVERY issue while Bush is gaining in the polls ON EVERY ISSUE. You must be watching CBS.....................HA!
  18. Posted: September 14, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2004 Creators Syndicate, Inc. Remember when former Sen. Bob Kerrey said that Bill Clinton was an "unusually good liar - unusually good"? Well, surely by now Democrats realize that John Kerry is an unusually bad candidate - unusually bad. Just consider: Kerry's never said why he should be president, other than to fulfill a lifelong dream. He inappropriately boasts of his war heroism, when experience tells us that authentic heroes rarely brag about their heroism. The Swift Boat Veterans have deeply discredited numerous parts of his Vietnam record, but Kerry hasn't even attempted a factual rebuttal to any of the charges. He has been forced to admit - despite testifying the memory was "seared, seared in me" - he wasn't in Cambodia, Christmas 1968 at the orders of Richard Nixon, who wasn't yet president. He's had to virtually admit that no hostile fire accompanied his first Purple Heart incident, meaning he didn't deserve that award. He has personally attacked President Bush's National Guard Service and V.P. Cheney's "five deferments" and contrasted it with his volunteering for two tours of duty in Vietnam. But he hasn't answered John O'Neill's charge that his first tour was 100 miles off the shore of Vietnam and he didn't volunteer for service until he was about to be drafted. Besides, who in their right mind would believe that Kerry would volunteer to risk his life in a war he adamantly opposed? He either perjured himself in his anti-war testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in admitting to committing atrocities or he actually committed those atrocities, which is worse. POWs have said their communist captors used his slander of our troops against them. He was present at a meeting of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War where assassinations of public officials were discussed. Whether or not he voted against them or left the meeting, he has never explained why he associated with such a group of sadistic thugs. He admitted to being in Paris and having "talked with both delegations at the peace talks, that is to say the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government." Under whose authority? For what possible legitimate purpose? He castigates President Bush - preposterously - for having no plan to win the peace in Iraq. But he's never explained how he would be qualified to plan for any peace, given his disastrous predictions of no bloodbath or refugee problem upon U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam. He was rated the most liberal senator in 2003 by the nonpartisan National Journal. And that doesn't even begin to tell the story of his egregiously anti-defense and anti-intelligence record for his entire 20 years in the Senate. He has failed to denounce Michael Moore's deceits, but demands that President Bush denounce the Swiftees' truths. He insists Iraq isn't part of the War on Terror, yet claims we've lost 1,000 people in the War on Terror. He hasn't explained how his Silver Star citation was signed by Navy Secretary John Lehman years after the fact when Lehman denies signing it. He also hasn't explained how a "combat V" was affixed to the citation when such designations never accompany a Silver Star. Where's Dan Rather? He refuses to release all his military and medical records and hides behind his biographer Brinkley, who contradicts him saying Kerry alone possesses authority over his records. He brutalized V.P. Cheney for saying America would be safer under Bush-Cheney, but in the next breath said he would make America safer. He swears he voted for the Iraq war resolution because President Bush promised he'd attack only as a last resort. Since there were no such conditions in the resolution and no one else corroborates his claim, are we to assume Bush gave Kerry these assurances confidentially based on their close friendship? He says he won't delegate our national security to other nations, but never stops complaining, essentially, about President Bush's failure to delegate our national security to other nations. He claimed foreign leaders prefer him for president. What was he doing talking to them, under whose authority and about what? He has been ducking the press for over a month after excoriating President Bush for hiding from the press. He won't answer "hypotheticals" about what he'd do on fundamental issues as president. He says he has a plan to withdraw troops, but when pressed admits he won't know enough about the conditions on the ground until he's president. He admitted that life begins at conception, but is pro-abortion anyway. He has made incredibly destructive and bogus claims about GOP plans to disenfranchise a million black voters. He has said President Bush isn't being tough on North Korea, when before Democrats were mortified at his "reckless" saber rattling against that nation. Are you dizzy yet?
  19. Americans Are Still Paying for Decades of Deficits While pundits debate the significance of deficits, a comparison shows that neither party, Republican nor Democrat, seems to worry too much about them while occupying the White House. The Palm Beach Post compared how much red ink the last eight administrations racked up and how much impact the inherited debt still has. * Lyndon Johnson's five years cost us $44.8 billion, $1.63 billion of it in 2004. * Richard Nixon rang up $67.1 billion over six years, with a cost of $2.2 billion in 2004. * Gerald Ford's two years cost us $126.9 billion, $4.6 billion this year. * Gas line king Jimmy Carter bequeathed $226 billion, with $8.1 billion in 2004. * Ronald Reagan's two full terms created a $1.24 trillion deficit, $48.2B of that hitting this year. * George H.W. Bush's one term gave us a deficit of $933.4 billion, costing $33.6 billion in 2004. * Bill Clinton's eight years left behind a $320 billion deficit, $11.5 billion this year. * George W. Bush is so far trailing his father, but not by much: $926 billion, with $33.3 billion being felt in 2004. That's over $143 billion Americans are paying this year alone for the deficits of the last 40 years. Of course, Congress - whether controlled by Democrats or Republicans - ultimately controls Uncle Sam's purse strings. And it has been a critical culprit in assisting these Commanders-in-Chief.
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