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Everything posted by Drunk

  1. SAtellite sucks in bad weather.
  2. Halle Berry was awful. Cheesy lines galore.
  3. You'd have legitimate arguments from people if that web site had anything even close to legitimate to say. It doesn't, plain and simple. When you post something so absurd and ridiculous, expect ridiculous replies back.
  4. I'm not the biggest Bush fan, but if you believe that shit YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON.
  5. Yeah and the appeals court doesn't seem to think it violates the constitution. Their opinion frankly matters more than yours.
  6. War ain't pretty. Innocent people WILL die. Such is life. . .
  7. It's propaganda because it lacks objectivity.
  8. What's up with this dress to impress bullshit? So Limelight is now glam??
  9. I don't think you even know what the question was. That's good, now zip it!
  10. Hey if you don't vote, you have no one to blame for the outcome of an election.
  11. Sean Hannity is the man!
  12. PARIS (Reuters) - Al Qaeda militants seem to be preparing simultaneous attacks in several countries including the United States, the head of the world-wide police authority Interpol said in a newspaper interview published on Friday. Without saying an attack was imminent, Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble told the Paris daily Le Figaro that recent intelligence suggested it was gearing up for the attacks. Noble also said he thought Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) was alive, even though nobody has been able to track him down. "Something worrying is going on," he said. "All intelligence experts are agreed that al Qaeda is preparing a major terrorist operation, simultaneous attacks that would not target the United States alone but several countries at the same time." "The field of battle now stretches to all countries and mobilizes several terrorist groups," he said. Noble, the first American to head the France-based operation that coordinates international crime fighting, said that, despite some successes in cracking down on militant groups, particularly in Europe, the risk of attacks was as real as ever. "I would say that the risk today is at least as important as before September 11. Sleeping cells remain in place, unknown to the police, but ready to act from one day to another," he said. Noble is the latest of a number of security experts to have said recently they think Saudi-born militant bin Laden escaped U.S. bombing last year of his former hideout in Afghanistan (news - web sites). "Osama bin Laden is alive," he said. "Despite intensive searches, we have not managed to locate him. But until someone can prove to me the contrary, I consider Osama bin Laden a fugitive who is alive," he said. Noble said bin Laden's funding had been left intact by efforts to crack down on the financing of militant groups. "Osama bin Laden is a multimillionaire. He was hugely rich before September 11 and he still is today." he said, estimating his fortune at between $280-300 million, a large part of which was held in cash. General Richard Myers, the most senior U.S. military officer, said on Thursday he believed al Qaeda would still be able to launch a "major terrorist operation" whether bin Laden was alive or dead, and that several operations had already been thwarted.
  13. Bump for more classic Saleen threads. Mad Max?
  14. You're just full of non-sequiturs aren't you. If you read my reply you would glean that I give two shits as to what Jesus or the Bible have to say. It's a nice piece of literature, but it means nothing to me. If you really want to live by the Bible, lay off the weed (check what the Bible says about intoxication), give 10% of your income to your local church, let's start executing people who masturbate (check the story of Onan) and while we're at it, let's start slaughtering homosexuals like the loving Father did in Sodom & Gomorrah. Fuck the bible.
  15. Instead of spouting off nonsense, reread the first sentence of my reply.
  16. You're operating under the assumption that I care what Jesus said. Capitalism has done wonders for my wallet and I'm pretty happy about that. Look at Cuba, look at the USSR and even look at China--all implosions of Communism. And don't tell me communism in China was a success; the government has been pushing capitalist ideals over the past 10-15 years and THAT'S why China is doing so well. Thank god I don't have hippy liberals like you in power trying to redistribute the money I've earned. This is a Darwinian society and it ain't going to change so cry all you want.
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