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Everything posted by Drunk

  1. Bush on Economy - 'Saddam Must Be Overthrown' WASHINGTON, DC—Amid growing concerns about the faltering stock market and deepening recession, President Bush vowed to tackle the nation's economic woes head-on Tuesday, assuring the American people that he "will not rest" until Saddam Hussein is removed from power. "Our nation's economy is struggling right now," said Bush, delivering the keynote address at the National Economic Forum. "Our manufacturing base is weak, new home sales are down, and unemployment is up. Millions of our people are suffering. That is why I stand before you tonight and make this promise: Saddam Hussein will be stopped." With the Dow regularly suffering triple-digit plunges and the Nasdaq hitting a six-year low of 1184.94 late last month, Bush used the speech as an opportunity to outline his plan for getting the economy back on track. "We can no longer turn a blind eye to our tumbling stock market and the disintegration of the retirement package of the American worker," Bush said. "That is why I have developed a 14-point plan for reviving America's economy. The first step is taking the biological and chemical weapons out of the hands of this madman. These sorts of weapons have no place in a peaceful world." Turning to the problem of unemployment, Bush discussed his strategy for creating new jobs and stimulating growth in the tech sector. "We're working hard to put Americans back to work," Bush said. "Our citizens are fighters, they just need the opportunity. And it is in this spirit that we are committed to defeating Saddam Hussein, so that the world may stand together in liberty and freedom." Bush then addressed the issue of corporate malfeasance, promising sweeping reforms and a major crackdown on white-collar criminals. "Corrupt CEOs must be treated like any other criminal," Bush said. "The damage they do to this country, eroding investors' faith in our stock market and corporate institutions, is extremely serious. I would like to deliver a clear message to those who would bilk hardworking Americans out of their hard-earned 401K plans while greedily lining their own pockets: We cannot, and will not, sit idly by while this threat continues to mount in the Middle East. Iraq has stood in violation of U.N. resolutions since 1991 by refusing to allow weapons inspectors into the palace compound, where we suspect there are laboratories for creating weapons of mass destruction. We must remove the dictator Saddam Hussein and install a government that is committed to working toward free and democratic elections for the nation of Iraq." Added Bush: "This man tried to kill my dad." After the president's speech, Press Secretary Ari Fleischer issued a brief statement. "As you have just heard, the president and this administration are fully committed to turning the economy around," Fleischer said. "We know how important it is for everyone to feel confident that their investment dollars are safe and that they will be able to build a better future for themselves and their children. We also know that what we really need to do at this time is to oust Saddam Hussein. Let's roll." -The Onion
  2. Someone bitter? You seem to forget that post election recounts by the liberal media show Bush as the winner.
  3. No it's a fact. I did my master's thesis on this issue. From my talks with muslims possessing "extreme views" they view Western capitalism as a threat to their way of life. I'm a liberal. I doubt "Dubya" has brainwashed me.
  4. I would bet this wasn't real at all--all a joke. It sounds too orchestrated to be real.
  5. Any truth to the rumor he's playing here in November? He is as Evil as it gets!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:
  6. It won't work. The ban in California was pretty much ignored by most establishments. They're even planning to overturn it there.
  7. That's ridiculous. Terrorist groups in Bali dislike the presence of foreigners because they hate the capitalist lifestyle they bring to the country. Most of the people that died were tourists. These are fanatics dude. Suggesting the U.S. was involved? C'mon now, I'm embarassed for you that you would make such a ridiculous statement.
  8. This is bullshit. Why don't they go ahead and ban alcohol while they're at it. I'm more worried about tanked drivers on the road than I am about someone puffing away. Fuckin hypocrites.
  9. And I agree with Quoth, dancers at Filter look like Cystic Fibrosis patients.
  10. Very uninspiring and unoriginal insult. Don't have a titty attack now. I love Vinyl, been going to the party for years, but I call it as I see it. Not many good dancers at Vinyl.
  11. Tiesto keeps rocking the SAME old tracks OVER and OVER. Man needs to buy some new records with all the money he's pulling in. 40-50 bucks aint worth it.
  12. Pretty people places have their purposes. No way in hell I'd go to Vinyl to hook up. I expect good music when I go to Vinyl and THAT'S IT. If I'm going to Lot 61 on a Monday, I'm on the prowl, music is my least concern.
  13. If you think supper club is a party good party then you wouldn't know a good party if it smacked you in the face.
  14. Holy shit. I haven't heard that name in ages. Last time I watched wrestling was when "Polish Power Ivan Putski" and the Iron Sheik were battling. Wrestling now sucks. Nothing like the good ol days.
  15. I gotta agree. I've been to all the big clubs and Vinyl has some baaaaaaaaaaaad dancers. Once in a while I'll catch a good one there. The good dancers there are usually regulars at another city club.
  16. Marble Hill is Ghetto territory. Whites are a rare species there.
  17. I'm moving out to Long Island soon to move in with my girlfriend. I've never really hung out there. Are there ANY good clubs out in L.I.?
  18. I'll be rolling deep with my SF crew. About 25 of us.
  19. PICOTTO IS THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
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