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Everything posted by Drunk

  1. What time is he coming on?
  2. That's the only nice/safe part of the Bronx. Just be careful, walk south several blocks and you could end up in ghetto--Blood territory.
  3. First they want to count dimpled chads. Now they want to change New Jersey election law? N.J. High Court to Hear Senate Case Tue Oct 1, 1:33 PM ET By JOHN P. McALPIN, Associated Press Writer TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - The state Supreme Court decided Tuesday to hear arguments over whether Democrats can replace Sen. Robert Torricelli ( news, bio, voting record) on the November ballot, a day after the senator abruptly dropped out of the race. The court issued an order saying it would hear the case directly instead of waiting for a lower court to act. The high court hearing is scheduled for Wednesday morning. As a result, a hearing set for Tuesday afternoon in Middlesex County Superior Court was canceled. The Democrats, who hold a one-seat majority in the Senate, had asked the state's top court to hear the case directly because of the urgency involved. Arguments now center on state election laws and filing deadlines, but the parties could claim that residents would have their voting rights shortchanged by any decision. That could force the issue to the federal courts, possibly directly to the U.S. Supreme Court ( news - web sites), said Republican lawyer Bill Baroni. Torricelli's end to his scandal-tainted re-election campaign forced Democrats to scramble for a candidate. Democratic officials said Monday they had hoped to announce a new candidate within 48 hours. A top choice, Rep. Robert Menendez ( news, bio, voting record), took himself out of the running Tuesday morning. Menendez, the fourth-ranking Democrat in House leadership, said he wants to remain in the House and continue to help Democrats fight for a majority. Party officials also were considering such possibilities as former Sens. Frank Lautenberg and Bill Bradley ( news - web sites) and current House members Frank Pallone and Rob Andrews, according to sources in Washington and New Jersey. Pallone said Tuesday he would consider replacing Torricelli, but added that he had not been asked. Lautenberg said he would "seriously consider serving again if asked." An associate said it was unlikely Bradley would accept. Calls to other potential candidates were not immediately returned. Angelo Genova, a lawyer for state Democrats, said party officials would meet Wednesday night to decide on a replacement. Genova also said a judge has signed a temporary restraining order barring clerks from making or mailing any ballots until the case is decided. Torricelli dropped out after his campaign was severely damaged by allegations he improperly accepted expensive gifts from a campaign contributor. The senator was admonished over the summer by the Senate ethics committee. Under New Jersey law, a party can replace a statewide nominee on the ballot if the person drops out at least 51 days before the election. But only 35 days remained as of Tuesday. Republicans vowed to block any attempt to replace Torricelli this close to the election. "In 36 days, decency, fairness and the rule of the law will trump this desperate attempt to retain power," said Douglas Forrester, Torricelli's GOP opponent. "The people of New Jersey have had enough of playing politics with the fundamental tenets of democracy." Democratic Gov. James E. McGreevey said that placing a new candidate on the ballot would be a fair way to resolve the issue and would "give New Jersey voters a chance to speak." The Democrats are defending their one-seat advantage in the Senate in midterm elections. "I will not be responsible for the loss of the Democratic majority of the United States Senate. I will not let it happen. There is just too much at issue," Torricelli, 51, said in abandoning his re-election bid Monday. Torricelli was elected in 1996 to replace Bradley, the former basketball star who later ran for the 2000 Democratic presidential nomination and lost to Al Gore ( news - web sites). Torricelli and Lautenberg, who retired in 2000, served together in the Senate but often were at loggerheads. Torricelli was always a powerhouse fund-raiser: He helped raise more than $100 million for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee as its chairman in the last election cycle. He was awarded a seat on the powerful Senate Finance Committee, and helped defend President Clinton ( news - web sites) against impeachment. But Torricelli's career began to unravel as the public learned more about his relationship with businessman David Chang, who told investigators he gave the senator Italian suits and an $8,100 Rolex watch, among other gifts, in return for Torricelli's intervention in business deals in North and South Korea ( news - web sites). Seven people pleaded guilty to making illegal donations to Torricelli's campaign in 1996. Torricelli denied any illegality or violations of Senate rules but was admonished anyway. Federal prosecutors investigated but decided against filing charges against him. The incumbent launched an effort to apologize to the state's voters, but last week a memo in the Chang case was released publicly. In it, prosecutors said Chang's efforts had "greatly advanced" the investigation into the senator's actions, despite Chang's "credibility problems." Forrester, a wealthy businessman, has harped on ethics throughout the campaign and it worked: A poll released over the weekend showed him with a 13-point lead over Torricelli. The same poll showed the incumbent with a 14-point lead in June. "I pride myself on a strong voice. My colleagues in the Senate would tell you that it is often heard above all others but it doesn't matter if you can't be heard at all in a campaign," Torricelli said. "I'm in a debate with a faceless foe that I cannot find, minds I cannot change." Tuesday morning, Forrester said Torricelli's move "means we can talk about the issues." In an interview on WABC-TV in New York, Forrester said, "Whenever I tried to bring up another issue like the environment, it somehow always got back to being about" Torricelli.
  4. Trust me on this. The DXM in cough syrup is pure DXM. It's not any less "pure" than what u call "real pure shit". Weyes, if you think it's all about weed and E, think again. Just check out the user reports on this site. http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp_list.shtml Many of these substances are legal. They aren't used enough to make it on the radar screen of lawmakers. Don't let the fact that they're legal fool you. Some are VERY powerful drugs. Check out Morning Glory (these are potent seeds that you can buy at KMART!!!) and Amanita Muscaria (legal alternative to psilocybin mushrooms (what you traditionally think of as magic mushrooms)), and Blue lotus (great legal weed alternative).
  5. These statements are a crock of shit. I've been going for a while now. When JP is "good" doesn't depend whether it's after a theme party or not or whether it's 3AM or 3PM. It's hit or miss.
  6. The man is on point, as usual.
  7. Definitely an off night for Howells.
  8. But there ARE places where the girls are hotter than others.
  9. could this be evidence hussein is developing nukes?? Turkish police seize smuggled uranium The uranium is now displayed at police headquarters By Tabitha Morgan Istanbul Turkish police say they have seized more than 15 kilograms (34.5 pounds) of weapons grade uranium, which had been smuggled into the country from Eastern Europe. Two men have been arrested for questioning in the south of the country, close to the Syrian border. According to the Turkish state news agency, the uranium was being transported in a taxi, concealed in a lead container beneath the seats. The taxi was intercepted near the south-west town of Sanliurfa, after police received a tip-off. Smuggling route It is not yet clear where the uranium, estimated to be worth $5m on the black market, was being taken, but it is unlikely there would have been a market for it within Turkey. The Turkish media have been speculating that the alleged smugglers, both Turks, may have planned to take the weapons grade material through Syria and on into Iraq. The seizure is the biggest of its kind in recent years. Since the collapse of the Soviet bloc, Turkey has been a transit route for smuggled nuclear materials, many of which have found their way onto the black market in Istanbul. Last year two men were arrested in the city after trying to sell a kilo of uranium wrapped in newspaper to undercover police agents. While the Turkish authorities will welcome this latest seizure, they will be uneasy about the international focus on Turkey as a smuggling route for such dangerous materials.
  10. My dad is a retired diplomat. It's a great job, but positions are VERY limited. Helps to have language skills, go to a top school, and know the right people.
  11. I love Madden, but the running game is impossible in Madden.
  12. For the record I partied for 15 straight hours totally sober. The music and vibe kept me going.
  13. That was my second time at Factory and all I have to say is :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
  14. Music kinda sucks, but there are loads of hotties. Good hookup spot. I wouldn't really go there for the music though.
  15. Drunk

    club sex

    I think you're overanalyzing there, supersleuth. I just like digging through the archives.
  16. Drunk

    club sex

  17. No problem here. Just saying there's no need to resort to multiple screen names and bumping up the thread views to promote your music. If it's that good, you don't have to resort to such lame tactics. I doubt I'll be needing your help in the future. I'm in the top 5% of income earners. Cheers mate.
  18. Wow, you even forget to log out of one of your screen names. Not the brightest candle on the cake are we?
  19. Hey Beatwave, how many screen names do you have to make up??? No one here is that stupid!
  20. I guarantee you most of the views this thread got were due to beatwavecr refreshing the page 280 times. Shameless promotion.
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