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  1. Downvote
    raincry reacted in Deepspell!!   
    Its all good, we still loved it. At least you didn't trainwreck.
  2. Downvote
    raincry reacted to Orisha in Storytellers on the Womb - Saturday   
    Felipe, have I told you today that...
    ...YOU RAWK!!!!!

    btw, nice equipment you got there. *drool*
  3. Like
    raincry got a reaction from mdamon7278 in 5 tickets to the Sarah Mclaughlin Concert for sale!!!   
    thanks but i have a pedicure scheduled for that day....
  4. Downvote
    raincry reacted to o0djfx0o in Storytellers on the Womb - Saturday   
    I am in the habit of recording / filming often
  5. Downvote
    raincry reacted to mrsblend in what a great....   
    week!!!!! i've had some much fun....thank you people.Thats whats this shit about.....keep up the good work
    just one little warning....
    don not shit on my cornflakes BITCHES!!
  6. Downvote
    raincry reacted to koky in ok here it is ..........   
    why i got banned from cj.....
    1st of all let me start by saying thank you to all that supported me and voted for me to be the mod on CJ Miami .you guys rock. And you guys know who you are . Those that didnt , well , i know who you are and plainly i could care less about your vote.
    People asked me why the hell i ever went to CJ to begin with ? well , i went over there i had a few good friends. Unfortunately , it was a site just catered to a little group of people .That from what im seeing , is getting smaller and smaller now This board was catered only to certain dj's and to only certain types of music(HOUSE) . thats not in my opinion what a "CLUBBING" website should be. the name of that site should just be "HOUSEMUSICSPACEDJ'S JUNKIE" . If you listened to trance , breaks , progressive etc etc , you knew shit about music and were bashed . I went on that site to just basically stand up for what i believe in and my musical taste ! And believe me .. I got my point across ! Maybe thats why so many people on there couldnt stand me .I a converted a few people on there . Not into tranceheads but into music lovers ! That was my main goal ! There are alot of people that never even heard trance on that site that would just say it sucked . Why ? Cause thats what they are lead to believe from the minute they joined that so called clubbing website . Thats a damn shame cause like ive said before. That site had potential if it changed a few things. "One" being a kiss ass moderator named pod . Now i was kool with pod for a bit but unfortunately hes a lonely kid and needs friends with big mouths like saleen. wrong person to pick to be like imo .I dont know anyone more close minded, rascist and more ignorant person on this face of the earth .And what makes it even more sad is that Nick Junkie ever even allowed pod to have this tool as a mentor . That is beyond me. This guy bashes , blacks , hispanics , people according to what they listen to. On a music , clubbing message board ? I dont think the site will last very long like that. (OH BTW A HUGE FUCK YOU TO CRAZY C BEFORE I FORGET) . A message board full of negativity towards other people ? People that dont agree with alot of the same shit they do? Dont listen to exactly the same music they do ? Dont like the same clubs as they do ? That in my opinion is heading straight to "FAILURE" !! Sorry Dave. Like i said before . you made a huge business mistake .
    Now to the good shit !! "WHY I GOT BANNED ?"
    Well , since i have been on cj as i said before mainly to stand up for my taste in music and my dj's ! I the good shit started when my friend Groove Eric joined the cj spinn off ! dude what a fucking joke that was !! 1st it was all electronic music . Then it was limited to 140 bpm's . Then after we turned in Erics demo it didnt have to be exactly 140 , it could be a bit above whatever .. but before if we went over 140 it wasnt gonna be allowed. lol that was fucking hillarious . changing rules in the middle of the contests ? fucking joke !
    Ok so whatever .. We went along . And from an inside source we get the word that Erics promo wasnt even heard . That i knew was gonna happen.
    You cant expect house dj to listen to a trance dj's promo all the way.. and whatever.We finally hear that at the end of the competition the winner was a dj that was very good friends with the whole junkie crew and at his night at space trainwrecked throuout his whole set .. That proved my theorys right and i had called it .. I said THAT dj was gonna win after i heard who he was affiliated with.
    NEXT ! After being there and staying there i realized what this site was about.. and decided id change a few peoples minds on there about giving other music a chance and i was successfull ! i made househeads listen to trance , i made trance heads listen to house etc etc ! and of coarse i was bashed by that here and there which didnt bother me at all cause i knew the ones doing the bashing were just a bunch of close minded idiots that i can easily point out were geeks with powertrips. Like Pod was soon to turn into .
    now pod never bad mouthed music but sure supported saleen and the other haters when it came down to it.. .. heres a fucking geek that would get fucked up with my crew at house parties,listened to trance and loved it more than house!!! We would go pick his "no car" ass up everytime. gave the punk free booze , free everything ! and he goes and takes the side of a negative ignorant rascist pig like saleen ? lol .. whatever , i shoulda known that geeks like him always follow whoever will talk their heads off online . he followed a fat ,bald no clubbing fag that talks alot of shit ! bad choice pod. i thought you were smarter than that . Saleen on the other hand is a guy that talks shit about all dj's but again one of his favorates is cedric g ..?? lol .. a guy that this passed sat/sun morning played the same set on the patio as he did in the blue room ?? hahahahahah fucking joke !! you know how many dj's would give their soul to play at space ? and there we have one of saleens faves spinning the same set . fuckin AAAAAA !!! hahahaha !! whose the huge joke now ?
    then i started a poll cause imo i knew a few people were getting sick of the bullshit double standards on cj. a poll to be a mod of the miami board. now , i in noway want to be a mod of any board !! it was a joke to humiliate POD and saleen for being such cocksuckers ! and guess what ? i was winning by about 32 points , now thats fucking sad !! a guy from CP goes on there one of the most hated cause he stands up and has a voice and posts pics. lol . and ends up winning people over by just straight up being honest about all the bullshit that goes on there , all the favoratism , all the hating , all the taking sides cause you arent into the same shit or group etc .
    i guess me winning that poll really hit pod and saleen where it hurt . cause shortly after that i was banned .. now there are rumors that i was banned because i had sent someone a threatning pm about 6 to 8 months ago .. LMAO !! are they serious ? theeeeeeeeeen i hear this other story that i recently send someone a threatning PM saying they fucked up at voting against me and hating . but it was fucked up cause what i was gonna do is photoshop them and that they used that as a real threat .. HAHAHA .. I GUESS SOME PEOPLE ARE SCARED TO DEATH OF BEING PHOTOSHOPPED !! LOL AND IF IT WAS CAUSE OF THAT ? A HUGE FUCK YOU TOU YOU !! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE .. btw this is a person that that has fucked everyone i know . and has the nerve to call someone else a whore !! (and dont worry im not gonna mention your name ) you are just trash anyways , and a huge backstabber and i hope all your so called friends now see it before its too late . note why i never ever wanted to hang out with you . i smell fake a mile away .
    so pod and saleen using those excuses cause i whooped your asses on your very own BOARDS was lame and showed how low you can go when shit is revealed and shit doesnt go your way .. that was just gay and only hurt your message boards . I WIN BITCHES !! YOU LOSE !! GAME OVER ! MY GOAL WAS SUCCEEDED ! and i proved to everyone what a joke you and your message boards are !

    heres a few ideas to make cj ever work again ..
    1. get rid of pod as a mod .. he is too much of an ass kisser and a follower.
    2. change saleens name on cj to selena if he wants to stay.
    3. make me a mod. i like all kinds of music and i have fun with whoever im hanging out with ! i make a good time of whatever !! thats what a mod should be .. like the mods here on cp that can party with the best of em !!
    4. loosen your tight asses up a little bit and let the board be more fun. thats what keeps people coming back always !
    5. feed crazy c to the wolves just for kicks !!
    peace !! im out !!
    p.s. fuck the mod status !! i wont be going back to that dump if you paid me !
  7. Downvote
    raincry reacted to jeffy1 in Check out photos.clubplanet.com   
    nice one pod,see ya there
  8. Like
    raincry reacted to clubbingirl in white pants   
    ^ smart girl. i've been meaning to bring emergency shirt & pants to work...but haven't gotten to it.
  9. Downvote
    raincry reacted to pod in Check out photos.clubplanet.com   
    More images this week from Miami, Vegas, Boston, and more! I took the Kiev out for a bit too. Cousin Benito wasn't too happy though with that so he switched it up for some Leica his German buddy gave him. Later I got drunk with Francisco, Idi, Pol, that funky Vietnam-man Ho, my cool friend Slobo from the Balkans, and his friend Mo' from North Africa.
    http://photos.clubplanet.com/ (go look, now!)
  10. Downvote
    raincry reacted to digitalphoenix in I Just Got Banned From Cj   
    That's like eating raisin brand, but instead of raisins, it's small roaches
    a-la-Fear Factor style!!
  11. Downvote
    raincry reacted to Orisha in how is everyone spending his/her valentine's day?   
    I masterbate with the same hand I write with, so is vicman a lefty?!?
    I wanna be ambisexterous--double the pleasure.
  12. Downvote
    raincry reacted to o0djfx0o in Storytellers on the Womb - Saturday   
    Gonna start this nice and early in the week...
    Guys...you're fucking missing out!
    Gonna bump this motha all week long so it stays in your line of sight all the way till Saturday!
    Been doing some very interesting things as of late and MIA has gotta see what the fuck's up wit dat!
    Ya'll got a little taste of what was brewing if you made it to the FIX spot I did a couple months ago...well times flies when you're having fun...
    I've had a live internet audio / video broadcast at www.wombmusic.com for over 4 years. The show airs live every Saturday from 6-8PM.
    Come and get it!

  13. Like
    raincry got a reaction from barraquilla in Post a sexy PIC~~~~!!!~~~!!!   
    idk.......maybe sometime later....but there are lots of other sexy chicks who didn't post theirs yet. maybe i'd be more inclined to post more if they post theirs....
  14. Like
    raincry got a reaction from philippio in Sex Board???   
    issel...i heard it had something to do with the merger with CJ....new rules...shit like that....
    it doesn't matter....wherever we go, it'll become a sex board!!!!!
    btw, happy bl8ed and all that crap......
  15. Downvote
  16. Downvote
    raincry reacted to marcodavalos in James Zabiela and his robots...   
    I wonder if in the near future Fridays will become a "new sound" nite at Space ...
  17. Downvote
    raincry reacted to lilbarbiegirl in My Pic   
    the what?
  18. Like
    raincry reacted to sotuchick in My Pic   
    I said once and I'll say it again...STOP POSTING TAHT UGLY PICTURE!
    Nobody wants you !!!!!!!!!!

  19. Downvote
    raincry reacted in My Pic   
    AGAIN??? Man this is old....
  20. Downvote
    raincry reacted to xsweetnessx in NYTimes article: Who Pays $600 for Jeans?   
    this is absurd...i would never in my right mind pay so much...however for a purse..thats different
  21. Downvote
    raincry reacted to funketeer in I just got banned from TA!!! :)   
    they have complete control over what's being posted...what's the use of posting??? fuck them pussy ass bitches!!!!
  22. Like
    raincry reacted to liquidx in I just got banned from TA!!! :)   
    HeH.. TA is not what it used to be anymore, I guess you'd have to be in it since the beginning of time to really understand and get what it's all about.. ;-), I mean you can't compare CP with TA in any way or format.. over there everyone is connected mostly by the music, here is just whatever feels your shoes and that's it
  23. Downvote
    raincry reacted to Bling in I just got banned from TA!!! :)   
    omg wtf...... havent been on TA much whats goin on over there? jeez that sucks bro
  24. Downvote
    raincry reacted to koky in I just got banned from TA!!! :)   
    just ban tigerpaw.. its an alter ego anyways ..
  25. Downvote
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