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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. P.S.1 Warm-Up 2005 July 2 - September 3 P.S.1 Contemporary Arts Center 22-25 Jackson Avenue Long Island City July 2 Groove Collective July 9 Prins Thomas & Hans Peter Lindstrom July 16 IDJUT Boys August 27 Monolake September 3 Norman Jay M.B.E. *Additional dates TBC.
  2. and then theres sunday to monday after hrs at another spot, but its a mixed bag of people as well.
  3. SHELTER starts at 11pm sat night until 1pm sometimes 2pm sunday afternoon, NO CRACKHEADS or after hr rejects looking for drugs and no brest implants and no spiky hair sunglasses. People of all races and ages dancing to the beats of HOUSE for the love of house for the L O V E. Aint nothing better than a SHELTER experience go see the best dancers in NYC. Heres pic of the 14 yr anniversary party back in MARCH http://clubshelter.com/images/14th/index.htm also its only SHELTER on sat nights and sunday mornings on THURS n FRI they rent some of the romms n floors out for various parties with various music and different staff. ONly weds n sat/sun is house.
  4. theres a partial list somewhere alreayd, and im not excited.
  5. ive met plenty of ya and its good to see ya in person as well as online.
  6. free for some forget the price for others, and its on 27th street between 10th n 11th ave, right next to spirit on the same block jsut a few steps goin towards 11th ave.
  7. cant forget TEDD PATTERSON first sat of the month at CIELO.
  8. sadly i havent heard good things bout dj sexy. Would love to hear some stuff by you though dj sofi.
  9. Hey STARCHILD respect n mad love to ya. Would love to see ya elev flow working it to TOXIC that shit made me sick to hear it lol.
  10. listen to alex hes a good dj and a great dancer. And dont listen to that pm stymie thing its a dumb not funny joke between the losers on this board. Um sat night if your looking for THE LAST TRUE UNDERGROUND Party remaining in nyc go to SHELTER with TIMMY REGISFORD n STING INTERNATIONAL. Its full with people who love house music and love to dance opens at 11pm sat night until 1pm or 2pm sunday afternoon. Arrive around 3am and enjoy the journey. Nothing but love in the room. Sat my fave club in NYC is CIELO gonna be dj willie graff i think with a guest as well. Go there first then SHELTER. 2 different worlds, CIELO very beautiful inside and trendy but the music willie plays is hot, so its a happy balance. While over at SHELTER its straight up LOVE for HOUSE/DANCE, have a good time. As for sunday LE SOUK is def hot hot hot also for a smaller party with local talent SAPPHIRE is good as well, also LIL LOUIE VEGA will be playing at SHOW from 7pm till 11pm.
  11. ask anyone that was talking to me the whole time i was there, ikept complaining how i wanted to go home, cause i didnt want to be involve in something like this. But at the same time i made it to a next round so said cool why not see what happens, but when word got back that the winners of this round would go on to choreograph some shit in the next round i made up my mind to leave anyway. Remember people based their whole lives on being trained dancers and wanting to be on tv and pop stars. Im the opposite of that, which is why when i was asked if i felt sad or what will i do to improve for a next audition, i said something along the lines of now i get to go home and sleep and eat and watch star wars and then go out on fri,sat,sun which is where my love is at. And started shouting out parties n clubs that i like. So im not like other people who were crying and saying other shit like they know their good and gonna still be a star one day. If you know me personally you know i dont care about anything that has to do with the pop world its all fabricated b.s.
  12. wow thats funny, anyhow yeah i was in it and i remember you being in the set getting fucked by so many guys cause ya love pushing that head.
  13. caughtthe 745pm showing and i loved it.
  14. no shit i wonder if hes spinning with the weds resident DJ DISCIPLE. CAIN is like 5 feet away from spirit. Toughest door ive ever experienced.
  15. When i was told about this i just figured it was gonna be a smal group of "house dancers" being filmed for overseas projects. Thats usually what i get involved in. Anyhow turns out it was at hammerstein ballroom and bout 500 dancers showed up i think or more. And i mean real dancers, like trained, people who go to class, dance in front of mirrors, etc. I think i was really the only freestyle dancer around. Anyhow i made the first cut while dancing without music and was interviewed. And i kept goin on n on bout commerical bullshit on radio and how theres a whole other world of DANCE music not being represented. So to my suprised there was maybe bout 60 heads left and me hehe also i was dying to leave causei was tired and wanted to rest up for starwars 745pm showing (been up since 4am). Sucks how they diveded us in groups and the first 3 groups got to choose their own music and dance and were critiqued at the end of their moves. Then when it comes to the group i was in they decided to just put us all in a cirlce/cypher and freestyle. Iwas excited until they said "YOU WILL BE DANCING TO BRITNEY SPEARS 'TOXIC' " i was liek what the fuck. Anyhow did my thing and was asked to leave lol. At the end i was giving shout outs to SHELTER, FILTER 14, BE YOURSELF parties. The show will air on fox 5 in september doesnt have a name yet. But its produced b dick clark and some peeeps from ameircan idol. So yikes hopefully i wont get ridiculed. And im glad i didnt make it to the enxt round cause the next round was gonna be choregraphing, and me i dont do that stuff.
  16. I liked your original response better, and made so much more sense then this one. So here it is lol. Of course, but I support all music. I just dont like when people act like their favorite form of music is the "most enlightend" and everything else is garbage. I respect house roots (even though i prefer Chicago over NYC), but everything has their downside. Chicago house led to "Chicago Hard House" which was pretty sad, just as New York House led to "Pots and Pans" which is even worse. There is no music which is better than another, however some can be funnier than others You made great points here that there all self explanatory.
  17. So with that said does that mean that all 3000 million people who believe in boris will be at discotheque on sat/sun since hes playing there. Being that theres was nothing but boris fans at crobar that night who love n follow him everywhere.
  18. um, not really fwilson, people of all ages hearing music from all eras. Like a great dj should and does play.
  19. congrat girl, you and your people are some amazing dancers without a doubt. If someone tapes it and puts it on the net, please link me. Or will this be on tv? I also have some audition for fox network on thurs. Its early and im gonna be at a party so figured why not just go for a few mins lol. Good luck and have fun.
  20. Willie is a staple not only in the house scene but in the entertainment industry as a whole. This is LIL LOUIS 30th yr as a dj and probably his final yr as one, been touring all over the world saying goodbye, recently headlined CROBAR in chi town to great reviews and will be doing it again by popular demand. Anyhow Lil louis rarely spins in NYC and since this is goodbye, show some love for a house legend.
  21. Thats probably true lol, Or hes nervouse that sooner or later his fans will figure out your suppose to dance to the music dj plays not just stare at him. Which is why he changes clothes to keep them distracted since you cant really dance to trance music (imo of course).
  22. and non celebs as well hehe. Best night to go there for HOUSE MUSIC is when DJ DISCIPLE plays there on fris and at CAIN when he plays there on weds.
  23. LET GET IT ON: J/K, not into the battle concept mentality. Its all love on the floor respect for your space respect for mines. Actually would love to meet all the "INTERNET MORONS" that this messageboard has. I dont hide what i look like or try to keep myself a secret.
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