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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. Turns out the management of 66 WATER STREET wasnt to happy with the turnout of the first party. Now this is whats wrong with places they dont give time for parties to grow. Anyhow the next party is oct 3 and sign up and become a member and it gurantees entrance at 5 bucks. Trust me if your into house, deep,old school dance, funk, disco like body and soul 718 sessions then you will love this party. Nothing but people who dance and loose it to the music. Sign up at www.nickysiano.com Hope to see ya there. I know i had a blast at this party. The party is every other sunday and water bottles are 1 BUCK ONLY. its from 6pm till about 12am.
  2. typical mscrew night out with me goes like this: DAMN DUDE IM TIRED IM LEAVING EARLY, WAIT ONE MORE SONG, WAIT ONE MORE HR, lol see the pattern. Timmy and shelter are a great combo sucks we had to leave early cause of being hurt and tired. But around 4am 5am is one the other flock of shelter heads come and dance until 12 or 1pm.
  3. sounds like you were in heaven. Me and eliseo were having a blast at shelter. Now we need for ya to show us some of those fancy moves youve picked up hehe. Hey tues CIELO come thru for the PLAYGROUND PEEPS.
  4. that i know of i believe about 1yr or 1 1/2 yrs. I remember hearing ORi spinning on the radio like in feb. They play a wide variety of EDM music every week its ahrd to keep track with different djs. Normally i listen to 98.7 if im not out form like 12am to 6am, RUBEN TORO the LATIN BULL mixes it up there.
  5. well the crowd was having a good time and there were tons and tons of eye candy. But usually when i complain of a crowd i tend to mean STRAIGHT UP MUSIC HEADS. But everyone deserves to have fun. The crowd didnt take away from my experience at all like other parties at other venues. But i would just prefer every party i go to to be filled with nothing but dancers and music heads. IM SPOILED, once you get a taste of SHELTER, 718 SESSIONS, LUV CITY, TEMPLE, T.I.S.,DO U, DAT PARTIES, and of course if you remember BODY & SOUL, basically anythign witha d eephouse crowd you will know what i feel and mean. Overall i did have a great time though.
  6. couldnt make it to this one was to tired form miguel migs at cielo on thurs and wanted to be strong for SHELTER today last night whatever, so now im at work. And i think i will check out this party very very soon indeed.
  7. if your looking for music and to dance and be cover in sweat then i will give ya some answers. If your looking to find easy woman and just haev a good time go to any bar or strip club.
  8. have fun all you guys/gals i know and also the people i dont know.
  9. yuck neither one thank you not my cup of tea, hard fast senseless beats with dragon ball z a/x clones.. SHELTER is where me and some peeps will be at.
  10. the looseness doesnt come from havin LOTS OF SEX, it has to do more with having larger and larger sizes goin in there.
  11. shelter is NO TRANCE its HOUSE, so that might cause a problem depending on your musical tastes.
  12. What a great night and what madness on the line luckily me and my peeps were taken care of. As always MIGUEL didnt dissapoint one bit, there were also 2 performers who were amazing one of them was LISA SHAW who i could watch and listen to again and again. Me and Eliseo i think were the only ones who were just relentless on that floor, although the crowd wasnt to our liking as much, But luckily the girls that we were with i met a few weeks ago at a private party and know wussup when it comes to house. I had so much fun and was so full of energy that i didnt get to my house until 3 or 4pm friday afternoon lol. Tonite possibly eliseo and me will be at shelter but who knows. Funny moment of the night was spillign some dudes drink by accident and tehn him looking at me and saying ahh its ok i like how you and your friend dance, lol. I cant believe nobody else was there for this sheesh. heres some pics:
  13. im still not recovered from thur night but will most likely make it out ot this party tonite.
  14. i just laugh when i hear the words SICK on this board and when "clubbers" say it lol sorry.
  15. SHELTER is very gay friendly on sat nights sundaty afternoons. But its not free for woman but in the basement theris a lesbian party for women. And in teh mian room its DEEPHOUSE, and funk all night long. NOdresscode no attitude just be prepared to sweat and dance all night long, like everyone else in thier until sunday afternoon. 95%chance i will be there tonite as well.
  16. theres been loft partis in brooklyn all the time, from williamsburg to bushiwck to est new york to downtown to sunset park to park slope. Depends on what the parties are for ad whos thrwoin them some charge some dont. SOmetimes theres legal probolems as well but that doesnt stop pople from showing up.
  17. yup it is gay and i remembe being there with kim and another mlae friend of hers and it was pretty overwhelming. But the dancefloor is hot the sound is hot and they dont bite lol.
  18. i was suppose to be atthis but form dancing all night at crobar on tues i couldnt make it out to this one. Last time i was at sbny i saw david and frankie live and that was he first time io heard HOW WOULD YOU FEEL i think back in dec or jan. Now im outta here goin to see MIGUEL MIGS at cielo and tony humphrie at discotheque.
  19. dude i have a dvd of the closing garage party where she is perfomring, FUCKING HOT ADN SEXY as hell.
  20. it can be rented for a night. SO you still could dance in that spaceif ya like.
  21. hey lucky sorry but the artists you described is not HOUSE MUSIC more along the lines oftechno. First record purcahse was- LIZ TORRES SINGLE "I CANT GET ENOUGH" 1987 i was with my brother at the time and was asked to choose between that and some oher tracks and i said i liked this one. But he bought all ofthem i believe. First cd I Purchased was- TECHNOTRONIC"THIS BEAT IS TECHNOTRONC" 1990. First club i went to was CLUB EXPO in 1995. But i was exposed to dance music since i was born thru my father and older brother and older cousin. But i didnt really like it until 1989 when i was 8 yrs old. Since then ive been addicted, of course i sidetracked a bit with hip hop and latin music, but it all about HOUSE MUSIC.
  22. what are you talkin bout 6AM. Tha main floor closed off around 4am. And the vip room kept goin but it wasnt TECHNO.
  23. this person sounds like a bs promoter. QUO is just the new tendy bottles and models prancers and non dancers type of crowd. The only night worht goin there for music s when DJ DISCIPLE spins.
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