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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. abaya fridays use to be good for a few until the party ended. Dont hear anything good about that place now. ASTRO and GLYDE were awesome in that space. Dude head over to ROXY MAN.
  2. of course i will be in the house. Tony humphries/allen jeffreys music make me dance all night.
  3. i dont think this is a good way to make an introduction. But usually when i dance i dont get a hard on unless im grinding with a lady. And even then that only last so long cause i wanna get down to the music. I can get down with the lady afterwards.
  4. its goin till 10AM. See ya there im about to leave work and be first in line.
  5. IM SLEEPIGN AFTER WORK NYBEAUTY, but then i gotta make sure i wake up for DELA HOYA VS HOPKINS.
  6. it has nothing to do with how i dance or what type of person i am, your still an ass sometimes even with your disciple and its a shame.
  7. roxy is openf orm 10pm till 10am. I hate the dancefloor i hate the lgihts but i love danny so thats the only reason to go. As always it will be packed with some bad elements but im sure it will be a good night, i just have that feeling.
  8. i'll be there super early of course and leave at 8am have to be at work at 9am. See ya all there and CKORD whippie is in the house.
  9. i cant wait in 24hrs i will be dripping in sweat.
  10. anyone who uses the word RELAIBLE SOURCE is always unreliable. I found out thru people in the know, now i sound stupid saying that myself. But yes it is sold, and dependng on how things go halloween,thanksgiving, or nye will make a lot of people happy. Sats nights will also cater to a certain crowd, still not sure about friday though just a bunch of rumors.
  11. I better see you here
  12. hey eddie where have you been and i think he will show up. And hes still around here and every other message board but on the dl. Not to many reasons to post i guess.
  13. lol at lainie, and yuo sandman dont remeber when i saw you last but iknow it was at crobar right? lol. see ya there.
  14. maybe the probem is that everyone is just thinkinggg of it as a free party. Which i did as well until a few nights ago,hehe, and now i see the significance behind the event.
  15. Just got word that the PLAYGROUND people who do partes at sin sin on thur and spill on sat will be hostin an event there. Whenever they would do FILTER14 it was always a great party. Anyhow this is a good chance for those who werent allowed to get into cielo on a regular night to come down and see this club and hear some djs that will make you sweat on the floo. So far that i know spinningwill be, NICOLAE,ORI,KATS IMAI. And even ARIEL the light man who ya all know from arc and deep will be spining for a bit again. And hose who know what he plays ike know what to expect. And also STEVE PORTER will sin for a few hrs. He just opened up for sander k at crobar a few weeks ago. ANd form what im tld has many many different styles thathe plays which should be interesting. And its ALL FREE and NO DRESS CODE. So no excuses see ya there.
  16. wuld love to finallymeet THE OLD MAN himself, nice. But dont know if you will cathc me in the main floor after morales cause well um YUCK lol i'll be hearing some quality house in the side room baby. See ya there though.
  17. i cant believe people would do that, fake names whats the point?. I dont have anyone on mines. Shit i wonder if im on anybodys now lol.
  18. so far sounds like a good night. But since i have to be at work at 930am i will have to leave around 730am. Which sucks cause the energy is still growing at that time. Anyhow why not start yourbday earlier on thurs for miguel migs at cielo. I might show up not to sure yet, iwas defintely in there but somethign has come up we will see. I emeber ing go to SPEEED in 1998 and thinkin that was fun lol.
  19. he doest spin every mon, but he does come around every few weeks. Better pick up their flyrers in teh clubs to see when.
  20. hey al did you rsvp for sunday the 19th nickys party? And i guess i will see ya nextmonth over at 718 sessions, if not earlier hehe.
  21. whaddya think lady. Except im looking forward to the other djs. But will dance with ya for a bit like always.
  22. why cant some of ya go? Ya are posting pretty late anyway come and party for a few hrs.
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