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Everything posted by mizlissa

  1. Get it cut today. That way if it's too short you get that extra day of crucial growth time.
  2. Hey, the only reason I know about your jam sessions is because I'm jammin' with you, just on the opposite coast. I do like beer, however, but I am now unfortunately out of it. My post surgery vic's seem like fries minus the salt over here without more. Sooo need a delivery.
  3. If you give yourself some breathing time though, it does seem to go away or at least decrease significantly in effect.. you just really have to shove away from the table for awhile. I mean, if your dip you head in a vat of acid and sprinkle random white powders on EVERY surface, from your wheaties to your bathroom counter for a few years running, then it's possible that the damage is irreparable- so party on cause you done did it, ain't no comin back now! But if that's not you, take a vaca for a couple weeks, hang out with your mom, read some books, take random little kids to movies, get 8 hours of sleep, knit... or even just bar hop but just have a beer or two earlier in the night and watch people get sloshed, it's pretty fucking funny. The hard part is just saying no to going OUT out, especially when you feel like you're missing out and your friends can't imagine NOT going, but you really will feel better if you Ultimate Challenge yourself and just do it for a few weeks, plus you'll save some cash to blow on your celebration when you go back out to do it again.
  4. mizlissa

    its focking cold

    It's just focking rainy here. Now I miss n appreciate the upper east coast chill factor, I'd take cold and snowy winters over blahy gray and rain any day.
  5. The only way to do it is to cut off the lower half of her body by scrolling your page down so just her head sticks up at the bottom of your screen. Even then the only thing I can get is something close to "Have the rest of PIE." like the way Cartman would say it. I swear it's something about PIE.
  6. Yes, you ARE a good friend Becc. And you have to reassure Ras that she's not a boring houseguest, which she somehow seems to think she is because she doesn't like watching football. I told her I don't either but beer makes it bearable, which unfortunately she doesn't drink anyway. Besides, how could ANYone who's ass hurts after 14 hour internet jam sessions be a boring houseguest?
  7. I have been pretty bored in WA. The only time I've been out in weeks is when you were IMing me from flava's afterparty. That counts, right? You've talked me into it Ras. I call shotgun, dee. One seat left?
  8. I DO recall getting a text from boobiepants a few hours ago saying that there was an unspecified monster in Ras's car already. No details followed. Just a lil FYI dee, if you value your pets life at all.
  9. Well said, dee, couldn't agree more.
  10. mizlissa

    OK who wants...

    Looking on the bright side, at least I haven't lost my touch. AND, since everyone has been talking about how feeble this board is today, besides Todd's OUTBURSTS, then THIS Crappiest Post of the Day isn't as bad as PAST crappy post awards that I've won. Am I right? I'm right. On a sidenote, what happened to G? Usually she would be helping you guys tell me how crappy this is?
  11. Do'st mine eyes deceive me?
  12. mizlissa

    OK who wants...

    lol, who cares what "everyone" thinks? you're SO in with us. display those bunnies with pride. we salute you!
  13. mizlissa

    OK who wants...

    A little bunny told me to check CP today, and whaddaya know.. Styminator, you'd blow my cover like that? All this time... all this history!
  14. Sorry Razzmatazz. Must give credit where credit is due... thank you for rescuing my shirt from tha Island, even if you DID wear it off the island.
  15. Thanks to Ras for throwing the best real AND virtual going away parties, much love to my bunny girl. Becca you're coming with me you just don't know it yet. Groovefiya, guess what shirt I'm wearing right now? I'm making it into my official driving home shirt so that I can promote for you the whole way home. You shoulda given me some stickers so I could plaster them in gas station bathrooms across the country... it'd be like dropping breadcrumbs, people would come from all over to find out how fire grooves! Oh well, I'll just take a Sharpee with me. Thanks kaydup, I will be driving a bug with a Uhaul strapped to the back with two kitties in the back seat, I'm sure it will be a safe trip, who would mess with that mean set up? Pops is also flying in to help me find my way so I don't end up Canada, Mexico, or Cuba. Trust me, I could make it happen. Thanks for the the heartfelt goodbyes flava n nyis, you will always hold a fond place in my messageboard memories. Hopefully I will have internet access when I get back, though, if not, Ras you'll have to give me library hopping pointers. 30 minutes and the 60 year old library bouncer kicks you out, right? Much to you all you jaded ravers. Thanks for making me so much. *MizL*
  16. Wish I could be here. Happy b-day Sparkem, sorry I'm missin your weekend!
  17. I'm telling ras on you clubsboy.
  18. mizlissa


    Hotties on the Island
  19. mizlissa


    Bet you didn't know what great avatar material you made, Ras. Someone should make a whole line of them
  20. mizlissa


    Are you sure Karla wasn't the one throwing the punches?
  21. mizlissa


    Yeah Todd what's up with the fire extinguisher story, I didn't catch the whole thing.
  22. mizlissa


    Yes, her new nick name is NadsAbs, lol.
  23. mizlissa


    lol Nadia said you look like a drill sargent standing at attention.
  24. mizlissa


    lol hahaha and the whole event caught on camera. scary ass pic there, whew see what a day on the island will do to you? And if you're lookin at it like that, the pimp move would have been him getting me to buy HIS drink and therefore not spending any of his own bling. I didn't care, Phil's Phil, I wasn't expecting him to be too pimpy. G you woulda had a blast, if there is a second coming of Zion next year don't miss it!
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