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Everything posted by mizlissa

  1. mizlissa

    Stacy Kidd

    The dj himself.
  2. mizlissa


    He DID have enough for HIS drink. So he didn't go without. G where were you?
  3. mizlissa


    Fester, your dad RULES! I talked to him early in the day when the sun was shining, then saw him still drinking beer around 10pm or so, I was like, "You're still going! Sweet!" He said, "Oh yeah! This ones going to be an all nighter!" and toasted me with his beer. I had SO much fun at this event, there was absolutely nothing wrong at any time (cept that Becca didn't get there till later). Even missing the 1pm ferry by 20 seconds didn't phase me in the slightest. Jules, Jenny, Rick Naples and Profenna and I had a great time drinking beers at the Oceanview Inn (was that it's name) waiting for the next one. Then Ras and Nadia showed up, followed by Chaser, my man Will, and the rest of the crazies.. we def turned it into a booze cruise, hope we didn't scare too many families, we tried to warn them to come to Block Island NEXT weekend instead. The music was great, the people were great, the staff was great, the weather was great.. nice job in the hot body contest Rach. You and Nadia almost won that sheit in jeans and tank tops, but the horny drunken boys seemed to think that the one that showed her ta ta's (and stretchmarks) deserved it. WhatEVER! Thanks to the Groovefire sticker someone stuck on my ass I know have handprints all over my right cheek. Does it stay "SMACK HERE" somewhere on the sticker and I missed it? Too bad you couldn't make it to the hotel party, Todd, we had a great time running drunk around the patio and moonlighting in different rooms. Bartender Mike, from Zion, was a few rooms down and he was passing out the red headed sluts for a few hours, they were niiiice. Gansett definitely sucked me in, got off the ferry Sunday and somehow didn't get home till this morning! NON-PIMPY MOVE OF THE NIGHT: Talking to Phil for awhile, he decides he needs a drink, we wander to the bar, he orders his, asks me what I want, cool, I order a beer. Opens his wallet and says, "Oh no, I spent all my money." lol, niiiiice one. "Cancel the beer, please," I called to the bartender. He needs to brush up on those skillz.
  4. lol did ya see my other post Groovey? Did anyone think of Groovefiya dolls yet? Hoska is holding a drink, you will have a bobble head, Phil will have glowing blue eyes. Then the Limited Edition Groovefire Groupies.. I already have some great qualities picked out for those ones.
  5. It's been 80-90 degrees there for the past two weeks. :sigh:
  6. I'm moving home next week. Home = Washington Seattle = where I live in WA
  7. :sniff sniff: I'm really gonna miss you guys. Could a special GroovefiYa Conquers Seattle event be in the future?
  8. Wish I was going to be around. I leave for WA 2 days before.
  9. Guess I need to make friends with some monkeys then, man, they be hookin UP da free (and perhaps slightly sipped) drinks it seems.
  10. Here's the little devil, can't find any of them at happy hour, tho. Rats, again.
  11. Monkeys drink like humans Research finds they may be binge drinkers, social drinkers and more Mar 4, 2002 - Monkeys on the Caribbean island of St. Kitts have acquired a taste for alcohol and shown a tendency to act much like humans while under its influence. The "drunken monkeys" will be highlighted in a six-part television series called Weird Nature, starting on BBC1 on March 20. Phil Dalton, the assistant producer, saw some of the island's many wild vervets descend on beach bars to sip cocktails during "happy hour." "When they spotted a drink that had been left unguarded or unfinished, the monkeys would sneak down from the trees, jump on the tables and start drinking," he said. "They were tasting the drinks to see which ones they liked." A controversial research project that involves giving alcohol to 1,000 green vervet monkeys has found that the animals divide into four main categories: binge drinker, steady drinker, social drinker and teetotaler. The vast majority are social drinkers who indulge in moderation and only when they are with other monkeys - but never before lunch - and prefer their alcohol to be diluted with fruit juice. Scientists are using the monkeys - which share 96 per cent of their genetic make-up with humans - to help to search for clues to the nature of human drinking and to discover whether some people have a hereditary disposition to alcoholism - or "alcohol genes." The research animals are kept in cages and given a choice of non-alcoholic, diluted alcoholic and neat drinks. Animal-welfare groups have condemned the experiments. "This project sounds completely bizarre and I think people will be outraged," said a spokesman for the World Society for the Protection of Animals. The experiments are being led by Frank Ervin, a professor of psychiatry at McGill University in Montreal, and Roberta Palmour, a professor of human genetics there. "The parallels between the vervets' behavior and human behavior are striking," Ervin said. "A cageful of drunken monkeys is like a cocktail party. You have one who gets aggressive, one who gets sexy, one who thinks everything's funny and one who gets really grumpy. "The binge drinkers gulp down the alcohol at a very fast rate and pass out on the floor. The next day they do it all over again." I gotta find a picture of this.
  12. Here we go: Looks a little better in slow-mo, but ultimately unsatisfying.
  13. mizlissa

    It's Friday!

    4am ay? Guess ya found something fun to do last night. I am all about Groovefiya tonight, no worries, I'm spraying myself with spinster repellant and actually taking a shower tonight!
  14. mizlissa

    It's Friday!

    U got da ULTIMATE pimp skillz, darling. Please teach, or I really WILL be one of those weird old spinster cat women with kittens in my silverware drawers. I've actually accepted the fact that I will be one, so a change in the itinerary will be excitingly welcome.
  15. mizlissa

    It's Friday!

    I soooo wanna be involved in a pub crawl before I move back to WA.. never been before.. I will pay admission fee$!
  16. mizlissa

    It's Friday!

    Or maybe you can come to P-town for Will's Wonderous B-day! :D:D
  17. mizlissa

    It's Friday!

    Thanks, g, I for once wasn't making the scrunched-nose-face in that pic, which is extremely rare. Jules, I won't be there to (unecessarily) beat up all the bad guys this week, so you be careful missy! And make sure you have fun, babysitting is okay but with said buddy it can turn into Extreme Babysitting, ifyaknowwhatimean. I shall see you soon no matter what happens.
  18. mizlissa

    It's Friday!

    PS Bunny 3 just takes sweaty, horrid pictures, like:
  19. mizlissa

    It's Friday!

    Never! Becca just has the pimp skillz! When I see a hot guy, I employ the AVOID AVOID AVOID method. Jules knows where I'm comin from, we both seem to have this problem. Becca, for some reason, will actually TELL someone if she thinks they're hot/funny/appealing, whatev. Unheard of! Therefore, I need to attend Crock Wrestling School. Perhaps this would help boost my One Boyfriend In My Whole Life and That Was 4 Years Ago resume.
  20. mizlissa

    It's Friday!

    lolol not too fond of that species myself, but Becca has croc wrestling down to an art.
  21. mizlissa

    It's Friday!

    They are tho. Shiny glasses, shiny hair, shiny sweat all over after doing all those sexay Roxy Boy moves. freshly waxed = freshly waxed car. I knew it would throw someone off. :shrug:
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