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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. My hat goes off to you if you and your family have come to this country and made a better life for themselves like mine did but don't bite the hand that made it capable of escaping that HELL HOLE... On that note I will proceed to point out youR LUNACY The bile coming from your rechid soul is sickening my freind... I have witnessed time and time again the anti-american retoric coming from you to the tune of "America bombed my country" Last I checked it was a NATO lead operation to eradicate a maniac ruler from wiping out the Albanian muslim population in Kosovo but to you "shit happens" but we (NATO) are the bad guys? How twisted is your logic? If I remember correctly it wasn't the U.S that pushed the buttons and in fact, the US Generals at the time complained they didn't have enough control in dealing with that lunatic... Granted the Mexican population is increasing in California but is the National guard going to East LA and slaughtering them? Following your logic why don't we send the Marines to Miami and and cut every cuban in half and create MASS GRAVES in South Beach you want to know why we wouldn't? YOUR PEOPLE ARE FUCKING ANIMALS!!! why? because they and YOU went with a Lesser evil in your sick, twisted and backward minds plain and simple.. I can't beleive you can justify Genocide in any way..
  2. Starting this year I get a FULL tax credit for the amt I pay each year in college tuition. This tax credit goes against my ordinary income so for example 50k-4500 tuition I am taxed at 45.5k and can possible retreive all of that in my return (yeah for me I earned it)... This tool is a radical who would like to repeal the tax cuts which is creating jobs NOW I just don't get it, where would he like to take the money from to pay for his social programs??? Oh I forgot he would cut military spending. What good are college educations if we are all annihalated from a terrorists?? YEAH that makes perfect sense Dean... Someone should tell this commie that jobs create income tax revenue and the last place it should be put is massive ineffiecent social programs.. Does this asshole realise if College was free noone would take it seriously? What we need is job growth to create local income tax revenue so state universities can receive more funds from state govt to lower tuition costs.... I really think liberals were out smoking pot when it was time for economics class...
  3. Bro seriously from the bottom of my right leaning heart If you have NO CLUE what GDP is or that the latest reading of 7.2% was the best in 20 years, COMPLETELY attributed to tax cuts for individuals and business then youR argument holds no weight.. It sounds like you are just blinded by the un relentless hatred for the "Big Bad Republican" in office because of all your hippie freinds at your half gay university discuss it in the student lounge...
  4. WOW... Your ignorance and unitelligent rants never seize to amaze me.... You wEre once a man but one day your cock shriveled up, turned inside out and became a BIG VAGINA
  5. The only thing you won is the poster boy award for pulling out.. I am simpleton ??? :laugh: Your brain fell out of your ass pipe a LONG time ago JACK
  6. Your the pussy. Complaining with no solution but appeasment to our enemies now go trim your vagina hair HIPPIE BOY...
  7. I can't wait to go home print this out and wipe my ass with your silly post... Ypu live in a fantasy world sucluded in your tiny hole and existance you call life... GET A REAL JOB LOOSER!!!!
  8. First off PAL I am a first generation american, my parents were born in Italy came to this country for a better life for them and their children ad I thank them every chance I get. The lowlife immigrants that I speak of is YOU that come from a war ridden shit hole and COMPLAIN about how bad it is here, you dodging bullets here ? you see people getting "cleansed"? I asked you this before and you dodged the question what side of the fence were you on when Slobo was slaughtering thousands of Albanians?
  9. Fawking immigrants all the same, come to this country and bad mouth shit when their "mother lands" a faking huvel
  10. HUH?? stop doing K kid your not making any sense.
  11. You aren't fit to wash my "MADE IN THE USA" NUT SACK.... God and heaven are perfect... It ain't gravy but it sure is close bud...
  12. :laugh: stick to BLENDER DUUUDE :laugh:
  13. Leave then, I bet it 's alot better then that cess pool yugoslavia your ungrateful spineless self comes from...
  14. I bet you have no idea what I was talking about with those figures I posted right?
  15. Can't you have a logical thought you social misfit? Did all the LSD rot your brain where a coherant thought is unacheivable? I give you facts that contradict that horse shitr article and you post this crap? ASSHOLE!
  16. Bro you make ZERO sense.... I am man enough to realise that these men and woman are heros when did I say I didn't???
  17. GDP is 7.2% best in 20 years.. unemployement 6% 300k jobs have been CREATED already (lagging indicator). This recovery is all because of the reduction in TAX RATES AND REFUNDS.... No terrorist attack on U.S soil since 911(fingers crossed) 75% of Alqaeda leadership round up Cutting off vital funding to terrorsit orginazations around the world.... Taking america security seriously instead of relying on a toothless world body... BUSH IN 2004 IS BULLETPROOF
  18. Good point. I still think that she is a hero just for going thru that ordeal.
  19. it was only a matter of time before the resident TOOL shows up.. whats up numb nuts still skipping child support payments?
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