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Everything posted by skince55

  1. Id rather drop the weight on my neck and suffocate
  2. and you say not using a towel is nasty
  3. depends on how the scoring is done....I mean whether or not QB's or RB's are more valuable. If RB are more valuable definately Ricky
  4. Marcus allen wasn't bad either, but Bo was unstopable. I was always the raiders oh man how I used to love running diagnally back and forth across the field in that game.
  5. I think he is saying people are ungrateful, and that they take advantage of the liberties this country affords them. Protesting an issue because its what you believe is much different than the way certain people carry on, protesting everything this country does for the mere fact that it's America and they protest everything American. People on here will be against something we do even if it benefits everyone involved, causing no harm to anyone because maybe our "intentions" aren't the greatest or maybe there is some alterior motive. If every one benefits, who cares if the U.S. makes a couple extra dollars. That is what makes the world go around.
  6. is the leaf crooked on the canadian one or is it just me?
  7. I don't know but there is something really obnoxious about this smiley face ----> I hate it so much
  8. $21 a month 5 minutes from my apt. and never crowded floats my boat. For that I can deal with a little sweat. Once you get use to the grease its not that bad
  9. There are people with terrible living conditions all over the world. You don't see those people strapping bombs to themselves to blow up as many of their neighbors as possible.
  10. guess again....there is not one person in that gym that uses a towel. I do however wipe down the machines I do cardio on after I use them with a paper towel.
  11. i'm a little happier now...a nicer tone would have been appreciated but this will do.
  12. definately no Towels!!!! no one ever uses towels in my gym
  13. On Topic: I havent read the article yet, eventually I will and I will respond. Off Topic: why do you have to only point out my insults which were in response to his, and completely ignore his. It's not because your views are the same as his and you don't mind when he spews the shit he does....is it?
  14. it was actually TWO guys that were working out together that did this. The first one removed his shirt then minutes later the second one joined in the festivities
  15. I like how in the usual insulting you chose to quote my post which was the third one in a line of insults, but I'm sure you meant to include the following: But we provoked the innocent normalnoises....right sassa?
  16. ever have someone stare at themselves in the mirror so much to the point where they can't take it anymore and they finally rip their shirts off and finish their workout topless. also seen someone rub baby oil all over themselves at the gym
  17. Fuck those stars, I don't think anyone pays attention to that shit.
  18. But can a person eat one slice of pizza a day and be satisfied? No way(not me at leat). one of the points I was trying to make is that it's very easy to go over your target calories for the average dieter. I can never eat just one "serving" in terms of what the label calls a serving. I just think it's safer if your dieting to eat healthier foods and maintain a lower calorie count. I just don't think it's accurate to say anyone can loose weight and eat whatever they want as long as they keep their calories low I agree with you totally here. People on the atkins are so limite on what they can eat that they are forced to eliminate calories
  19. Weight loss is also dependent upon the person. We all don't loose and gain weight with the same amount of ease and difficulty. If you can eat pizza and loose weight than great, good for you, but others cannot, regardless of how low their calories are. Weightloss is not as easy as you make it out to be for some people. As far as the carbs are bad "hype", my father lost a good amount of weight at the beginning of this summer by doing the Atkins diet for about a month, maybe a little longer. But regardless he started eating normal again and has kept the weight off. I really don't think he would have got the results he did by just limiting calories. Another thing about carbs and limiting calories is you have to take into consideration that not everyone weighs each bit of food they eat to determine how many calories are in them. You say you ate pizza. How many calories were in each slice??? How do you know that for sure?? You don't know how much of each ingredient the pizzeria puts in(assuming thats where you got the pizza), and last I checked pizzeria's don't have nutriotional guides telling you how many calories are in each slice. My point being is that it is very easy to unknowingly go over your maintence calorie range, so why not eat healthy foods(low carbs or low sat fats) to give yourself a little room to play with just in case you do eat something that is a little higher in calories than you thought. And also remeber serving sizes on the side of boxes are tiny compared to what we actually eat and many people don't realize that.
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