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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Champagne at Arc!!! No way!
  2. These nogotions have been in the works for awhile. If you recall as a good will gesture he allowed for compensation to be paid to family members of the terrorist attack he probably authorized. Read up there, buddy. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A20967-2003Dec22.html
  3. You are correct to say that excludes certainly anyone making over 65k a year but you failed to mention that it also excudes almost all of the employee making from 22k a year on up to 65k a year. Almost 1.3 million workers. Nice try at spinning that one. Read up there buddy. http://www.epinet.org/content.cfm/briefingpapers_flsa_jun03
  4. You really are a piece of work. I'll just start from number one. I'm not sure how you can say, "it's not true." because it simply is. No green day shirts. No bullshit.
  5. Batty Batty Batty!!
  6. I'm with you on the friendly reminder. I just think they're is a better way. I'd like to see an alert system like this: "We got word today, that some time this month a terror cell is planning to fly commerical jet liners into the world trade center." And then begin taking preventative actions from there, rather then saying... "Hey folks...Be on the look out for something...we heard some chatter... it's really loud. Louder than it was when from when we first got attacked on 9/11. So be on the look out, again folks. Again there is no specific information. Only chatter. That's all."
  7. Can you be more specific? I don't think anyone here has said that they support any dictators or "terrorists". If they did, we would be all over them. It's a truly a shame if you you think that anyone in this forum would defend Saddam or Osama bin ladin. Well if Steven Speilberg says Lybians are the enemy in 'Back to the future', then they're the enemy. The US is considering him an aly as of the last couple days. Read up there, buddy. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A20183-2003Dec21.html
  8. Read my last post... Shoot down any or all of those actions that Bush took and prove that he didn't do it. I await your response.
  9. Nation's Threat Level Rising to Orange http://apnews.myway.com/article/20031221/D7VJ0SQ00.html So we raised the threat level again. Wooptie Shit!! This threat level crap in my opinion is a bunch of shit. What exactly are we supposed to do with this information? Report suspicious terrorist activity. Ok. Wouldn't we do that anyway? Or does this mean any person that even remotely appears to be of middle eastern descent to watch them cause they could be up to something. Sorry, I just think this whole system is more designed to scare people then provide a level a security for the american people. What do you think?
  10. These are facts, How is this non-sense? It's ok to think every now and then, Mahs. Go on try it.
  11. It's funny how Igloo always like to point out hypocracy when the Republican party and most conservatives are the biggest hypocrits in history. Igloo, get a fucking life, would you?
  12. It sounds like you almost want there to be a terrorist attack. Why is it necessary to say, "not yet"?
  13. I doubt killing bin ladin or any "terrorist" would've prevented 9/11 or terrorism directed at the US. In fact, it could've had the opposite effect.
  14. How many times were the Bush twins busted again?
  15. aawww...How sweet. Hey, babe! Happy hollidays too you to, Kat!
  16. I agree with raver_mania... Maybe I shouldn't have said, "I hate pigs" cause that's not true. I've actually met many that I have tremendous respect for. In the end they are the ones that you call when you need help. Although, to be a balanced here... They are very helpful if you're are in an economically "well to do" community. I've actually gotten robbed at gun point in my neighborhood and the cops were very unhelpful so I wouldn't necessarily want to paint them with that rosey colored brush either.
  17. Dictionary.com says, pik·er n. Slang 1. A cautious gambler. 2. A person regarded as petty or stingy. Thesaures.com says, Entry: miser Function: noun Definition: hoarder Synonyms: cheapskate, churl, curmudgeon, glutton, harpy, hoarder, hog, hunks, misanthrope, misanthropist, moneygrubber, muckworm, niggard, penny pincher, pig, pinchfist, pinchpenny, screw, scrimp, scrooge, Shylock, skinflint, stiff, tightwad Concept: financial entity Source: Roget's Interactive Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.0) Copyright © 2003 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved. Regarding the opinion editorial from National Review that you've posted. I'd like to see how this plays out. I'd love to see Haliburton save tax payers 100 million dollars but it's hard to imagine when they've already been caught trying to screw tax payers with the catering proposal that was initially rejected. I just don't like puting my faith in large corporations as their only interest is turn profit not save you and I money.
  18. Why are the titles of your thread all screwed up, mr mahs?
  19. Won't do you any good, dude. This fool, thinks all liberals are "socialists, jews, commies and arabs". His words, not mine.
  20. Then heads should roll... No excuses. We can't allow the people in our government that had advance warning and the chance to prevent 9/11 to continue to hold their positions of power.
  21. This is huge news!!! It's barely getting any press. The next step should be to find out who was responsible for letting our guard down and remove them their position. I'm sure the bush admin will try and totally discredit the 9/11 commision now.
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