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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. ooh.. Can't wait to check that out.
  2. Real sorry to hear that, bro. I hope he'll be alright.
  3. It sure doesn't look like the resistance is subsiding. It's a shame our boys/girls have to continue to die like this. They're sure to be more of this in leu of this news as well... U.S. Prepares for Risky Iraq Troop Rotation http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?storyID=4063247
  4. I have to agree. Very violent. But I love it.
  5. Proof that sanctions were working... EDIT: and further proof that the invasion was unjustified http://slate.msn.com/id/2089471/ (exerpt) A close reading of the actual, unclassified report—which Kay delivered as testimony on Oct. 2 to a panel of several congressional committees—reveals not only that Bush's critics are closer to the mark, but something much more significant: that Saddam wanted and, in some cases, tried to resurrect the weapons programs that he had built in the 1980s, but that the United Nations sanctions and inspections prevented him from doing so.
  6. Is the world better off without a bloody dictator? Of course. I 100% agree with you but that's not what we're talking about. Don't try and deflect the issue. NO WMD's WERE FOUND. Oh to answer your question..."isn't that enough? IMO, No it's not enough to justify the war, invasion, and occupation.
  7. Quote from David Kay back in October. Excerpted from http://www.dominionpost.com/a/news/2003/10/03/bi/ ********** ''We have not found at this point actual weapons,'' Kay said. ''It does not mean we've concluded there are no actual weapons.'' ''In addition to intent, we have found a large body of continuing activities and equipment that were not declared to the U.N. inspectors when they returned in November of last year,'' he said. He cautioned that the search was still under way and said he should know within six to nine months if there was more to be found. *********** Well, essentially his investigation is complete. Where are WMD? I bet Saddam knows where they've gone. We should ask him cause David Kay obviously has no clue.
  8. Yep.. It sure sounds like alot but in the end no wmd were found. Sorry, buddy. I've read the whole report and I haven't found anything in there that says we've found the long list of banned chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons that was claimed to be in Iraq.
  9. US plan to invade for oil: secret memo Henry Kissinger and Edward Heath in London on December 12, 1973 America was prepared to use force to secure Arab oil supplies in 1973, reports Glenn Frankel in London. January 2, 2004 The United States seriously considered sending airborne troops to seize oilfields in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Abu Dhabi during the 1973 Arab oil embargo, according to a top-secret British intelligence memorandum released yesterday. The document, titled Middle East - Possible Use of Force by the United States, said that, if faced with deteriorating conditions such as a breakdown of the ceasefire between Arab and Israeli forces following the October 1973 Yom Kippur War or an intensification of the embargo, "we believe the American preference would be for a rapid operation conducted by themselves" to seize the oilfields. It cited a warning from then defence secretary James Schlesinger to the British ambassador in the US, Lord Cromer, that Washington would not tolerate threats from "under-developed, under-populated" countries and that "it was no longer obvious to him that the United States could not use force". Seizure of the oilfields, the memo said, was "the possibility uppermost in American thinking . . . reflected, we believe, in their contingency planning". Full Article http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/01/01/1072908854403.html
  10. Don't assume to understand the mind of all arab people. That's what this article does. It sterotypes and is very slanted. It's pretty obvious Robert Spencer is biased on the religion of Islam look at his books.
  11. David Kay leaving empty handed By Matthew Riemer YellowTimes.org Columnist (United States) (YellowTimes.org) – The man the Bush administration put in charge of finding Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, David Kay, announced this week that he is stepping down from his post sometime early in 2004. Kay heads the Iraq Survey Group (ISG), which is currently scouring Iraq for signs of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. The former U.N. weapons inspector cited the duration of the inspections as one of his reasons for leaving; Kay had originally believed that the entire procedure would be completed in six months time, putting the completion date around the first of the year. When evaluating the post-war inspections process in Iraq and the by now cliché saga of the weapons of mass destruction story, it is instructive to look deeper and ask what other factors may be forcing David Kay to step down as the ISG head. Is Kay's departure a rolling back of the administration's focus on WMD as one of its primary points of vindication in its defense of its decision to go to war, especially now that President Bush has declared their existence irrelevant? Full Article http://yellowtimes.org/article.php?sid=1717&mode=thread&order=0
  12. Got a link for this story? I think they deserve an apology and compensation plus a little more for their trouble of being detained. Just goes to show you the assumption remains that your guilty until proven innocent these days.
  13. In leu, of mr mahs post regarding willie nelson... I somehow found this appropiate. lol http://www.statesman.com/metrostate/content/metro/1203/1231willie_song.html Willie Nelson, who has endorsed Dennis Kucinich for President, and who will lead a fundraising concert for Kucinich's campaign in Austin, Texas, on Jan. 3, 2004, wrote a new song on Christmas that he will perform in public for the first time at the Austin concert.
  14. Yeah.. Happy New Year, douche bags!!
  15. I tend to agree with you to a certain degree. I think the name is cool, but from a native american perspective I can see how it's offensive. So maybe they should change the name. The name of the team was decided over 75 years ago so it's obvious the nfl wasn't being sensitive to derogitory names. Getting back to the subject, free speach is a wonderful thing but I think people should be sensitive to possible offensive names.
  16. 2003 Florida Weird News In Review POSTED: 7:44 AM EST December 31, 2003 UPDATED: 11:40 AM EST December 31, 2003 RANGE PHOTOS: Wierd News in Photos TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Chalk it up as another strange year in Florida. There was the defendant who mooned a jury and the bank robber who used an Easter egg defense when he was caught red-handed. There were nude park rangers and a sex-crazed emu -- thankfully not in the same place at the same time. All were among the dozens of bizarre events in 2003. http://www.wftv.com/news/2734682/detail.html
  17. That's a good quote but I think you're mis-using it.
  18. You mean I can't mix this stuff with my heroin anymore??
  19. Using your logic. Should the redskins change their name as a franchise in the NFL?
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