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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Looks like you're the only one clapping your hands. lol
  2. I think saying the phrase, "using the race card" is racist in itself. It's almost like saying "that card will trump any arguement that I have so don't pull it."
  3. Yes they were. IMO best playoff series in recent memory so far. And we broke a record of most post season OT games. Very excitiing stuff.
  4. If anyone saw the interview, the thing that stuck out the most with me was how oblivious (or at least how oblivous Paul O'Neil acted) when the interviewer said, "Don't you think this is a personal attack on Bush?" Paul O'Neil responded something like this... "Gee golly... why would anyone think that?" Yeah right.
  5. Tell me about it. I've got an old house made in the 40's and it's happened before (the pipes freezing then busting) Only thing is today, I think the temperature is going to be above freezing and my faucits are open while I'm at work. I may come home to a flooded house tonight. Arghhh!! I have bad luck!
  6. There is no point. He's falling in line with the rest of the insult trolls when he has no arguement.
  7. It's been so cold at my house the last few days that my pipes in my bathroom have been frozen solid and I've been having to take a "prostiute's bath" in my sink. Ugh! Anyone wanna allow me to come over and use their shower? I promise I won't leave errant hairs on your loofa.
  8. You mean the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with the "war on terror"??
  9. Not funny and ignorant. Xeno is more american than you'll ever be.
  10. Good for Paul O'neil finally standing up to tell his story.
  11. I think this is hilarious... Where did he marksimmons get this pic?? lol
  12. oh boy... anybody wanna take this one?
  13. Yes... Schmuck (singular) should just go only for abnormalnoises because I've already acknowledge that this was a repost.
  14. In case you can't see this image it's a some shit on piano keys... Basically it doesn't mean anything. Like you're dumb ass posts! lol
  15. I'm not responding to your weak attempts at taunts. Go fuck a frog, cake boy and get off igloo's cock before you become a permanent fixture like his warts, shit stain.
  16. I gave up on it once it made drama status. That's the loser section of cp.
  17. Ok.. I'm giong to refrain from insults from now on and only talk about the issue at hand and not who has presented the issue. This is a new jamiro. A kinder, gentler Jamiro. Because it wouldn't be prudent for me to continue on with my insults. It only takes away from the valid points everyone makes.
  18. You get some images that actually work, douche. lol
  19. Maybe it's because I called igloo a fuckface. lol
  20. I thought this was funny too... There are whole slew of threads that much more drama whorthy than the clinton thread.
  21. We would have to re-evaluate how we see ourselves colectively in the universe. I think one thing that instantly change would be our obsession with war. We put so much money and energy into creating war rather than living with each other and prospering. One can only hope this would be effected.
  22. The truth can't be hidden that this occupation and war is bullshit and you're a fraud. Weak comeback. Next time try retorting with proven facts and not rejection of the truth, fuckface.
  23. Of course Clinton believed Iraq "had" WMD. I believed that they had it too but we should be asking oursleves these questions: Given that no weapons were not found, and we've essentially given up on the hunt for wmd, were the UN inspections working to disrupt and essential suspend there wmd program? Yes. Did Sadam Hussein posess wmd the leading months before our invasion? No. Was Iraq a threat to the United States before the invasion? No. Then what was the reason for us to criple this country economically, kill 10,000 civilians (and counting), and rebuild it giving the contracts to Bush Administration cronies? To get rid of a bloody dictator. Oh ok. Who cares about WMD? Isn't that what the right wants the lefties to do? Forget about the WMD claims? Then why do they continue to try and make an arguement for it? Bottom line this war and occupation is unjust and illegal. We shouldn't be there and we should stop making excuses that we were right to go in because we just weren't.
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