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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. NAACP & Affirmative is a joke? That is your opinion. If it's the president's opinion too, then he has no reason to be honoring MLK with a wreath on his grave. Affirmative action is a token of reparations. If the gov't doesn't want to give reparations to african americans then they'll probably want to keep affirmative action in place.
  2. Well, your stance would probably piss most black people off. Especially if you laid a wreath on MLK's grave. Try and understand their mentality of why they disagree with what Bush did. Also, just because you agree with Bush on affirmative action doesn't make it right and neither does it make it right for the lefties.
  3. Sorry, you're right, I only spoke of our foreign policy but that's the root of international terrorism. We can't stop terrorist on our soil from attacking us by eroding our rights as US citizens. That's exactly, what they want us to do... the terrorist that is. More and more security really doesn't end the problem of terrorism. It only amplifies it. So there needs to be a reversal in foreign policy and more freedoms together. Obviously, if we continue to invade and bomb "axis of evil countries" and then open our borders to everyone we'll only be welcoming terrorist to attack us so that's why it's necessary to reverse our stance in the world. Two pronged approach.
  4. Although, we're getting off the subject a little but I'll play along... Policy change is how you fight terrorism. We give the terrorist ammunition but bombing the shit out of countries. Innocent people are the ones paying the price both here and abroad. We need to stop playing god with countries and support peace not war. Sounds crazy to fight terrorism with love but hate only breeds more hate. That's what Dr. King and Ghandi preached. Non-violence and tolerance...and it worked.
  5. Who said racism? Bush is anti-civil rights hence his stance on affirmative action. King's gave his life for civil rights. Do you see why everyone is upset?
  6. The real reson he was in Atlanta. $2,000 per plate dinner fundraiser.
  7. Bush is the first president since Warren G. Harding that hasn't met with the NAACP not to mention being in favor of dismantling affirmative action. Signed the patriot act (and patriot act II) which all but wiped away the bill of rights. In fact, King would probably be considered a terrorist under this administration. Yep, this president is the most anti-civil rights president we've had in years and you wonder why people are so indignant about him laying a wreath on King's grave during an election year? It's the epitome of hypocracy. Also, it's important to mention that local leaders of the The MLK March Committee were initially told to conclude their scheduled events for "security reasons". Of course their pissed off, because of Bush's photo op. Disgraceful? Yes, Bush is disgraceful.
  8. Iraq weapons hunter steps down Friday 16 January 2004, 4:12 Makka Time, 1:12 GMT David Kay, the chief US weapons hunter in Iraq, has told the CIA he will not return to his post, a US government source said on Thursday. If confirmed, critics could seize upon the move as a sign that he has given up hope of finding banned arms. "He has told the DCI (Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet) that he doesn't want to go back, they have been trying to get him to stay," the source told Reuters on condition of anonymity. It was unclear whether the CIA had had any success in persuading Kay, who came back to the United States for the Christmas holidays, to stay on the job, the source said. A CIA spokesman declined to comment. Kay, reached earlier this week, also declined to comment and referred questions about his status to the CIA. Full Article http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/006701EE-05C1-4EA2-95BE-AEE994082579.htm
  9. After Well-Publicized Broadcast of First Female Afghan Singer in 20 Years, 'Liberated' Kabul Reinstitutes Ban of Women Singing on TV By Hamida Ghafour (Filed: 16/01/2004) Afghanistan's religious authorities have reimposed a ban on television broadcasts of artistic performances by women after a 20-year-old clip of a woman singing without a headscarf ignited a battle between moderates and traditionalists. Parasato, a star in the 1970s, was shown on Kabul Television earlier this week performing a ballad. The Supreme Court, dominated by the religious Right, protested formally to the ministry of information and culture, which was forced to reinstate the ban yesterday. The move underlines the confusion surrounding the interpretation of the constitution ratified earlier this month. The minister of information and culture, Sayed Makhdoom Raheem, justified lifting the ban by saying that men and women were guaranteed equal rights under the document. But the Supreme Court said the footage was against the constitution, which also stipulated that no law was above the beliefs of Islam. Fazl Ahmad Manawi, the deputy chief justice, said the Supreme Court was "opposed to women singing and dancing as a whole". Women had been forbidden from appearing on television since the mujahideen came to power 12 years ago. The Taliban banned television entirely in 1996. Under the government of President Hamid Karzai, women are allowed to present news. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;$sessionid$QLW5XKVJ2V423QFIQMGSFF4AVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2004/01/16/wafg116.xml&sSheet=/news/2004/01/16/ixworld.html
  10. You seem to know where to pull a lot of gay pictures to photoshop, Vic.
  11. Good. Now maybe some others will drop out.
  12. Kiss my ass, mr fucking nice guy. You've said "fuck you" numerous times so you get zero respect in my book. Maybe if you weren't such an asshole all the time, I'd actually think you were a half way decent human being.
  13. I'm all for non-violence but when someone tries to insult me I'll fucking kick your ass all over the place, verbally of course. Here's a newsflash for you... Peacenik doesn't mean pussy, beotch.
  14. Because you are fucking clown ass piece of shit and when you die no one will remember you, dickhead!!
  15. Vic, were sexually abusing the dog with peanut butter?
  16. So you've failed. The point of this thread started by your boyfirend, mr douche bag, was to discredit and discount the accusations Paul O'nell has made and but has done just the opposite. Go fuck yourself, you fucking loser.
  17. Well, shit bag... putting ones' livelyhood on the line for speaking out for they believe in is very brave. Something you'd never do, fucking coward!
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