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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Yeah.. that's saturday right?
  2. Why don't you just kill yourself already, douche bag.
  3. Now this is frightening on how broad this is.
  4. Same way the Clinton/Gore admin. did it. Tax cuts for small business (not for The wealthiest 1% stratum of Americans) and working families. Reduce spending, especially military spending to keep the federal deficit down. Clinton turned around the economy in 1 year and created over 22 million jobs and 90% of those jobs were small businesses proving that you don't have to get the "big guys" the biggest tax cuts to produce jobs. Don't get me wrong, Clinton was a sneaky douche bag and I'm definetly not a Clinton lover but his domestic policy kicks the republicans policy's ass.
  5. I never asked his religous background but I'll vouch for raver_mania that he's not muslim. I think he might be in a cult actually.
  6. They're not a mob. They've protested civily. This perception that they are uneducated, ak-47 toating barbarians isn't who the shia's are. In fact they are cooperating with the US occupation until thus far. Give Iraqis the election they want Despite Bush's rhetoric, the U.S. is opposing true democratic voting Robert Scheer Creators Syndicate 01.20.04 Proving again that Martin Luther King Jr. had the right idea, the peaceful demonstrations by thousands of Iraqi Shiites demanding direct elections have been a far more effective challenge to the arrogance of the U.S. occupation than the months of guerrilla violence undertaken by a Sunni-led insurgency. Led by clerics demanding real democracy, the protests have strongly raised this question: What right does the United States have to tell people that they cannot be allowed to rule themselves? With the stated reasons for the U.S. invasion -- the imminent threat of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction and his ties to Al Qaeda -- now a proven fraud, the Bush administration was left with one defense: It was bringing democracy to this corner of the Mideast. If we now fail to promptly return full sovereignty to the Iraqis, inconvenient as that outcome may be, the invasion will stand exposed as nothing more than old-fashioned imperial plunder of the region's oil riches -- and the continued occupation could devolve into civil war. Full article. http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?itemid=16307
  7. Unfortunetly these "experts" can be way off. I'd like to believe that more jobs will be opening but I just can't see that happening with the same old tired tax cut policy and trickle down economics.
  8. Jobless claims are down but we still have a net loss of jobs since Bush took office in every state in the US.
  9. I like how someone handed him a black baby as he was walking down the isle. How staged was that?
  10. Yeah, I know... All the democratic party candidates are bullshit.
  11. You really got me all wrong. I want what's best for our country. Not the Carlye Group. Honestly, if you think that the Shia's are our enemies then we're doomed to fail in the reconstruction of Iraq. Do you honestly want the reconstruction of iraq to fail? Wake up, dude. You really have know view of the big picture.
  12. British Officials Say Iraq Elections by June Viable By Nicolas Pelham in Basra Published: January 19 2004 17:58 | Last Updated: January 19 2004 17:58 British officials in Basra no longer oppose early elections in Iraq, saying security and procedural obstacles to polls could be surmounted before the transfer to civilian control on June 30. "We have a working hypothesis that you could manage an electoral process within the timeframe and the security available," said Dominic D'Angelo, British spokesman for the UK-led southern zone of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Basra. The volte face comes after demonstrators packed Basra's streets on Thursday in response to a call from Ayatollah Ali Sistani, Iraq's senior Shia cleric, to back his demand for an elected assembly. British officials estimated there were between 100,000 and 300,000 protestors. Coalition officials fear Ayatollah Sistani could issue a fatwa, or religious edict, to his followers to suspend co-operation with the coalition authorities if polls do not go ahead. Full Article http://news.ft.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=FT.com/StoryFT/FullStory&c=StoryFT&cid=1073281137552
  13. I'll be there. We should have get some of those silly inflatable sumo suits and have it out in the big "current events" forum batal royale.
  14. I can't believe I actually have to put people on "ignore" status on cp.
  15. Well the stadium is in landover, MD and they're training camp is in Ashburn, VA. Maybe they should change the name to the washington metropolitan are Redskins so you can root for them.
  16. I think fence is a mis-nomer. It's a wall. The wall is not a solution for terrorism. It's a solution for apartheid. What about the families that are separated on either side of the wall. It's not just about separating palestinians. Israelis are separated too. The wall could very easily become a border. President Bush has condemed the construction of the wall if it's used as a border. If it's not permanent? Why build it to begin with? Lastly, the wall does in fact cut off palestinian land and roadways.
  17. The american civil rights movement in the south began about 30 years ago not 60.
  18. Honestly. I don't know. They are all lame. I've always liked Dick Gephardt but corporate america would rather dig up Jimmy Hoffa and make him president then old Dick. But of course he's dropped out. He would have been the best president for our economy...but woulda, coulda, shoulda don't amount to shit. Dean inspires me on some issues, but he's not very presidential. Kucinich wants to totally move away from Nafta, so that's a deal breaker for me. Besides, I can't vote for a man with a comb over. He just comes off as a pussy too. Kerry. I haven't made up my mind what I think about him just yet. He's been slightly...well not slightly...hypocrytical on his views. I don't think Bush could hold a candle to Kerry in a debate. Edwards. I like John Edwards, but he doesn't inspire me. Clark. Just another war general or Clinton 2.0 I think if you agree with the war on terror then you should vote for this guy. He's comes out against the war but on the other hand praises dubya and Rummy for the way they are conducting the "war on terror". I'm against the whole concept of the "war on terror" and would have to do some serious soul searching before I voted for this guy. Although, he would be the better president for our troops. Yep, if you want another clinton era you should probably vote for clark. I'm undecided. So juggling all these things, I have no fucking clue who I'm going to vote for. Maybe Dean, if he can stop acting like a fucking screaming maniac and get back to the issues.
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