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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Skins are gonna fucking rock next year!! Although, NFC East is going to be a tuff division once again. Victor, Rockyblue... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! Hater-aide sippers!
  2. Well, it's common knowledge that you're a cock. Is it true that you're a cock? Well, common knowledge says that you are so I guess you might be. Judging by your gramatical errors and brazen racist views, I'd say you're no more than an uneducated dickless biggoted boot licker. I'm done insulting you, loser.
  3. World II started long before "the japs" (aka the japanese ) attacked pearl harbor.
  4. And you get your data from where? Fox news?
  5. Of course not. Don't be silly. You actually think I'm an america hating piece of shit, don't you? There are so many events, people, and countries that escalated the world wars of the 20th century that I couldn't even begin to point to one country or person for cause of those wars. Let's be serious.
  6. No. You're fucking stupid and a clown because you have no idea when someone is making fun of you, you sorry excuse for a turd. You said palestinians are "blowing themselves." Last time I checked they were WERE BLOWING THEMSELVES UP. Fucking moron. You should consider your sympathy for the murdering of all innocent people not only jews, you god damn psycho.
  7. It's likely to go up from the morons they poll after the state of the union address.
  8. The tragedy of those wars is that innocent civilians are the ones that experience the terror and death of war. In world war II alone, roughly 32,000,000 (that's million) of the 56,000,000 (56 million) that died in the war were civilians casualities. And this doesn't even count World War I deaths which were in the 10's of millions as well. War has never saved anyone. It's genocide.
  9. It was pretty pathetic. I cringe every time I see it. What a douche bag.
  10. I agree with the you regarding the electoral college. Assuming that Bush winning, although highly probable takes away from the democratic process. That's why I gave you a pretty condescending remark. Make sure you go out vote.
  11. lol Guess you didn't get that joke.
  12. Now that I'd pay to see... "palestinians blowing themseves in cafes and discos" that is. Don't get mad at me. Get mad at Sharon for admiting that the wall is not a perfect solution and effects innocent people as much as effects the suicide bombers. Here's a hint, *a wall isn't the answer to stopping terrorism in Israel.
  13. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Clinton was the best Republican president we've had in years!
  14. I think they do.. but they longer we meddle in their affairs and do not internationalize the reconstruction efforts then the US will be blamed for everything.
  15. What? Put up a fence on our borders? Yeah, cause that Berlin wall idea was a complete success.
  16. You're missing the point. I'm not questioning how we won wars. I'm saying wars caused all of those the above concepts. Your post doesn't prove me wrong. Oh, and Japan was surrendering and dropping the bomb created the cold war. Don't take my word for it. Do some searches, see what you find.
  17. I'm sorry. I just don't buy into the system of total control over my life and where I've been and what I do daily. I'm not a terrorist so I shouldn't be treated like one. That's not freedom, buddy. Oh and do you honestly believe that "the police dept already has your fingerprints on file, and that Everyone in this country also has an ID number."? Not true.
  18. No. I'm not kidding you. Mussolini founded the movement of facism in the midst of unsettling conditions after world war I in Italy. The Rise of Fascism Nazism or the Nazi Party started as a gang of unemployed soldiers in 1919 also after World War I. The Rise of the Nazi Party There are many examples of this happening throughout human history. Humans sold or forced into slavery after war or conquest. African slaves brought to america and the carribean were mostly sold by tribal war adversaries. Example Communism was emboldend with superpower status after world war II through technological war spoils of the germans. Not to mention the development of the nuclear bomb which only pushed Russia into a cold war of rivalry. http://history1900s.about.com/cs/communism/ So you see the above concepts are all products of war. Then again, if you buy into the theory that these concepts were created in a vacuum then of course war is going to be the never ending solution rather then peace.
  19. A farce. The governing council was rejected by the iraqis because the people were selected not elected and weren't representative of them. They were/are only interested in self-promotion rather than the good of the iraqi people. The Shia don't want total control over the country, they want equal representation of people of THEIR choosing, not ours. What better way to promote democracy and freedom by letting them decide who their interem gov't is and allow them to decide who will represent them. They've obviously earned their place in the government after attempting several US unsupported coups d'etat and living under Saddam.
  20. What makes you think ignoring the will of most of the iraqis will ensure stability? Equal representation? That's a great idea. Has it been tried yet? Nope.
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