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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. I'm for a comprimise to free healthcare. It's probably not feasible at this time in United States for a total reversal in our healthcare policy as in Europe and Canada but we could at least take steps in making healthcare available for more people by making it cheaper. Who cares if those other rich cock suckers are getting taxed more as a result. Just my opinion. It's funny you ask me about this... I got in an arguement with my right wing girlfriend of mine about this last night.
  2. That's all politikin' my friend. So far he hasn't done anything that allows me to morally question him. Personally, I don't feel that trial lawyers are the only reason that medical costs are going up. There many other reasons as well so I'm not really interested in tort reform.
  3. I'm starting to sway towards Edwards and I'll tell you why.... Edwards, is friendly to labor and the environment. He's a southern senator which is great, because you absolutely must have the southern vote. Southerners hate voting for yakees, so this guy might be the guy that can beat bush. He's also serves on four congressional commitees: Health, Education, Labor and Pensions; Intelligence; Judiciary; and Small Business. Not to mention he's been one of the only dems to run a clean campaign without "mud slinging". The man's politics are clear and unabashed. You know exactly what you'll get from this guy. So considering all this, currently I'm leaning towards Sen. Edwards.
  4. That's the whole game. We want to avoid the depression not welcome it. I for one wouldn't mind a simpler lifestyle but not at the expense of destroying millions of lives worldwide.
  5. Even better still, how bout we build a security fence around this non-compliant galaxy.
  6. Like Al Franken getting his ass wooped. he doesn't come off as a tuff guy to me. And those larouche supporters are just plain nutty.
  7. Although, I've heard this joke only about 50 times on this board, I still think it's funny. Welcome by the way.
  8. Wooo hoo!! I'm leaving for home... See you douches later!!
  9. Pay no attention to Igloo. The truth is always hard to swallow with a belly full of lies and ol' Iggy eats, sleeps, and shits lies mostly in this forum. Basically he's a big piece of shit.
  10. EXCLUSIVE: DEMOCRACY NOW! Confronts Wesley Clark Over His Bombing Of Civilians, Use Of Cluster Bombs And Depleted Uranium And The Bombing Of Serb Television. Listen to: Segment || Show Watch 128 bitstream Watch 256 bitstream In a Democracy Now! exclusive, General Wesley Clark responds for the first time to in-depth questions about his targeting of civilian infrastructure in Yugoslavia, his bombing of Radio Television Serbia, the use of cluster bombs and depleted uranium, the speeding-up of the cockpit video of a bombing of a passenger train to make it appear as though it was an accident and other decisions he made and orders he gave as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander. Since the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia, General Wesley Clark has not answered any in-depth questions about his targeting of civilian infrastructure in Yugoslavia, his bombing of Radio Television Serbia, the use of cluster bombs and depleted uranium, the speeding-up of the cockpit video of a bombing of a passenger train to make it appear as though it was an accident and other decisions he made and orders he gave as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander. With the New Hampshire primary just 24 hours away, the remaining Democratic candidates are in their final push to win votes in the key poll in the Granite state. Whether or not Howard Dean wins or loses, he set the tone very early for what has become a definitive issue in the race early on: opposition to the war in Iraq. Among the Democrats, Dennis Kucinich, Al Sharpton and Carol Moseley Braun held the most clear antiwar stances. But Braun has pulled out of the race, Al Sharpton is not in New Hampshire and Dennis Kucinich - well the media hardly gives him any airtime. With the exception of Senator Joseph Lieberman, all of the candidates have sought to portray themselves as opponents of the war. But only Kucinich has announced a concrete plan for withdrawing US forces from Iraq. The theme of Iraq is the main issue on which General Wesley Clark is running his campaign. Gen. Wesley Clark, speaking at a rally in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on January 24, 2004. *TRANSCRIPT* GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: We went to war with Iraq without an imminent threat from Iraq. Without any connection between Iraq and the events of 9-11. We went to war with Iraq before all diplomatic options were exhausted. We went to war with Iraq without our allies all on board. We went to war with Iraq without a clear understanding and a plan for what was going to happen when we did get to Baghdad, and we didn't have the forces on hand to handle the situation. In short, I don't consider the war with Iraq patriotic. It was simply bad leadership and deceptive practices. It was wrong, and I’m going to hold the president of the United States accountable. He didn't do the right thing for America. It's that simple. He didn't do it! Clark portrays himself as the antiwar warrior and his rhetoric against the war has escalated significantly over the past week of campaigning in New Hampshire. At his campaign stops, he has been saying regularly, "The war is wrong." Full transcript http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/01/26/1632224
  11. Somehow I feel there is more to this story but Al Franken has really got to control himself. Why couldn't he do this to Bill O'Reily? lol
  12. Listen, I've said it before, Clinton has essentially the same policy towards Iraq as Bush but he didn't invade a country in the face of a UN veto and lie during his state of the Union address. Try arguing with facts next time, dick head, not blatent bullshit.
  13. Nope... Got it off the home page of cp. There's an article about it. http://clubplanet.com/content/popup/cover404.asp
  14. Speaking of commies.... Check this bullshit out... Makes me sick what the RIAA is doing with this latest propaganda push... I think I'll start a thread about this.
  15. jamiroguy1

    Hey DC!

    My office might as well be closed. I'm like the only here... Sheesh! Welcome to the board.
  16. Dude, I hope you weren't actually stupid enough to put your address on the internet? Were you?
  17. I'm guilty of writing off this clown too. I like the Kucinich for the balls he's got... but he's just too radicle.
  18. He hates being over ruled as well. He craps in his little superman underoos evertime someone smacks his ass around, the clown ass fool. Why don't you explain, Iggy/Mahs, why this federal judge is wrong to make this ruling. You know that the ruling was brought upon by a case before the court that involved five groups and two U.S. citizens seeking to provide support for lawful, nonviolent activities on behalf of Kurdish refugees in Turkey. Guess you think this is just plain "un-american" to be promote peace for a change, you war mongering fuck!
  19. I see homeless people hangout here in front of the white house so when they get some money they go buy some food. These people live on McDonalds all year and yes, some of them are obeast.
  20. Don't pretend to think you know what way of life I crave, dickhead cause you don't know me, shit-for-brains. What "facts" am I misconstruing specifically? If you can't say specifically what I'm miscronstruing then shut the fuck up, cockboy.
  21. Sorry, looks like at least not all the federal judges in the united states are looking to set up an authoratative police state regime.
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