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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. You bring up Clinton like he is my god and whatever he said. Clinton is an asshole just like Bush... just like you, Dickweed. What a dickhead.
  2. I'm sorry you've never heard the saying, "garbage in, garbage out." It's hasn't been actually coined by me but maybe you should try educating yourself on this phrase if you think it's dumb.
  3. Actually history has and will show that nazi fucks yourself will bring on the end of civilization, you pathetic piece of shit. What a god damn psycho you are. lol Once again... you are ignoring the facts poor igloo...just as Bush and his band of neo cons has... This administration molded a picture of Iraqi defiance to the world but in fact they had no weapons and it didn't matter that they based their conclusions on iraq from wmd data that was 10 years old. You are such a boot licker. I feel sorry for your mother. EDIT: What the admin and intelligence community ignored... *Star Witness on Iraq Said Weapons Were Destroyed* Revelation from a defector cited by White House and press http://www.fair.org/press-releases/kamel.html
  4. 9-11 is no reason to suspend the Constitution By Floyd J. McKay Special to The Times The American system of separation of powers and checks and balances gives us unique standing among the world's governments. No parliamentary system, and certainly no authoritarian system, has the elaborate controls of the Constitution of the United States. Those controls were put there because the Founders feared concentrated power. Each branch of government plays a role in the checks and balances. Added to the executive, legislative and judicial is the role of a nongovernmental force, the news media. But the news media have only the power to expose, not to correct. We are about to see, in a series of cases being heard by the Supreme Court, whether the judicial branch will assert its role in checking the extraordinary powers exerted by President Bush in the wake of 9-11. Full Article http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/opinion/2001840324_floyd21.html
  5. It really delights me to see when a federal judge actually does his job and makes a ruling based on upholding the constitution rather then eroding it.
  6. Listen fuck nut. I believed that Iraq might have had chemical weapons too before the invasion. After all we gave them technology to do this. That is a fact. But after the invasion it was brought to light that they simply weren't there...even after constant assurance that "we know exactly were the wmd's are" No weapons were found and it is the conclusion of weapons inspectors from the UN, and inspectors hand picked from the bush administration that they weren't there before the invasion and were probably destroyed after the gulf war so you can go fuck a flag pole if you don't like that. You can't change the fact that there were simply no weapons found and the whole basis for this bullshit mess we are in is because this administration or the intelligence community (pick one) has mislead the american people, and the world. My true colors? My true colors are for peace and it's obvious yours are for whatever big brother tells you. Start thinking for yourself, assface and you might not end up on the wrong side of history.
  7. Every point I make is backed up by facts as opposed to your shit spewing ass. Go back to jerking off, wanker.
  8. I tend to agree. Hot chicks do get gigs.... Ray you should get implants!
  9. These comments are static and don't reflect the fact that the CIA has been misleading our country, politicians, with false intelligence for the past 4 years. Do you honestly think the above politicians would repeat these thoughts after what is known about their weapons program (or lack of weapons program) now? Even the chief weapons inspector that was hand picked by you're fraud of an administration has even said that the iraqi threat was exageratered. (see article *clicky* ) Come on dude... You can't be that gullable. If you'd like I can regergitate some statements that republicans have made in the past 5-6 years that have been proven flatly false as well but that wouldn't prove my point. Kinda like the bullshit you've spewed.
  10. CIA EXAGGERATED IRAQI THREAT, WEAPONS INSPECTOR SAYS... Kay Asks Why U.S. Thought Iraq Had WMD Jan 25, 9:15 PM (ET) By SCOTT LINDLAW WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. intelligence agencies need to explain why their research indicated Iraq possessed banned weapons before the American-led invasion, says the outgoing top U.S. inspector, who now believes Saddam Hussein had no such arms. "I don't think they exist," David Kay said Sunday. "The fact that we found so far the weapons do not exist - we've got to deal with that difference and understand why." Kay's remarks on National Public Radio reignited criticism from Democrats, who ignored his cautions that the failure to find weapons of mass destruction was "not a political issue." Full article http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040126/D80A7GDO0.html Related Article Democrats Call for Probe of Iraq Weapons Claims http://news.myway.com/top/article/id/381234|top|01-25-2004::20:08|reuters.html
  11. Guantanamo Spy Cases Evaporate Chaplain and Arabic Translator Are Now Facing Only Lesser Charges By John Mintz Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, January 25, 2004; Page A03 Last September, top officials of the Navy prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, told a military judge in Florida that the prison's Muslim chaplain, Army Capt. James Yee, would soon be charged with mutiny, sedition, espionage, spying and aiding the enemy -- crimes that could lead to his execution. Based on those allegations, Yee was held in solitary confinement in a Navy brig in South Carolina for 76 days. But authorities never charged him with any of those offenses. Instead, Yee will face much less serious charges, such as mishandling classified materials and adultery, when the case against him resumes at a hearing at Fort Benning, Ga., scheduled for Feb. 4. At the same time Yee was being detained, Air Force Senior Airman Ahmad I. Halabi, who worked as an Arabic translator at Guantanamo Bay, was also in solitary confinement 3,000 miles away, held in California on charges of espionage and aiding the enemy. In time, the most serious of those allegations have been withdrawn as well. Full Article http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A44930-2004Jan24.html?nav=hptoc_n **Flashback** Military confirms Muslim chaplain had secret papers (click me)
  12. This is why I'm weary of getting behind Clark. His motives are questionable but to play devil advocate he has stood fast on his commitment to be a democrat or have a liberal stance since he decided to run for president. IMO he'll do or say just about anything to get himself elected, which you can say about any of the canidates.
  13. 70%, eh? Not bad. I wonder how big of the al qaeda pie would we have if we spent 150 billion into hunting down bin ladin rather than Saddam.
  14. Do I think Iraqi weapons of mass destruction will be found? No, because they were mostly destroyed after the first gulf war and their WMD program was halted from previous UN inspections.
  15. Weren't your parents immagrents? I thought I saw that you mentioned that they were once. Seems kinda hypocrytical that you have such disdain for them if your parents were immagrents as well. Or is it dirty mexican immagrents that you have a problem with? Oh, and I'd hate to pay $10 for a pound of tomatoes.
  16. Where do you get this shit from? lol
  17. I'd go but I'm still hungover from last night.
  18. "It's not a tumor" - governor of California
  19. Yep... I read it. It leaves out a lot of facts about the bush tax cut plan. Obviously it does give a break for everyone but what that analysis fails to show that 50% of the tax will go to the top 1%. The democrats have a better plan that doesn't drive up the deficit and provides jobs now. Bush has had 4 years and he's failed the american people. Times up!
  20. It's not how much you eat, It's what you eat that makes american. Garbage in, garbage out.
  21. Right, and Nyc is saturday.
  22. Wow.... lick me dry got crucified by everyone. lol
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