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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. IMO Yes, because it doesn't work and only points more nuclear weapons at us. We should continue down the road of total disarmament not continued nuclear build-up.
  2. Patriot Act report documents civil rights complaints The internal watchdog of the Justice Department has found 34 new credible civil rights and civil liberties violations under the anti-terrorism USA Patriot Act, according to a report released Monday. CORRUPTION INVESTIGATION: LV FBI used anti-terrorism law Show Us Your Money The USA PATRIOT Act lets the feds spy on your finances. But does it help catch terrorists? Sept. 11: A year later, online privacy and security still weak
  3. Red Alert Everyday by Douglas Mattern 02/02/2004 Terrorism of the 9/11-type tragedy is a serious and dangerous problem that people understand, and they take caution when the color alerts are issued. What's amazing is that the same people ignore a far greater terrorism that is on Red Alert everyday with millions of lives and a billion tears but an hour away. This is the terrorism posed by nuclear weapons. The situation remains as President Kennedy stated before the UN General Assembly on September 25, 1961: "Every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation or madness. The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us." This warning takes on a new urgency due to the expansion of the nuclear weapons club, and, most ominous, the "preemptive" war policy of the Bush administration that includes the possible use of nuclear weapons. Military analyst William Arkin writes that the Bush administration's war planning "moves nuclear weapons out of their long-established special category and lumps them in with all the other military options." The Bush team is also determined to build a new generation of tactical nuclear weapons. The U.S. has already resumed production of plutonium pits for nuclear bombs for the first time in 14 years, and the Bush team has plans to resume nuclear testing at the Nevada underground site. Full Article http://antiwar.com/orig/mattern.php?articleid=1825
  4. So this means the the gov't isn't tracking and storing more of innocent people's data and thereby passing the privacy rights of millions of americans after 9/11? You're mistaken if you think they're not.
  5. "Reagan proved deficits don't matter" http://www.thescotsman.co.uk/international.cfm?id=38262004
  6. Traditionally, if you don't do anything wrong then you don't have anything to worry about but now in the post september 11th days, US citizens lives are being scrutinized and rights are being abused so now you do have something to worry about without doing something illegal now.
  7. Here's how... Meet big brother
  8. Patriots were the better team but it could've gone either way.
  9. 1 Kucinich Score: 100% 2 Dean Score: 80% 3 Kerry Score: 78% 4 Edwards Score: 76% 5 Lieberman Score: 65% 6 Bush Score: 7%
  10. It's all about the Uber bowl in High Def!! Yep my surround sound will be in full effect.
  11. This place sure isn't short on ethnic slurs.
  12. grrrr Maybe.... just got back with "the woman" so the honeymoon is still on.
  13. Ok. I'll agree that Bush is using the bad intelligence that was given him and acting on it but let's not pretend that a peaceful solution wasn't on the table and all other options had been exhausted before going to war. They're was huge oposition to a plan to go to war, internationally and domestically that was ignored. I'm one of many that believed that continued intrusive inspections along with international diplomatic pressure was working and would've have worked. It's been proven this is actually what disarmed Saddam not an invasion. The CIA has given bad intelligence. Fine. Maybe we need a president and a new administration that has a little more prudence where he or she wouldn't invade a country, kill 10,000+ civilians and just say "woops! We had bad intelligence"
  14. Well here's a report that shows that the german intelligence thought otherwise. This was September 2002. The report goes on to say, ''no definitive, reliable information'' that Iraq was producing or stockpiling chemical or biological weapons. http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/060803H.shtml
  15. The president can't keep playing dumb every time this happens like he doesn't know that the bullshit that comes out his mouth is not true. That's a huge cop out by the Bush camp to keep blaming the intelligence community...I'm mean, have some fucking balls. Stand up and say we were wrong. Clinton was a lying sack of shit too. No one is claiming that he didn't say almost the same thing as Bush and his bushies. I think Iggy still thinks that I actually fall in line with the dems. I don't. So the "clinton said iraq was a threat too" arguement holds no water.
  16. Holly shit!! Is that how much it cost? I haven't even got a bill yet because the first two months are free.
  17. I once knew someone that thought they knew someone I knew but I can't remember who.
  18. I'm having one... but not at my place.
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