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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. You know these EMC parties are becoming a freak fest. I think when I go, I'll where my prince pants with the ass cut out.
  2. So sad that you actually think the fervor is about ducks.
  3. The press should be all over this Scalia, Cheney Duck Hunting Trip Raises Doubts About Impartiality in Supreme Court Case http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/01/20/1542207&mode=thread&tid=25
  4. What's the difference between the shit this guy is spewing and Osama bin Laden?
  5. http://home.comcast.net/~cozdemir226/deanfreaks.mp3 lol!!
  6. Victor... Go out make lots of babies in the United States.
  7. Transcript http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4179618/
  8. hmm.. not sure. I think you can watch the whole video of it on the www.feedroom.com.
  9. Here's my two cents: Political groups should not be able to interepret an artists vision and force revision of his work. If Mel Gibson want to make Jesus black or a midget that's his decision. In the end I believe Mel Gibson will bow down to the pressure but we shall see after all it hasn't been relieced yet.
  10. Well they can't censor it off the 'deleted scenes' of the dvd whenever it comes out. I think the the Jewish lobbies' position was that it could cause a "new wave" of american anti-semitism which I think is silly.
  11. I wasn't impressed. Looked like damage control to me. Tim Russert seemed to back off a little too easy on the "Skull and Bones" question too. Bush could also could do better at repeating himself. Even he said, "I hate to sound like a broken record." Your thoughts? President Revises Rationale For War http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A22301-2004Feb7.html?nav=headlines
  12. Honestly, at first when I heard about this flick, I was like, "great another religious movie." but I'm curious now after all the contraversey made over it's scene. One thing in particlular that has really pissed off the Jewish lobby in America and may have forced a line to be omited from the final cut of the movie was, when the Jews are cursed for their role in killing Jesus.
  13. This is a funny post... but I have one question: Who the fuck is Dr. Laura? Must be a brittish thing.
  14. Eggmok is more used to humping faces and licking thighs... of sleeping homeless people, of course. Hey, K! How goes it in jerz?
  15. Sounds like McCain has already made his mind up. Independent my ass.
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