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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Anxiety Takes Hold of Presidential Aides Caught Up in Leak Inquiry By RICHARD W. STEVENSON and DAVID JOHNSTON Published: February 12, 2004 WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 — It started almost casually last fall, with F.B.I. agents leaving business cards under doors around the White House, politely calling for appointments and even meeting some officials, without any lawyers present, over a few beers at a nearby bar. But the investigation into who at the White House leaked the name of an undercover C.I.A. officer has become much more intense in the last few weeks. Some administration officials have been summoned for confrontational interviews. Current and former members of the White House's communications and foreign policy teams have hired lawyers. At least a handful of White House aides have had to appear before a federal grand jury. At the White House, the topic is rarely discussed openly among those who have already been drawn into the investigation and those who think they may be, people who have been questioned in the case said. The result, they said, is an information vacuum that is being filled to some extent by fear of what current or former colleagues may be telling investigators. Some officials now find themselves in a bind borne of the potentially huge political stakes of the case. Since the investigation began in September, President Bush has said repeatedly that he wants to get to the bottom of the matter and that he has directed everyone on his staff to cooperate fully. Some lawyers involved in the case said White House officials were now trapped between that direction from the president and legal advice that they aggressively assert their own rights. Full Article http://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/12/politics/12LEAK.html?ex=1077253200&en=3b086d711db1fcbe&ei=5062
  2. It's already backfired for Bush by attacking Kerry for his humanitarian antiwar stance after retrurning from Vietnam. It's up Dubya to prove his record. That's why they're coming out with these irrelivant documents that don't prove his service but only point out larger holes in his military record...son. Bush is fucked.
  3. Read...and learn. Bush's military files still missing (not in action) http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/columnists/fred_grimm/7915650.htm
  4. Time Could Be Running Out for the ‘Endless War’ Brigade Linda S. Heard CAIRO, 10 February 2004 — Richard Perle, former chairman of the US Defense Policy Board, and George W. Bush’s former speech writer David Frum — co-authors of a book entitled “An end to evil: How to win the war on terror†— outlined their right-wing extremist views on Boston University’s WUBUR radio last Friday. Their message was loud and clear. US global dominance using military might when necessary is the only way forward. After subjecting myself to almost an hour of the Perle-Frum philosophy I quickly came to the conclusion labeling the Zionist ideologues “hawks†is an insult to a noble bird. And there is nothing conservative about them either — whether neo or otherwise. They’re simply good old-fashioned warmongers with friends in high places. Extremely high places! Perle was a founder of the neoconservative think tank Project for a New American Century (PNAC) along with Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and Donald Rumsfeld — all Bush administration head honchos. Its report entitled “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: strategy, forces and resources for a new century†advocated a greatly increased defense budget so the US could “fight and win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars†starting with Iraq. It was Perle who invited Rand Corporation analyst Laurent Murawiec to give a 24-slide presentation to the Defense Policy Board in July 2002; the last slide titled “Grand strategy for the Middle East†states: “Iraq is the tactical pivot, Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot, Egypt the Prizeâ€. Both Perle and Frum are fellows of The American Enterprise Institute in company with Lynne V. Cheney and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich among others. This ultra right-wing organization received glowing praise from George Bush in a 2003 speech. The fact that Perle was kicked off his lofty perch under a cloud that he personally profited from the Iraq war, while Frum submitted his resignation when word got around he was responsible for the infantile “Axis of Evilâ€, hasn’t deterred this deranged duo from pursuing their mutual agenda. On the contrary, they fear the Bush administration’s resolve might be flagging when it comes to the war on terror. Their book seeks to be a shot in the arm but is more likely to represent one in the foot. In the Perle-Frum black-and-white world view, the US faces either victory over evil or holocaust. According to their manuscript, the road to victory entails forcing European nations to choose between Paris and Washington; special scrutiny of Muslims living in the US by law enforcement; the overthrow of the Iranian and the Syrian governments; a blockade of North Korea; rejection of the United Nations Charter and last, but certainly not least, the abandonment of any plan for a Palestinian state. In other words it’s a recipe for chronic worldwide anti-Americanism. Full Article http://www.arabnews.com/?page=7&section=0&article=39311&d=10&m=2&y=2004
  5. Aparently it hasn't been explained why military documents have been destroyed, purged, or lost.
  6. Gay people are second class citizens in this country and a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriages will solidify that.
  7. I'm not sure how I feel about the cloning issue.
  8. Of course. It's so politically damaging the CIA is having to go back and change their notes that explained the al qaeda threat to the president. This disgraces everyone that died and their families on September 11th.
  9. How absurd! Our gov't policies and decisions defeated us not Kerry. Who's going to go on record and explain to me why the Vietnam War was a justified war. I can't wait to hear this.
  10. Why don't you quote other portions of that article? I wonder what records were purged because it might have been "embarassing toward the governor". The records, for example, show Bush was not paid for any service during a period of more than five months in 1972, from April 17 to Oct. 27. He was paid for two days in late October 1972, four days in mid-November 1972 and no days in December 1972. He then was paid for additional days in 1973. http://breakingnews.nypost.com/dynamic/stories/B/BUSH_MILITARY_RECORDS?SITE=NYNYP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
  11. I've read all his statements in fact, I'll post them. Kerry, represents the Vietnam Veteran Against War which has been accused of being communist supporter for it's outspoken stance against the vietnam war. Get your facts straight.
  12. Calm down, douche bag. I'm no Kerry supporter so preach that "he did it first", pre 2004-election pass-the-buck history revisionist chant somewhere else. But to the defense of Kerry, since all you bushies are so quick to jump on Kerry regarding statements made 10 months after he returned home, this was in the context of a CIA lead quagmire with no clear mission but to terrorise the vietnamese/loasian/camboadian people. Anyone with half a brain in the 70's could see that the vietnam war was a continued miserable failure and a veteran that actually served his country and didn't desert his post as Bush has would have that right to criticize the CIA for it's deplorable actions. Millions died for nothing. Which side is scraping the bottom here? You saying Kerry's portrayal of ALL viatnam vet's were rapist couldn't be further for the truth and you disrepect ever veteran that has served and died in that war by saying so. Shame on you. Karl Rove is going to pick him apart on his record? Bush and Cheney are destroying themselves for the dems. How many con-current scandels can one administration have before leaks start to happen or facts begin to surface. Bush is in touble this election and it's a pitty at what lengths Rove will go to attempt to win an election by disgracing everyone that worn a uniform in our gov't.
  13. Two words. Election year. Why is effort being put into proving if he was or wasn't in the militarty? Because so much time and effort is being put into shooting down Kerry's war record the democrats are giving bush the same courtesy. It's only useless info if you're not interested in comparing the two's record.
  14. Maybe it was heroin. How long does heroin stay in your system?
  15. Panel sees edited CIA memos 11/02/2004 11:29 - (SA) Washington - The US federal commission investigating the September 11 attacks will get greater access to classified intelligence briefings prepared for President George W Bush under an agreement with the White House. The 10-member, bipartisan panel had been barred from reviewing notes taken by three commissioners and the commission's executive director, Philip Zelikow, who reviewed the data in December but couldn't take the summaries with them. Under the agreement, which was announced on Tuesday, the entire commission was allowed to read versions of the summaries that were edited by the White House. The panel is now is seeking additional interviews with several officials, including national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. "The report we have today raised some questions," said former New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean, who chairs the commission. "There are questions that go to what happened, the history of al-Qaeda and the history of the Clinton and Bush administrations." The materials in question are the presidential daily briefings prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency. They include a memorandum dated one month before the 2001 attacks that discusses the possibility of airline hijackings by al-Qaeda terrorists. Full Article http://www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,,2-10-1462_1481951,00.html
  16. Did Bush drop out of the National Guard to avoid drug testing? The young pilot walked away from his commitment in 1972 -- the same year the U.S. military implemented random drug tests. By Eric Boehlert Feb. 6, 2004 One of the persistent riddles surrounding President Bush's disappearance from the Texas Air National Guard during 1972 and 1973 is the question of why he walked away. Bush was a fully trained pilot who had undergone a rigorous two-year flight training program that cost the Pentagon nearly $1 million. And he has told reporters how important it was to follow in his father's footsteps and to become a fighter pilot. Yet in April 1972, George W. Bush climbed out of a military cockpit for the last time. He still had two more years to serve, but Bush's own discharge papers suggest he never served for the Guard again. It is, of course, possible that Bush had simply had enough of the Guard and, with the war in Vietnam beginning to wind down, decided that he would rather do other things. In 1972 he asked to be transferred to an Alabama unit so he could work on a Senate campaign for a friend of his father's. But some skeptics have speculated that Bush might have dropped out to avoid being tested for drugs. Which is where Air Force Regulation 160-23, also known as the Medical Service Drug Abuse Testing Program, comes in. The new drug-testing effort was officially launched by the Air Force on April 21, 1972, following a Jan. 11, 1972, directive issued by the Department of Defense. Full Article http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2004/02/06/drugs/index_np.html
  17. It's all about the glow sticks on show strings... Then the dj is secondary.
  18. Bush Plans To Back Marriage Amendment Constitution Would Specify Man, Woman By Mike Allen and Alan Cooperman Washington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, February 11, 2004; Page A01 President Bush plans to endorse a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as the union of a man and a woman in response to a Massachusetts court decision requiring legal recognition of gay marriages in that state, key advisers said yesterday. Bush plans to endorse language introduced by Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colo.) that backers contend would ban gay marriage but not prevent state legislatures from allowing the kind of civil unions and same-sex partnership arrangements that exist in Vermont and California. Bush has moved incrementally over six months toward embracing a ban on gay marriage, and the advisers said he will clarify his position with a public statement shortly. Full article http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A30326-2004Feb10.html
  19. Here's your nationwide vote. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac3/ContentServer?pagename=polls&nextstep=displayQuestion&interactive=y&userChoice=Each+state+should+make+own+laws&pollid=2004015&pripollid=&varname=q25&privarname=&questCategoryType=n&questCategory=Variables.questCategory&keyword=Variables.keyword&pollDateRange=Variables.pollDateRange&ctabtype=A&startingRow=1&pollType=National&searchPollId=0&newsearch=
  20. Christ poses on the dance floor will be much appreciated.
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