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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. He practically bitch slapped Diane Sawyer when she kept pressing him about there being no wmd's. I wonder how Tim Russert is going to handle this. Can't wait.
  2. This article can't be taken seriously. Nice try.
  3. Why is Bush so scared to let gay people marry? Who is he to say who is allowed to be married or not? Seems like he's playing god here.
  4. Don't make me kick your ass. That ho is mine...well...ok you can have her.
  5. Like oh, my god... I wonder who's going to be booted next?
  6. Not true at all. How could you say such a thing, I'm shocked. I'm a loving person. Like just last night I loved your mother all night long. She's the best.
  7. That's bullshit. Everyone did NOT agree.
  8. I really don't see what the big fucking deal is. Americans are so uptight about nudity. Who care's if the world saw Janet Jackson's titty for 2 seconds. Hasn't everyone in the world seen a titty before? Even little babies.
  9. I saw this headline too. I guess you saw how tivo is tracking their customers patterns as well?
  10. BTW: You know... Al Sistani's assasination could've brought on an Iraqi civil war. We don't want this guy martyred.
  11. Kucinich boy? I think you've got me confused with marksimons cause I won't be voting for him. lol
  12. Bush is a moron, that's why. Half the time he doesn't even know the shit the comes out his mouth so he has no idea when he's lying or not.
  13. Top Iraq Cleric Survives Assassination Attempt Reuters Thursday, February 5, 2004; 1:27 PM NAJAF, Iraq -- Iraq's most powerful Shiite cleric, Ayatollah Ali Sistani, survived an assassination attempt Thursday when gunmen opened fire on his entourage, a security official in his office said. "At 10 o'clock (2 a.m. EDT) this morning, gunmen opened fire on Ayatollah Sistani as he greeted people in Najaf, but he was not hurt," the official told Reuters on condition of anonymity. Sistani, revered by Iraq's Shiite community, which makes up about 60 percent of the population, is rarely seen in public and seldom leaves the holy city of Najaf, about 100 miles south of Baghdad. In recent weeks, Sistani has spoken out against U.S. proposals for transferring power back to an Iraqi government by July 1, saying he wants direct elections to be held rather than a U.S. plan for a system of indirect regional caucuses. Sistani's pronouncements carry enormous weight in Iraq and his opposition to the U.S. power transfer plans has thrown into question whether sovereignty will be returned by the deadline. The attempt on the veteran cleric's life is likely to spur anger in Iraq's Shiite community, which was suppressed for more than two decades during Saddam Hussein's regime. Saddam is a Sunni Muslim. Full Article http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A15963-2004Feb5.html
  14. He's a moron so he doesn't know any better.
  15. I'll agree that pattbatemen is a little bitch but dude... you're freakin everyone out.
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