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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Pimphand is in full effect on Tuesday's and Friday's. Funky house music.
  2. I think it dope. Pimphand spins there.
  3. What do you mean? Let's join forces to prove once and for to all those liberal scumbags that Bush is our hero and had nothing to do with 9/11 baring no responsibility for the 3K people that died by showing the world the presidenitial daily briefings before September 11th!! Are you with me??
  4. Wow! This is like the second time we agreed. So then you believe that Bush should release the PDB's?
  5. What do I do? Totally humilate you. I'll try to go easy on ya. I promise
  6. I think we need a president that doesn't look at homosexuality as a sin. I'm one of those people that happends to believe you don't choose your own sexuality so I'm not sure how something that you have no choice in the churches eyes means you should be condemned to hell.
  7. They would be losing all sorts of rights. Such as: *Portability of the status *Federal Benefits: According to a 1997 GAO report, civil marriage brings with it at least 1,049 legal protections and responsibilities from the federal government, including the right to take leave from work to care for a family member, the right to sponsor a spouse for immigration purposes, and Social Security survivor benefits that can make a difference between old age in poverty and old age in security. Civil unions bring none of these critical legal protections. *Taxes & Public Benefits for the Family *Filling out forms *Separate & Unequal -- Second-Class Status We've gone over this at length already. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=209654&referrerid=145826
  8. Which is why the records have to be subpoened to clear Bush's name and so he'll be elected for another glorious 4 more years. Why hold back the PDB's and leave in doubt his innocnence in 9/11?
  9. Civil Unions do not offer the same rights as Marriage. Why create a double standard for someones belief or sexual preference?
  10. And based on this theory gay married couples are lesser people than heterosexual male couples and don't deserve the same rights as "normal" people?
  11. It is!!!! And are you trying to talk back you no good commie sympathizer!
  12. My question....Why not release the presidential daily briefings Bush had before 9/11?
  13. Pundit O'Reilly Now Skeptical About Bush Tue Feb 10, 9:25 AM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative television news anchor Bill O'Reilly said on Tuesday he was now skeptical about the Bush administration and apologized to viewers for supporting prewar claims that Iraq (news - web sites) had weapons of mass destruction. The anchor of his own show on Fox News said he was sorry he gave the U.S. government the benefit of the doubt that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s weapons program poised an imminent threat, the main reason cited for going to war. "I was wrong. I am not pleased about it at all and I think all Americans should be concerned about this," O'Reilly said in an interview with ABC's "Good Morning America." "What do you want me to do, go over and kiss the camera?" asked O'Reilly, who had promised rival ABC last year he would publicly apologize if weapons were not found. O'Reilly said he was "much more skeptical about the Bush administration now" since former weapons inspector David Kay said he did not think Saddam had any weapons of mass destruction. Full Article http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20040210/people_nm/campaign_bush_oreilly_dc_3
  14. When patbatteman declared himself almighty "Lord of the Homosexuals"
  15. Bloomberg "Out of touch" might be the understatement of the year.
  16. You just don't get it. Who or what gives the right to tell gay people how they live? Are you the lord or the gays or does God actually speak through you?
  17. Yes, this guy Paul Findley has an interesting perspective on the war and occupation.
  18. Because he doesn't realize his arguement is flawed and defies logic. That's why he doesn't answer.
  19. Is this America? I thought we had freedom of Religion in this country. If this is America and we do have freedom of religion (that means practice religion any way you want even gays) then they should not be denied that right just because YOU or someone else doesn't agree with it. If you don't like freedom of religion, then get your congressmen or senator to propose legislation to rewrite the constitution.
  20. You're not getting the point why raver_mania is asking you "what does it have to do with you?" Your morals or anyone else for that matter aren't relivant in the US. That's the basis of our country. Freedom. Think, next time you respond because just saying what you believe in, is right and is how everyone should live their lives is just plain fucking ignorant.
  22. 9/11 Panel Threatens to Issue Subpoena for Bush's Briefings By PHILIP SHENON February 10, 2004 WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 — Members of the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks warned the White House on Monday that it could face a politically damaging subpoena this week if it refused to turn over information from the highly classified Oval Office intelligence reports given to President Bush before 9/11. The panel's chairman, Thomas H. Kean, a Republican and the former governor of New Jersey, said through a spokesman that he was hopeful an agreement would be worked out before the commission's next meeting, on Tuesday. Commission officials said that negotiations continued throughout the day on Monday and into the evening with the office of Alberto R. Gonzales, the White House counsel. But other members of the commission said that without an immediate resolution, they would call for a vote on Tuesday on issuing a subpoena to the White House for access to information in the documents. The papers are known as the President's Daily Brief, the intelligence summary prepared each morning for Mr. Bush by the Central Intelligence Agency. Responding to earlier threats of a subpoena, the White House agreed last year to allow three members of the 10-member commission and the panel's Republican staff director to review portions of the daily briefings from before the Sept. 11 attacks that referred to intelligence warnings about Al Qaeda and its plans for terrorist attacks. The commission has described the briefings as vital since they would show whether the White House had warnings of a catastrophic terrorist attack. The White House has acknowledged that one briefing Mr. Bush saw in August 2001 referred to the possibility of a Qaeda strike with commercial airplanes. In recent weeks, however, the White House has refused to give permission for the four members of the delegation to share their handwritten and computerized notes — which have been retained by the White House under the agreement — with the full commission. That has outraged Democrats and Republicans on the panel and prompted the renewed threat of a subpoena. Full article http://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/10/politics/10PANE.html?ei=5062&en=1069e1565e9eba62&ex=1076994000&partner=GOOGLE&pagewanted=print&position=
  23. "This is not the America my generation fought to preserve" by Paul Findley (Monday 02 February 2004) During my long life, America has surmounted many severe challenges. As a teenager, I experienced the great depression. In World War II, I saw war close-up as a Navy Seabee. As a country newspaper editor, I watched the Korean War from afar. As a Member of Congress, I agonized through the Vietnam War from start to finish. During these challenges I never for a moment worried about America’s ultimate survival with its great principles and ideals still intact. Today, for the first time, I worry deeply about America’s future. We are in a deep hole. I believe President George W. Bush’s decision to initiate war in Iraq will be the greatest and most costly blunder in American history. He has set America on the wrong course. I must speak out. As best I can, I must bestir those who will listen to the grave damage already done to our nation and warn of still greater harm if Bush continues his present course during a second term in the White House. When terrorists assaulted America on 9/11, killing nearly 3,000 innocent civilians, President Bush responded, not by focusing on bringing to justice the criminals who were responsible, but by initiating a war against impoverished, defenseless Afghanistan, a broad attack that killed at least 3,000 innocent people. Even before the dust settled in Afghanistan, the president initiated another war--this one in Iraq, a war planned long before 9/11. In the name of national security, the president has brought about fundamental, revolutionary changes that threaten our nation’s moorings. At home and abroad, he has undercut time-honored principles of the rule of law. Abroad, he has made war a ready instrument of presidential policy instead of reserving it as a last-resort should peril confront our nation. In public documents, he claims the personal authority to make war any time and any place he alone chooses and the authority to use force to keep unfriendly nations from increasing their own military strength. His power is unprecedented. He directs a military budget greater than all other nations combined. At his instant, personal command is more military power than any nation in all recorded history ever before possessed. He proclaims America the global policeman and for that role he has already expanded a worldwide system of U.S. military bases. Four new ones are in place in Iraq and four others near the Caspian Sea. He orders the development and production of a new generation of nuclear arms for U.S. use only, meanwhile threatening other nations—Iran and North Korea, for example—against acquiring any of its own. Unleashing America’s mighty sword, he brings about regime changes in Afghanistan and Iraq but mires our forces in quagmires from which escape seems unlikely for many years. He isolates America from common undertakings with time-tested allies. He trivializes the United Nations and violates its charter.The president offers wars without end, and the Congress shouts its approval. But his use of America’s vast arsenal is so reckless that he is regarded widely as the most dangerous man in the world. Here at home, in his frantic quest for terrorists, he stoops to bigoted measures based on race and national origin, tramples on civil liberties, and spreads fear and disbelief throughout the land. Those of Middle Eastern ancestry, and many others, buckle under government-inflicted humiliations and abuses with trepidation, sorrow and resentment. Frustrated by Iraqi dissidents who protest the occupation by killing U.S. troops almost daily, the president reverts to war measures. He orders heavy aerial bombing in wide areas of the countryside. Even as body bags pile high, the president seems oblivious to war’s horror. The rockets and one-ton bombs may kill a few Iraqi guerrillas and cause others to pull back and pause, but they kill and maim innocent civilians, level homes, turn neighborhoods into rubble, and permanently blight many lives. They create deep-seated outrage, not cooperation. The Iraqi carnage is piled alongside the simultaneous destruction and blighting of American lives. More than 500 U.S. military personnel have been killed and, according to one estimate, nearly 10,000 have been wounded. Ponder that fact. Ten thousand American families permanently blighted in a war the United States initiated. Mark Twain, writing of war, once asked, “Will we wring the hearts of the unoffending widows with unavailing grief?†The president overreacts to 9/11 by leading America into a lengthy fiery trial that may last far into the future—years of U.S.-initiated wars designed to punish regimes believed to harbor terrorists. This is not the America my generation fought to preserve in World War II. Full editorial http://usa.mediamonitors.net/content/view/full/4546/?PHPSESSID=f457254dd189fe12414c6d5d5785ae47
  24. UPDATE Targets: Novak, Neocons, Niger Forgery Bush Aides Testify in Leak Probe Grand Jury Called McClellan, 2 Others By Mike Allen and Susan Schmidt Washington Post Staff Writers A federal grand jury has questioned one current and two former aides to President Bush, and investigators have interviewed several others, in an effort to discover who revealed the name of an undercover CIA officer to a newspaper columnist, sources involved in the case said yesterday. White House press secretary Scott McClellan said yesterday that he talked to the grand jury on Friday. Mary Matalin, former counselor to Vice President Cheney, testified Jan. 23, the sources said. Adam Levine, a former White House press official, also testified Friday, the sources said. None is suspected by prosecutors of having exposed undercover CIA officer Valerie Plame, but they were questioned about White House public relations strategy, the sources said. FBI agents have interviewed those and at least five other current and former Bush aides and have questioned them about thousands of e-mails that the White House surrendered in October, along with stacks of call logs and calendars, the sources said. The logs indicate that several White House officials talked to columnist Robert D. Novak shortly before July 14, when he published a column quoting "two senior administration officials" saying that Plame, "an agency operative on weapons of mass destruction," had suggested her husband for a mission to Niger to investigate whether Iraq tried to acquire uranium there as part of an effort to develop nuclear weapons. Full Article http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A26979-2004Feb9?language=printer
  25. You have posted quite a few polls, you know.
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