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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. I agree but why not do primary caucus elections all one day as too not allow other states to influence votes of others?
  2. I do too. I've been saying this for awhile now.
  3. MASQUE dcelevated.com Transporting guests to destinations real and imagined, ELEVATED, represents the creative talents and immeasurable energy of Bryan Davis (DC ONE Magazine, Club DC TV, Europhoria) and international party aficionado, Vegas (a.k.a. Stephen Bartell). The two formed Davis & Vegas LLC to "elevate" the nightlife experience in D.C, and further their ambitions with other concept parties in New York, Miami, Las Vegas and beyond. Escape without limits. ELEVATED: Taste Emotion. On Fat Tuesday, the height of Mardi Gras, strip away your inhibitions at "Elevated: Masque" in Adams Morgan. Featuring a complimentary Alize martini tasting, mix CDs, masks (for early arrivals) and beads for all! Plus, special DJ sets from Double o7 and Dirty Hands! 8pm at ANZU: 2436 18th Street NW. Carnival masks optional but encouraged. Advance tickets only $10.Purchase tickets now here (click) . RSVP required. Event limited to 250 special guests! http://www.dcelevated.com
  4. Who cares what she thinks. She's a nobody....Like you, fuckface.
  5. Shameful...but this doesn't surprise me coming from the person that believed McCarthyism along with the fear mongering and jailing of innocent americans for 30 plus years was a good thing. What a cunt.
  6. I'm all for sex ed in classes. The younger the better.
  7. Precisely why the republicans should worry about this guy. He's got nothing to lose and has a hard on for making a mockery of Bush if there is a story there.
  8. This doesn't mean that he was lying about the jobs...he just had the wrong information. "Wooops!! Our bad!"
  9. Looks like there is going to be civil war.
  10. He's a douchebag. There's an explicative for ya.
  11. So much for brevity. Hard to prove your point without losing your shit, huh?
  12. Why one Saddam-hating Iraqi is resisting the US From The Times February 19, 2004 LIKE many university students, Thu al-Fiqar has a variety of extracurricular activities: he is sometimes a DJ at parties, he hangs out with friends at cafes and goes to their houses to watch films. But once a month or so, the clean-shaven, casually dressed young man drives a truck full of concealed rocket-propelled grenades and mortar bombs from a town near the Iranian border to Baghdad, sometimes even helping to distribute the illicit arms among guerillas fighting US troops in the capital. Sometimes he drives the getaway car. Thu al-Fiqar (his nom de guerre is taken from the name of the sword used by Imam Ali, the Prophet Mohammed's cousin) works amid elaborate security and without apparent fear of arrest. "To be honest, the first time I was nervous about being caught by the police or the Americans, but when I saw how professional we were in planning the runs, under no circumstances could I be caught," he told The Times. At first, the gun runners took few precautions because there were no checkpoints along the road from Iran's border through the town of Baqouba and down to Baghdad. As checkpoints cropped up, they started disguising the weapons, first in crates of fruit and then in propane gas cylinders, cut open and stuffed with wood shavings and munitions and then soldered shut. "Sometimes the Americans search among the cylinders, but never inside," he said. Travelling with fake documents, he is guided by a series of spotters, who drive ahead in cars and check with street observers advising them which route is guarded and where diversions are needed. The elaborate precautions are only designed to avoid the American troops on the main road, however. Full Article http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,8724530%5E2703,00.html
  13. It’s too bad the Chickenhawks in Washington have ignored the words of this old soldier. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first President I remember. I saw him as a doddering old bald guy; who played golf a lot, and suffered a heart attack sometime during his presidency. I didn’t have any idea of what he had done in WWII, nor did I care. Presidents were not really a top priority for me at that time. Since then, I’ve learned there was a lot more to Eisenhower, and that he had some very important things to say to America—then and now. • “We have arrived at that point, my friends, when war does not present the possibility of victory or defeat. War would present to us only the alternative in degrees of destruction.â€-- 1954 • “We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United State corporations. This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence--economic, political, even spiritual--is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the Federal government. . . . Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.â€-- Farewell address, 1/17/61 • “The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without.†• “Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peacetime, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea. Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well.â€-- Farewell address, 1/17/61 • “There is no way in which a country can satisfy the craving for absolute security, but it can bankrupt itself morally and economically in attempting to reach that illusory goal through arms alone.†• “If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They'll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their headsâ€-- as president of Colombia University, 12/8/49 • “May we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.†Full Editorial http://www.interventionmag.com/cms/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=647
  14. New inquiry examines Hollinger bonus plan From Abigail Rayner in New York February 19, 2004 RICHARD PERLE, the former US Assistant Defence Secretary and Hollinger International board member, is under investigation for allegedly failing to disclose bonuses worth about $3 million (£1.6 million) which he received for running an investment scheme, The Times has learnt. Mr Perle, a vocal supporter of President Bush, was awarded the money as a reward for investing Hollinger shareholder funds in a series of separate businesses. Mr Perle also held a stake in some of those businesses. While the scheme put Hollinger International shareholders’ money at risk, it was never disclosed to them. Richard Breedon, who heads a Hollinger committee that is already investigating other undisclosed payments to group executives, is said to be now looking at circumstances surrounding Mr Perle’s apparent undisclosed bonus. Mr Perle was one of five Hollinger International directors who participated in the bonus scheme. However, while Lord Black of Crossharbour, the publisher’s founder; David Radler, deputy chairman and chief executive of Hollinger International; Dan Colson, chief operating officer of Hollinger International; and Peter Atkinson, Hollinger vice-president, all divulged their awards to shareholders, it appears that Mr Perle has so far failed to do so. Failure to disclose such awards represents an apparent contravention of the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules. Mr Perle, in common with any director of a public company, is required each year to disclose earnings above $60,000. Full Article http://fairuse.1accesshost.com/news1/times-perle.html
  15. Shut up and discuss this thread. Otherwise fuck off.
  16. I knew, 2tuff would be all over this.
  17. New news, if he has new witnesses that can confirm the story. Plus the book is due out soon.
  18. ABORTION CLAIM HITS PRESIDENT Feb 18 2004 By Mark Ellis, Foreign Editor PORNOGRAPHER Larry Flynt says he has "nailed down" his claims George Bush, a pro-life campaigner, arranged for a girlfriend to have an abortion in the 1970s. Flynt, 61, a failed California governor candidate said: "I've talked to the woman's friends. I've tracked down the doctor who did the abortion, and the Bush people who arranged for the it. I've got the story nailed." He said he would publish his claims in a book at the height of the election season. Flynt's mud-slinging comes amid what promises to be one of the dirtiest battles for the White House ever. Full article http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/allnews/content_objectid=13961727_method=full_siteid=50143_headline=-ABORTION-CLAIM-HITS-PRESIDENT-name_page.html
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